First Off Dont mind my English.
As an Original Cultivation Novel Author did an perfect job of introducing new world.The World building is great.The Mc have an clear purpose what to to do and where is he going.More Importantly MC is not like kind hearted little boy who dont know the way of the world.From the story uptill now seems like author have a clear idea where the story is going in the future.I will definitely recommend it for people looking for Unique Story.
Also good luck to author and have a great expectation from the novel.
Not kind hearted MCs are all over this site so nothing new there. It’s very rare to find a kind hearted MC in cultivation novels so nothing new there.
Beggars can’t be choosers bro. The new becomes the old, but I’m sure there will be new genres for us to explore later on.
ShelMan:Not kind hearted MCs are all over this site so nothing new there. It’s very rare to find a kind hearted MC in cultivation novels so nothing new there.
thats because cultivation worlds are cruel they don't leave room for kind hearted people.
ShelMan:Not kind hearted MCs are all over this site so nothing new there. It’s very rare to find a kind hearted MC in cultivation novels so nothing new there.
Could someone put the down the whole cultivations level please . Im curious