2024-02-21 22:13

i smell the indian nationalism…. probably more than any cn novel [img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap]

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Probably less than that, since I am not taking over the world so don't even compare the MC with that big boss. I don't get it since when was being nationalistic a bad thing?


Come on just because someone love their country and makes an enjoyable story doesnt mean u need to hate it. It s just a book, remember


Nationalism is a disease that creates borders that don’t exist, while giving stock to ideas of superiority and the "other." While pride in one's country can be understandable, an overzealous pride—nationalism—can be disastrous. It breeds violence, hate, and war. This is the same type of pride that called German-American to arm themselves and go head first into fight for the “fatherland”. Nationalism and fascism go hand in hand. Using India as example for the dangers of nationalist rhetoric is the following: The growing influence of Hindu nationalism, or Hindutva, has fostered an environment of intolerance and violence, incidents such as the Gujarat riots and the more recent discriminatory policies like the CAA, and the NRC. These policies and events demonstrate how nationalism can undermine the principles of democracy and justice, leading to social fragmentation and conflict.

Mithun_ReddyGaru:Probably less than that, since I am not taking over the world so don't even compare the MC with that big boss. I don't get it since when was being nationalistic a bad thing?

What you mention as a 'violent' nationalism example is the result of decades of political games played and entertained by viscous cycles of violence and provocative media coverage. Have you ever heard of South India? Can you please try to search for the projected population ratio for the Hindus vs Muslim 2050 in the Indian subcontinent. Anybody who is worth their salt in the private sector or academic sectors has to know that Diversity is the life-blood of Indian culture. I'm not sure if this novel promotes any radical nationalist ideas since I haven't read it but the laws are suspicious but I along with anyone with a morsel of common sense try to see if active or passive discrimination is at play because that would indeed be a serious breach of democratic principles that are idolized

_JuneDays_oz:Nationalism is a disease that creates borders that don’t exist, while giving stock to ideas of superiority and the "other." While pride in one's country can be understandable, an overzealous pride—nationalism—can be disastrous. It breeds violence, hate, and war. This is the same type of pride that called German-American to arm themselves and go head first into fight for the “fatherland”. Nationalism and fascism go hand in hand. Using India as example for the dangers of nationalist rhetoric is the following: The growing influence of Hindu nationalism, or Hindutva, has fostered an environment of intolerance and violence, incidents such as the Gujarat riots and the more recent discriminatory policies like the CAA, and the NRC. These policies and events demonstrate how nationalism can undermine the principles of democracy and justice, leading to social fragmentation and conflict.

Laughing hindutva, “democratic ideals”.

Nightshade9000:What you mention as a 'violent' nationalism example is the result of decades of political games played and entertained by viscous cycles of violence and provocative media coverage. Have you ever heard of South India? Can you please try to search for the projected population ratio for the Hindus vs Muslim 2050 in the Indian subcontinent. Anybody who is worth their salt in the private sector or academic sectors has to know that Diversity is the life-blood of Indian culture. I'm not sure if this novel promotes any radical nationalist ideas since I haven't read it but the laws are suspicious but I along with anyone with a morsel of common sense try to see if active or passive discrimination is at play because that would indeed be a serious breach of democratic principles that are idolized

you like German nationalism don't you.


Like america?

_JuneDays_oz:Nationalism is a disease that creates borders that don’t exist, while giving stock to ideas of superiority and the "other." While pride in one's country can be understandable, an overzealous pride—nationalism—can be disastrous. It breeds violence, hate, and war. This is the same type of pride that called German-American to arm themselves and go head first into fight for the “fatherland”. Nationalism and fascism go hand in hand. Using India as example for the dangers of nationalist rhetoric is the following: The growing influence of Hindu nationalism, or Hindutva, has fostered an environment of intolerance and violence, incidents such as the Gujarat riots and the more recent discriminatory policies like the CAA, and the NRC. These policies and events demonstrate how nationalism can undermine the principles of democracy and justice, leading to social fragmentation and conflict.

I agree some part of American culture falls victim to nationalism, however there is a thin like between fascism and nationalism.

EyeOfSilver:Like america?

I would say a lot not some, you literally will get hated by them for being born in a different country so idk man

_JuneDays_oz:I agree some part of American culture falls victim to nationalism, however there is a thin like between fascism and nationalism.

Most the time when you ask why they hate you half of them lie and say idk and then the rest are either your English or not American so yeah that's why I avoid Americans now

_JuneDays_oz:I agree some part of American culture falls victim to nationalism, however there is a thin like between fascism and nationalism.

You don't get to decide what's democracy and what is not. West Dont have some kind of monopoly on democracy.

_JuneDays_oz:Laughing hindutva, “democratic ideals”.

I can say that all democracy around the world, no matter the US or India, that they are not real democracy they are oligarchies disguised as democracies. Where power is sequestered to the few people in power.

Atlas_Fall:You don't get to decide what's democracy and what is not. West Dont have some kind of monopoly on democracy.

You’re right that democracy is not a one-size-fits-all concept and shouldn’t be monopolized or defined solely by one part of the world.

Atlas_Fall:You don't get to decide what's democracy and what is not. West Dont have some kind of monopoly on democracy.

Looking back on most of my experiences with Americans I can agree with this sentiment, when you talk to them, they usually see you as inferior or not even as human. Americans are extremely sheltered.

