Look as a FF writer u deserve 5 stars cause of ur writing but ur stories...I will not lie, I've enjoyed each one [ the DD, AGT and naruto FF's] before I dropped cause..
-ur stories all have MC do **** cause of plot...whether its getting chicks or becoming stronger. And its bland as fk
-And offense but ur romance is forced,,,the DD FF, that was messed up and rushed [ in relationships]. There was no moments of romance, nothing built and ur MC was more or less the 3rd wheel in that FF, most of the story that dude just being with the main cast....no world exploration, nothing [atleast till where I read C43]...u should explore and add ****.
-Ur AGT FF...that MC is the generic AGT FF MC...meaning,,,MC is a show off retard, gets chick cause he is good looking and gains their interest, they barely have a personality...and its all forced by plot...MC has knowledge about everything, but he barely does **** and whatever he does, theres no consequences. Why? He MC.
The amount times he should've been killed cause of what he did in the AGT ff is practically limitless. but nope, he protected by plot. and he more or less follows what the OG yun che did and despite what he does there are not many changes
-Ur OG bk, MC was a rapist
-Naruto FF...MC is protected by plot and kinda weak [ironic cause others bk MC was OP and yet they didnt do ****],,,and somethings like *cough* *tsunade* seemed forced...
Look i am not bashing u, or saying u ****...cause u not..people like ur ****, I did to BUT there are some ****ty things in ur bk.
So...I , long time reader and some what of a fan, request u to avoid doing what u've done..
Dont make MC a show off retard, use brains and do ****.
Think, plan, u say manipulative MC, but more often MC just barely tricks a chick, he moreless just lies to em...dont do this...make MC plan, be smart, think and dont show off, hide power....add new ****, rather than following cannon. and the love interests..dont make em useless fk toys like in AGT FF....give em a better personality [but not the cliche arrogant young miss that falls for strong MC in 2 chps]...take **** slow, and make MC use his brains. And dont force romance, take it slow.
anyway, my rant is over. GL