Just someone that loves reading cool and interesting stories. Love making music when I have the time. Nobody normal ever changed the world. My motto: Be, at least, a little weird because normal is boring.
of reading
Read books
It was okay until he managed to find his sister, and then it was downhill from there. It felt like the author got tired of the Mc looking for his sister so he just picked a random female one-piece character to be his sister.
Does anybody know how to make chapter comments? for some reason I can't make chapter comments on chapters that don't already have a comments. I used to just have to hold onto the chapter and an option to make a chapter comment would appear now that's not happening. Please help 😢
Capes help with aerodynamics... apparently🤷
I love the powers that people got and how creatively they use them, and i love their codenames. Kinetic Kid...fire. It kinda remind me of Worm with the Human Saving Association being Cauldron and H'el being Scion especially since they got their powers from H'el and hes using humans for their imagination and ingenuity...actually the more I think about it the more I'm seeing the similarities between the earth's situation and Worm 🤔
You know what confuses me about Naruto. Hizashi was the second born, so he became a Hyuuga branch member, yet Hanabi is also the second born, yet nobody even thought about making her a branch member. Why?
What's going on with all these skipped chapters? 😕
So he can't make fire out of thin air. He just controls already existing fire?
I just realized that the lighting on his face doesn't make sense. The fire is on the left side of his face, but the light is brighter on the right side 😅
Is Jerry Springer the "Not the Father " guy? 🤔
It's seems that both in chinese and Western fanfics Fury gets no respect 😕