welp...................................................................140 characters this is not a member of the 5% if you dont know what this mean.... you havent read enough fanfic or just brushup on tvtropes
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LIKEI only understood half of what MDmaster was saying. But yeah, the 5% rule basically means that out of all the millions of fanfics out there 5% of them break the established norm and can be called as literary masterpieces. Its a lifetime goal of a dedicated fanfic lover to unearth this 5% in a sea of millions of fictions.
Do people seriously come to original/fanfiction section of the webnovel expecting so sort of literary masterpiece? This section belongs to the people who wants to write their own story and at least 90% of authors are writing for fun and most of them don't have English as their second or even third language but they still try to write a novel. And instead of encouraging a author you sir are simply discouraging him, why because you expect a well written story from fanfiction section. I applaud you for your idiocy. Well done and hats off to you. ๐๐๐๐
you do realize those types of fics belong to other sites... do you not realise that this site is designed for proper stories and that fanfic on the level you are describing should be posted to a place where authors write for themselves rather than a place like this...and reviews are meant for other readers not the author... im not the freaking editor of this story..
Are you seriously sane? Go tell everyone here than only 'proper stories' should be posted and you will eliminate 99.9% of all works here. And reviews are meant for the author you moron. Do you know what Reviews even mean? It's here you can tell the author where he can improve, and what you've done is just tell me that it's not part of 'that' small circle. That's all.
Like really? While reviews do help the author. It is mostly for other people to base on if they want to try your story or not...there are a lot of things out there where reviews are being made of. For a movie-reviews tell other people if its good or not, for a product-it tells the quality of use, you are an author and people will read your story even if itโs bad or good, but the moment you write according to your readers will, well that isnโt exactly a story that you can say 100% came from you isnโt, it aint a story you wrote by yourself... Most authors fall to readers suggestion... But that is all we are "readers" we aint the "writers" we came to read what you wrote and if we donโt like what you wrote we will react, donโt try to argue with all the commentersโฆ it already paints a bad image of you.. you should have gone and read all the doโs and donโtโs of writing fiction and fanfiction. Reviews have existed way before then, commenting about someones work that has already been completed, donโt think that just because you can edit your story based on a review will make the review for you to change your story, it just makes you a wishy-washy author that doesnโt know what he wants to write about. Bad reviews about the storyline are acceptable because not everyone has the same tastes and you can still ignore those as you write your own story as you go along. Reviews about how to fix your grammar and such you need to take note of, as it is very essential for a story to be understandable. My review was about my preferences, i didnt comment on how you wrote the story or even the grammar, it was based on my tastes and my tastes say that i didnt like your story and im moving on.
Read my **** lol
What makes this site one for proper fan fixtions
Then they should rather write in their own language When I see people writing in English despite not knowing it, it clearly indicates to me that they are only writing for the clout after all english readers trumps any others. And any thing that's on public domain for consumption should be welcome to criticisms as well no matter what.
A review is "judgement or discussion of the quality of something." I dunno what dictionary you use fam but review section are more for people to write their thoughts on the quality of product and if it's worth it or not. Also it helps decide other consumers if they should consume it or not. You are clearly the "moron" here if you think reviews section is made for the authors rather than the readers. It's like saying Amazon product reviews are for the companies and not for the buyers to warn or recommend other buyers if they should buy it or not.