I'm no professional reviewer or anything like that, just a guy who has decided to give his two cents about what he read. I've read up to ch. 108, so this review will be based upon that progress. Writing Quality: 4/5 - Just some minor issues that make you have to re-read some portions to properly understand what was just said or who just said what. Stability of Updates: 4/5 - There were already over 100+ chapters when I started reading this and I haven't yet experienced any sort of wait time for a release. I feel it'd be unfair if I were to give a 5/5 just for having a sizable backlog of chapters. Story Development: 3/5 - The linear progress of the story stays the same as original One Piece story, so far. Other than the original One Piece story already being there, the novel feels more like a reactionary experience to seeing how things are different now with the crew having their 'upgrades'. Character Design: 4/5 - Due to the MC's ability, we get to see some slight changes in the character of the crew, which is nice. It makes sense, at least to me it did. The MC though, I feel he's been like a good character so far, not great just good. Like I mentioned before, I'm not a professional reviewer or anything, so I can't quite describe 'Why' I feel this way about the MC. I just feel like he's missing something to really make him be fleshed out. World Background: 5/5 - I'm not the biggest One Piece fact-fiend around, but I'd like to think I can say that the things that happen in the background and stuff like that make sense. Overview: So, should you spend you time reading this novel? I'd say yeah. If you like One Piece then give it a shot. I'll prepare you now though and say that the MC does share his 'ability' (it's a system) with his friends and family, but don't let that stop you from enjoying the novel. It's different, yes, but it's not bad. I'll do an edit to this review once the novel gets to 150+ chapters to give an update on my thoughts.
Liked by 53 people
LIKEAre there any major differences between this story and one piece? So far, I've read 60 chapters, but the story is pretty much the same as Canon with a few minor changes in plot from the original, and I'm starting to lose interest in the story and worrying that this fic will just be another one piece rehash fic.
Sorry for the late response. I figure you'd already have your answer by now, but I'll still go ahead an give you my reply. Any major differences by ch 60 or more? Not really, hence why I gave the 'story development' a 3/5. In hindsight I should've given it a 2 or 1 but I'll admit that I am a big One Piece fan and I always tend to enjoy the story, even if it's a rehash once again. Sue me, I'm biased, hahaha. Anyways, like I mention in the review, the story is pretty much following the same as the OG One Piece, mainly focusing on the reactions of "~Oh wow!~ We got this new thing/power. ~Sure seems amazing!~" .... it's a bit more than that, but I think you should get the idea.
Ok, so I've now read up to ch 230 (Much further past that 150 mark I mentioned before I know, but eh). Writing Quality: 4/5 - Still has minor issues that make me have to re-read some passages. Nothing major though, hence the 4. Stability of Updates: 4/5 - I've noticed the frequency of chapter releases has steadily increased to about 1 chapter per 6-7 days. Longer than it used to be, BUT in return the chapters are more lengthy than they used to be. Story Development: 4/5 (previously 3/5) - The story still pretty much follows the original One Piece story line, but it's evolved in such a way that this novel has made that original story it's own, in a good way! Things really started to 'be different' after the Alabasta Arc (that's what I felt anyways). It's still very much a ~"oh wow new powers/abilities, they look cool, now lets just keep going"~ kind of story, but the additional stuff slows down to allow the 'new stuff' to actually 'make a difference'. I preface alot of that with, you kinda just have to read it to get what I'm saying as I don't think I'm explaining it too well. Character Design: 5/5 (previously 4/5) - I get the MC now and I gotta say, I'm a fan. Kinda sad I had to re-read all the way to this ch 200+ point to truly get it, but I get him now. The MC is actually easy to understand within the first 100 chapters, I was just the one too slow to 'get it' at first, that it took 200+. As for the rest of the Straw Hats and all the other side characters, well done so far. None feel truly left out and I feel like all get an equal amount of time to shine. As well as all the characters still feeling like their characters would/should feel. At no point did I go, "Nah, Zoro would never do this or that or whatever". Bit of a spoiler, Usopp.... Usopp becomes .... better. He's still Usopp, but he's just ... Better. You gotta read it to get what I'm talking about. World Background: 5/5 - Same as before, I didn't really notice anything that didn't really 'line up' with the world of One Piece. Though I will mention that there are more than a few times where the main additional abilities/character of the MC feel like they're getting the short end of the stick, but it is mentioned later in the higher chapters that this was done intentionally and that the MC is just purposely not going all out, so yeah, all good. Overview: Short and sweet, read this novel cause it's good... still good. Yes it does follow the general outline of the original One Piece, but it does make enough of a difference to really make the story its own (at least I feel it does). Also, as of this point, still no romance for the MC, not sure if there even should be a romance involving the MC anyways.
Я пишу на русском, потому что читаю через переводчик. Но роман или отношения должен был быть. Учитывая что он пишет мол они жили другими жизнями абзац или два. Но они живут внутри всю жизнь. У некоторых были дети, возлюбленные и даже внуки. Это же должно наталкивать на мысли типа, с кем им быть и как продолжать после приключений. Плюс многие говорят что отдельно команду собрать и свои путешествия. Но он в чужом мире, он никому не доверяет, он знает только жизнь Луффи и его верных друзей. Вместо того чтобы выбрать неизвестность, лучше выбрать известную историю.
Sorry for late response, but gotta remember when they live those other lives, they have no choice in what happens. It's as if they're in a roller coaster ride, they have no decision making power. So any action that takes place during those other lives are not to be taken as their own choice, including any sort of romance that may take place during those other lives. Maybe they did fall in love during those romances, but they didn't start anything on their own, it was all just 'part of the ride'. As for the rest of what you said, google translate didn't do that great of a job so I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you said after that.