I had high hopes, seeing such a high ranking, but was highly disappointed by the quality of the writing as well as the story itself. What is the point of cultivation ranks if he can immediately kill people 4-5 whole cultivation realms above his own? Not even a system should be able to bridge a gap this big, considering he only has the system for like 10 days? Yet now he can already defeat people from Sacred Grounds...
Liked by 5 people
LIKESorry, I actually posted that reply to the wrong review… So embarrassing. Anyway, the main problem of your story is introducing cultivation ranks and then completely disregarding them, as I said. A few minor realms isn't a problem, 1 major realm and a half could also be possible, but you go more than 2 realms with no qualms about it. Pay attention to how you split sentences up. You have a sentence split using commas while you could have easily split it using a dot. Don't make a single sentence span more than 3 lines, it makes reading and understanding it confusing. Also, you are writing in the past tense when suddenly you begin using present tense: "Fei Xie is definitely a lot better now, but she could still fill a tremendous pain and strain from the power that is changing her whole body, steadily making her evolve. " <-- See? You are using present tence here, and then in the next paragraph: "Zhihao was shocked, so shocked at what he's currently seeing..." <-- See? You are using a past tense here once again. Another mistake, in the first paragraph I quoted above: "... she could still fill a tremendous…" --> You should have used "feel", because fill means "to fill a bottle with water" for instance. "Feel" would be used for feeling. And this isn't the only instance. So you need to pay more attention to proper vocabulary. Also, my score might be lower due to reading less chapters; I don't know how much you improved later on, but I did base my above examples on chapter 207, so they are still accurate.
OKAY! now I get it, thanks for the not so well review! Here's the criteria for the review~ Writing Quality Stability of Updates Story Development Character Design World Background I made mistakes in the "Writing quality" so it all goes down to 2stars? what a great reviewing mind you have! thanks for the heads up! Stability of Updates, 2star, oh shiit, now that's one hell of a slow update. Story Development, 2star, oh shiit again, so, I have a stupid and useless, barely readable development too. Okay, now with the character design, I have 2 stars too?! wtf, and here I thought I was actually doing great. Now for the World Background, 2 stars too?! Holy Molly! I think I need to quit if I have this ****ty story, nothing is acceptable here.
And this is a novel, there is narration, I`m using past tense to describe what happened a few moments ago, and using present tense to describe what's currently happening, what? you want me to always be on a present note? be sure to ask that too, on the top leading Translated novels, I can see a lot of those there :D and I don't even know why I`m responding to someone who's as self centered as you, but well, great reviews you got there! At least make it something believable when you try and teach someone. A few mistakes in which, I took an hour to do, squeezing at least a few hours so that my readers could read a chapter of my novel, and mind if I tell you, that, I decrease the amount of sleep I have everyday, to make 3 chapters for my readers? an hour for each chapter, and I`m a full time Dad too. Makes no sense that I make any error right? I should've made sure and checked everything before posting a chapter, so I shouldn't really sleep anymore, to provide the greatest quality of my novel, in which "I DON'T EARN" a single penny from.
Fei Xie is definitely a lot better now, but she could still fill a tremendous pain and strain from the power that is changing her whole body, steadily making her evolve. Zhihao was shocked, so shocked at what he's currently seeing, he wasn't shocked at how Fei Xie had suddenly powered up by a whole wide margin but was shocked at Fei Xie's changes. ------ This is directly copied from Chapter 207. How can Zhihao be shocked in the past (was --> past continuous), while just above you were how Fei Xie IS definitely a lot better (is --> Present Continuous). Writing Quality: 1 Non consistent tenses --> -1 star. Confusing sentence structures, improper usage of punctuations --> -1 star. Lacking vocabulary (wrong words used on various occasions, like "fill" instead of "feel" - it is a constant occurrence, not a one-time-off thingy) --> -1 star No proper paragraphs' structures. Each sentence is its own paragraph (Chapter 207), which is just wrong and breaks immersion (the same way as grouping far too many sentences into a single paragraphs) --> -1 star You can claim here that your story is at least readable, compared to some other stories posted here, and I'd have to agree. Your writing isn't all that bad