
One piece : Celestial Rose

Author: ImagineMaker
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 2.2M Views
  • 29 Chs
  • 4.8
    47 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is One piece : Celestial Rose

Read ‘One piece : Celestial Rose’ Online for Free, written by the author ImagineMaker, This book is a Anime & Comics Fanfic, covering ACTION Fanfiction, ADVENTURE Fan Fiction, REINCARNATION Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: Celestial Dragon Mark Rose has a secret, he is from another world.A world where this world was considered fiction.But Ma...


Celestial Dragon Mark Rose has a secret, he is from another world. A world where this world was considered fiction. But Mark is not your average joe, through a whole lot of pride and a flexible mind, he will make something of himself, rise above existence, become what Celestial Dragon always claim to be. A true God. One piece belongs to it's respective owners.

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Apotik19 · History
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A different take on the world of One Piece, exploring parts of the world yet unexplored, finding answers and having fun, Mark's original adventure.


This Novel is good But PLEASE If you make MC a Celestial Dragon. Please don't make him the enemies of other Celestial Dragon and world government. It will just look stupid like those Faloo chinese novel.


This story is very good.The main character is the heavenly dragon and his goal is to become the only King.He's not a lecherous man, he cares more about his goals......The only drawback is that the updates are not regular.


I read it and at one moment I understood something. The protagonist does not behave like a real leader, but like a teenager spewing nonsense. Everything is easy for him, he is the smartest, most beautiful, cool, arrogant. Did you find an immon fruit? I'll just create the same, but without the cons. Plenty of holes in the plot, illogical actions. What else to talk about when he tells everyone the knowledge that, in principle, he could not know. The dumbest thing is that he recruits people into his "family" or team. There is no disclosure of characters, only some stupid words at the wrong time and place. He behaves like an ordinary person, puts himself in a position equal to any other person, but at the same time considers himself superior to everyone and all that. In general, this wild dissonance infuriated the entire fanfic.


Best One Piece ff I have ever read. Finally someone exploits Life Return to its actual potential. Haki itself is so full of combinations and possibilities, its like magic in HP universe, so full of potential yet so misused and neglected. Anyway all of your fics are among my favs. Pls make a patreon or something, even if you dont have advanced chapters I'm ready to support you just for the quality content and ideas you bring.


The story is very good, it adjusted quite well for me, so I can't find any errors in my mind, maybe the beginning of the story felt weird but I guess it was because I don't know one piece, even so it was resolved by reading more chapters where I understood everything perfectly this indicates a good writing, so I recommend reading it, give it a try, I am not disappointed since, I spent my night reading this


One of the best One Piece fan fics I've read. The story takes a different spin with a Celestial Dragon MC that is actually smart, charismatic, and capable of using his position to his advantage. Characters so far feel real and with their own motives. Great story.


this is a really good fanfiction about one piece hope the author dosent drop it


I love how he combined his knowledge of anatomy of the human body, obsevation haki and semei kikan(life return) to make a uniquely powerful body. Pure genius.


wow, just wow. May be the best fanfic I've ever read. started reading after the rewrite so waiting for the chapters is like a kid waiting for Christmas. Chapters are a bit short but the authors writing 2 fanfics at the same time so I don't blame him. would really like it if the chapters were a bit longer tho. overall 10/10




Reveal spoiler




I love this fanfic, the pace is amazing as well as the deep explanations about the techniques and devil fruits. This is very enjoyable please keep it coming!




I love this novel I hope he doesn’t drop …………..


writing - No mistake so far 5 ⭐ story - good so far 5 ⭐ character - best mc not good not evil mc update - i want to give it a 4 because of 40 chap but i like this ff so 5 ⭐ world - idk what to say 5 ⭐


Current chapter 35 Normally I get quite bored reading one piece FanFictions because of the exposition. In this fanfiction whoever I find that is not the case I'm really interested in what the main character wants to do in the future and it has gotten me invested in this novel. The story starts off from him being a child which I found got me more emotionally invested. I didn't find many moments where I had to force myself to read an explanation or narration. Overall I'm very invested in the story and I can't wait for more. The only downside is that it's not a chapter a day update and is a bit sporadic(only expect 3chps a week at most). But I'll still continue reading the story anyway


Very good fanfic. The idea is unique I haven't seen other fanfic of one piece with the mc being a celestial dragon. Most fanfics just go directly to pirate route but this goes to celestial dragon. This is new for me so 5 stars and hopes for more chapters. Thank you for the FF author.


hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah Yes


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