I am just giving up. The story is just depressing to read. I understand the point of the story. I understand why everything is happening the way it is. It isn't that the story doesn't make sense. The story is fairly well written with consistent updates. The pace of the story moves along at a good clip as well. The issue really comes down to the character design and world background. Both of these are intrinsically linked due to the primary antagonist, Heaven, also being an integral part of the world design itself. It just isn't fun to read. Who cares if the MC is overpowered if things are manipulated by Heaven so that he never has a real challenge? Who cares if the MC's Dad is one of the strongest beings in creation if he just allows the other strongest beings to harass and ultimately kill his children? Who cares about the MCs goals if he destroys himself in the process? The entire time I was reading I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop, for it to feel like the MC was actually making progress. After 100+ I am done. The story is just depressing and not fun. You know that every time he gets close to someone they are going to die or have their life ruined. You know he is never going to stumble upon something interesting unless the purpose of stumbling on it is to hurt him. Tragedy: "Tragedy is a form of drama based on human suffering and, mainly, the terrible or sorrowful events that befall a main character." This story really needs a tragedy tag so that people who don't want to leave in a worse mood than they started can avoid it.
Liked by 37 people
LIKEGood and thoughtful review. I agree with what you say. The story is rather tragic. Yet, it gets easier the further the MC progresses. Chapter 111 and 112 are a good example of something positive happening. The stronger he gets, the harder it is for Heaven the manipulate him too. You could say it's a hard beginning that gets easier. But, of course, the tragic aspect won't vanish at that point. It's just not as overpowering. Anyway, thank you for your objective review. I appreciate it.
I agree tbh. For most people a story like the "Walker of the worlds" is a much better choice to read just because it isnt as tragic, while tragic stuff has happened is already in the past when we begin the story. In my opinion this this created a more harmonious situation and doesnt make the readers depressed in the same way. I am of the same opinion of you that nothing good comes out of so much negativity. I felt much better of the breakthroughs of the mc in Walker of the worlds even tho he had a different situation. For him it seemed like a new world was opened up, but here it seemed like it didnt matter at all. Kinda depressing tbh.