overall, but for rating purposes I had to set up a standard for myself here. This is the way I use it to judge things, be it translation or original writing. Stability of updates: 3 This is wholly depended on a reader and his expectations, hence very partial. Story Development: 2 Unfortunately, I'll have to be biased here. I can't really define things the way I defined for writing quality. I also haven't read all the chapters available, since my immersion with the story itself dropped to low for me to properly enjoy. The most glaring problems are pacing of the story, too sudden power ups, breaking its own power rating with the system, hence making cultivation completely redundant, various ideas tried to implemented which makes it confusing, further breaking immersion. Also, various too illogical things to really accept, like a pill to break bones. If it could really break bones on contact with human body, how in the world can someone hold it to throw it? Character Design: 2 I don't quite remember this one fully, because I quite liked the MC and first wife's character (at least at the beginning). I do remember, however, that I quite hated how quickly various female side characters got (romantically) interested in the MC upon their first meeting. Call me petty, but I really dislike this kind of development and find it off-putting. Hence I might have overly-reduced the rating here. There were also some other points here, which prompted me to lower it further, but I forgot about them. There was that arrogant guy who attacked his family at the beginning, when he went to sell his pills, who was first presented as an arrogant prick, yet in the next chapter, where they were attacked by demons, he was portrayed nearly as a saint. This bothered me as well. And similar character instabilities. More planning/notes about characters needed to keep them more consistent. World Background: 2 Info dump from time to time instead of slowly introducing things, but not the most glaringly painful. Again what lowered this score the most was breaking your own power levels. Jumping ranks too much defeats the purpose of introducing power ranks in the first place. Sacred Ground, supposed to be the pinnacle group on the continent, yet MC can bully them and repel them after barely having System for 10 days. How did they even find out about the pills, since nobody was supposed to know about them? Nobody is strong in this neighborhood, yet the next moment we have strong characters appearing from everywhere there. Normally, where attacks by strong people happen, strong people gather to defend and build their strongholds. Yet here there are only noobs (relatively speaking), yet the next moment we have an attack by a powerho
Tenses need to be used in proper places, you are mixing them up. This isn't the same. Also, reviews aren't meant only for the author, they are also meant for other reader. The reason I began reading it was due to overall rating of 4, but after reading it I had to stop after 30 chapters, because it just wasn't worth such a high rating. Higher rating warrants higher expectations, this makes the disappointment all the worse when it isn't there. If you ask me, there should be a separate rating for Story Idea/Potential, because yours truly does have it. If the grammar wouldn't be so painful to read (especially beginning chapters, you did improve later on, though you made paragraphs splitting worse in my opinion) I would probably read it regardless, but by combining grammar at the time with some crucially painful story errors ended it for me. Once I lose my immersion, I can't really continue reading the novel anymore. It becomes a chore, which is the opposite of the reason I read in the first place.
Nah, i know you are an asshat, well, ifihave3instabilityof release then fck everyone inside webnovel, i'm doing the same amount as them, story development? 2? Go write your own story, you have a useless family, you know that? They brought up a useless person that wants to act like a professionalc without any knowledge whatsoever, you should just rot in a corner, the only chapter you read is chapter 207, and you want to say "story dev" is 2 star, go and have a life, go on...
Go kill yourself, maybe youll reborn in a perfect world, where you will be the only idiot, like how you are acti intellectual, sadly, you don't deserve to be anything, other than a reader who can't do anything but criticize someone's work just to make themselves better, just want to ask, how' your social life? Do you even have a friend?
Stability of release isn't merely about how fast you can release chapters, it is also about quality of stable releases. Rushing a chapter just to get it out, while there are still too many typos to count, just won't cut it. his lowers the stability of updates further. I don't mean other grammar and vocabulary mistakes here, typos and far too long sentences only (sentence spanning over more than 4 lines).
