First. Its Holyjoker what more do you need to know? Your gauranteed to get an intelligent and cunning mc which is rare in this dumpster fire of a site.
Liked by 245 people
LIKEcaught up to the most recent chaps, it is really very good. Mc is indeed smart.
thats what I'm saying all his mcs are just hardcore rapist mind controling if i cant have it my way or they sneezed twice instead of once so let me murder their entire clan for no seriously all this guy does is write fics about rapist that get off mind raping and forcing women and men to things they dont want and just killing without a second thought....
it's rare to have a smart MC in fanfiction starless sanity was good but it was abandoned.honestly I don't this athour.a smart person would research,be apathetic, ruthless no connections or romance,harem only trash need that