EyeOfSilver:I would say a lot not some, you literally will get hated by them for being born in a different country so idk man

Yes and currently they have more of a nationalist problem than china have. China does have some problem due to the fact some people are extreme but they haven't caused global war its good to keep nations in check but we would all benefit from becoming a single unified nation. Our main language English and then u can have a sub language for where you were born in. Would really work and create more positivity but because of greed and corporate america sadly we can't do this because it would be seen as a "threat" yes making humanity better is now seen as a "threat" in their eyes to their global hegemony on the economy. Thing is I highly doubt the economy will be good and relations with the USA will keep getting worse for every country simply because of the sanctions and tariffs they will keep doing hoping we would all bow down and just accept it sadly it won't happen it will just cause global economic crisis even more. Essentially America has become the hometown of greed. I know trump has actually promised to target tax for the rich Cross and corps but idk if what he says is true since at the end of the day he is a businessman at first and president at second. Reason why I don't support war with china is because I see no reason to start one in the first place a the sanctions and tariffs make no sense either since putting those in place currently will only serve to worsen the environment and cause more global shortage of resources it's a really dumb decision. All of this uust points more to my point americans only csre about themselves while acting like they care for the world while hiding behind a face of greed that's the real america no freedom. Like before america is built on greed and slavery just the slaves are now low class workers from other countries to suffer for Americans citizens. They won't care but will the world realise that??? idk they probably won't in the face of monetary gains. So yeah that's where the superior feeling comes from for most Americans they just feel like they should be above others its rare to meet someone who actually realises "wait their humans like us too nationality shouldn't be a barrier to making sure they have enough money and their developing as well as us" so yeah that's it. America sat around and found out the hard way that noone likes them anymore and it will really get worse with trump, I don't see it getting better dude.

_JuneDays_oz:Looking back on most of my experiences with Americans I can agree with this sentiment, when you talk to them, they usually see you as inferior or not even as human. Americans are extremely sheltered.

The USA is a place of insatiable greed and decadence. Trump will not help all that much, tariffs on good coming to countries will hit the slaving-working class, to mitigated the problem I see they either scale back on tariffs or they start a war through proxy nation. War machines are extremely profitable look at black rock to other large invest firms. There was a comedian who said that it called the American dream, because you got to dreaming for it to be true. However I’d have to disagree with a couple things, China is just as bad as the US, only difference they’re not responsible for the amount of war the us is directly involved. Nationalism and racism in China is fairly high but I believe that’s a fault of their own but more of the fact they don’t really interact with other people all that much. Also they have a slave class of their own look into the treatment of working class in china as well as uygur people. (Might be spelling that wrong) I do think that nations are a social construct to protect the interests of the few individuals in power, but don’t think it be realistic for one single nation to exist in the social and political climate we find ourselves in. I don’t fault you on this but I find using English as the main language as a form of communication to be fairly European centric. And the history of using English/christianity as a tool for colonization of groups people around the world is also something to remember. Entire cultures and knowledge was destroyed by colonialism and should not forgotten. On to trump taxing the rich, I find that highly unlikely, he ran a republican first and foremost. Republicans want lower taxes and less interference from federal government in business practices. That might sound nice on paper but really means is they don’t want any safety net to be in place from the government on thing they sell. In the US a lot of the food they sell has chemical and carcinogen that are out right banned in the European countries. War with China will most likely never be through men on the ground with assault rifles, but instead be done through trade war. We saw it last term during the end of Obama term and the beginning of trump’s term, China used the yuan to trade oil with Saudi’s Arabia, which entirely went against the dollar. So a trade war was started between China and the US. A bit off topic but a bit morbidly funny is that most American don’t believe in systemic racism, like if you were tell them a black man is more likely to be given the death penalty for the same crimes a white man committed, they would vehemently deny it. The entirety of the American early economic power comes from the infrastructure that was built on the back of slavery. Also dont forget native americans, some estimates show that there were 5-20 million native american before colonialism and now it about 9.5 million, entire population where culled by colonist through disease and piliaging. Sorry for the rambling.😅

EyeOfSilver:Yes and currently they have more of a nationalist problem than china have. China does have some problem due to the fact some people are extreme but they haven't caused global war its good to keep nations in check but we would all benefit from becoming a single unified nation. Our main language English and then u can have a sub language for where you were born in. Would really work and create more positivity but because of greed and corporate america sadly we can't do this because it would be seen as a "threat" yes making humanity better is now seen as a "threat" in their eyes to their global hegemony on the economy. Thing is I highly doubt the economy will be good and relations with the USA will keep getting worse for every country simply because of the sanctions and tariffs they will keep doing hoping we would all bow down and just accept it sadly it won't happen it will just cause global economic crisis even more. Essentially America has become the hometown of greed. I know trump has actually promised to target tax for the rich Cross and corps but idk if what he says is true since at the end of the day he is a businessman at first and president at second. Reason why I don't support war with china is because I see no reason to start one in the first place a the sanctions and tariffs make no sense either since putting those in place currently will only serve to worsen the environment and cause more global shortage of resources it's a really dumb decision. All of this uust points more to my point americans only csre about themselves while acting like they care for the world while hiding behind a face of greed that's the real america no freedom. Like before america is built on greed and slavery just the slaves are now low class workers from other countries to suffer for Americans citizens. They won't care but will the world realise that??? idk they probably won't in the face of monetary gains. So yeah that's where the superior feeling comes from for most Americans they just feel like they should be above others its rare to meet someone who actually realises "wait their humans like us too nationality shouldn't be a barrier to making sure they have enough money and their developing as well as us" so yeah that's it. America sat around and found out the hard way that noone likes them anymore and it will really get worse with trump, I don't see it getting better dude.
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