Shut up, if your ego wouldn't be satisfied, then quit, fcking stupid ****, stupid, go and kill yourself, or find some friends, i doubt you have one
For those of you who don't know the reason behind this insult, go here: https://***.webnovel.com/book/10687199206109505 Reviews section (Sort: popularity --> 2nd page; Sort: newest --> 1st page) I do ask you to tell me if my review there was insulting in any way? Was I an @ssh0le, as I was here? I don't think so, because I was extremely careful with the continuation of the review... Well, just read the whole story there... --- On another note, for both authors, pretty much If you are writing in the past tense, then you MUST be shifting between past tenses (past ******, past continuous, past perfect, past perfect continuous). You, unfortunately, are writing it mostly in past tenses (Story: Supreme Martial System). If you were to be writing mostly in present tenses, then you'd be shifting between present tenses (present ******, present continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous) and only when you describe an event further in the past do you go and use past tenses. Unfortunately, your story doesn't belong to this type. Believe me, the difference is apparent. You can't just go for present ****** in the middle of writing because your grammar is unable to catch up with the meaning you are trying to convene. You can begin by reading this: https://***.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/narrative-tenses --- Back to only for the author of the comment I'm replying with this to. And if you can't accept criticism, you don't have to literary go and insult the author of a review. The main reason for writing reviews isn't even for the author, it's for other readers. Me even remotely trying to explain my reasoning for my rating is my goodwill! Me explaining how to properly use tenses is another goodwill on my part. Yet you don't appreciate any. If your story didn't have potential (Story: Supreme Martial System), I wouldn't have even bothered writing and explaining anything. I wonder if you insulted everyone who wrote constructive criticism of your novel without actually paying attention about where they pointed out how to improve? Oh... Right... Just saw you did. Ups. If you haven't received proper education in English (as you wrote in your comment in one of the insults to another reviewer) isn't an excuse for you not even trying to improve it. You are an author. Man up and improve or ignore reviews which are trying to point out your mistakes. Blatant insults and personal attacks aren't the proper way. Even my previous confrontation with @bulus wasn't resorting to blatant personal attacks.
Na, you are just one hell of an egoistic maniac person, I don't give a fudge right now, and good luck with your friend's novel
Nope, I`ve replied to seriously stupid ones though :)
The whole point in posting reviews is expressing our personal opinions about a novel and letting other potential readers know about certain expectations they should hold for it. I don't understand how that warrants your response. You are just as free to express your opinion as I am to express mine. Just because you don't agree with mine, doesn't mean I should have expressed it in the first place.
No idea why s1mple is censored... Anyway, it is Present/Past S1MPLE.
Replying from Inbox for some reason posted it into the wrong thread... Well, I'll leave it here just so there won't be any deleted comments for which people will call me names...
Some of them were, agreed, but some also only pointed out your mistakes. You shouldn't insult them just because they pointed out your mistakes. They weren't actually disrespecting in any way, nor did they insult your writing (yes, some also did, but you were just as insulting to those who weren't disrespectful as you were to those who were).
You can now shut up, stop finding any friends to back you up, haaaa, egoistic maniac.
Haha what a show we have here lol, hey author take a chill pill or two. You see, like i said before get someone to fix your novel (edit/proofread) and man go humble down and mind the "f" words, since what we are saying is true, your "novel" is really hard (a chore) to read to native english people and intelligent people (who know"s english even if they're from asia or middle somewhere) even if you dish out thousands of chapter still two star if it's unreadable, no matter how awesome you make out a Arc or fight scene, describe a awsome world, background, people or mc at best two star if the execution is incomprehensible, that's how important fine English. Notice the novel's with thousands of chapters, why people keep reading and waiting for them, yearn them? Because they have the right dose of everything, stable update excellent english wording ( you can totally immerse yourself feel the thrill, excitement, actions, funny moments, hate moments etc) and nice authors/translators. Ex. LastWish, CHDE, LoP, MP, SP, AWE, MW, ATG blah blah, seeing your attitude and frustration your not fit to be a author. You are rushing your popularity with your 3rd rate shtty writing no wonder you can't get the CUT for you to earn SS here at Qi, sacrificed quality for fast release? You think people are dumb? And cant see substandard ****? Go read " Consuming Heaven Devouring Earth" and see what quality you need to "EARN" with writing, dumb fck author won't even spend a single stone reading a MTL "original novel" hahahaha so stop fkibg cursng people who are giving you the LIGHT you need to EARN, I'll emphasize the word earn since it's pretty obvious your dumb enough to wait for a miracle that Qi will give you the "CUT" but hate to break it to you dotard, people at Qi are professional's, and before they give CUTS they need quality shtt no matter how slow as long as it passes certain standard you get the CUT. So no matter how fast you release your shtt if it's crap sht quality you won't make it, just a dotard imagining he's doing great and he will EARN soon. So yeah stop deluding yourself and fix your novel, and go apologise to Ardent since what he/she said to you is the blue pill also known as btchslap ( nah kiddin, it's reality pill) all your short coming have been identified so yep yep it's up to you dotard how to take the approach either be a d!ck or start acting like a pro, better late than never