Not only webnovel thrashes decreased number of chapters from 60 to 40 and made 50% to be paid they translation are sh*t like worse than indonesian piece of sh*t cheap translators from before and now they use mtl ffs
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LIKEEven then, is inexcusable, if they are gonna google translate they may as well not do it at all, is not like they are sticking it to qidian, they are sticking it to us, first by ruining an otherwise interesting novel, and second by ruining our chance of getting somebody that may actually put the effort to translate it to do it.- It would have been better for the novel to not be translated at all than this shit.- The fact that qidian operation sucks doesn't make this assholes trying to take advantage of it to get pocket money from google translate less worthless scumbags than they are.-
I do agree that they should be doing better translations. I never said otherwise. I was just making a comment about the fact that WN wants all your money and doesn't even pay their translators much and that is why we get bad translations. WN wants to get away with giving you nothing and taking everything for themselves.