
Hidden Passages

Secret Road has led you here. You will unlock countless doors and Hidden Passage with your pure heart.

DaliborSapina · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs


Chapter Ten

Joseph was an extremely good person with a big and good heart.

He loved people and decided to organize a party.

He prepared food, drinks, and music and sent invitations to the whole village.

When it was time for guests to come to Joseph's party in the evening.

No one showed up.

Joseph waited patiently all evening, but no guests came to his party.

Only his fat cat came to the party, which would have come anyway.

Joseph did not allow himself to be distracted by this.

He thought that maybe the guests got lost along the way so they couldn't come.

The following week, Joseph again prepared everything for the party and sent out invitations to guests with exact instructions on how to reach him.

No one showed up.

Joseph noticed that it was raining outside.

He thought the guests hadn't come because it was raining outside.

Joseph decided to keep an eye on the weather forecast.

For the next few days, he paid close attention to the weather forecast.

The day came when the weather was perfectly beautiful and Joseph sent out invitations to the party and prepared everything needed for one top party.

No one showed up.

As usual, only his fat cat came.

Joseph set out to walk through the village in the fresh air.

The village was deserted and in the distance, he heard music playing in the village hall building.

As he approached the village hall, he heard people having fun inside.

He reached the entrance and wanted to go inside.

The guard stopped him and said there was no room for him at the party.

Joseph asked the guards why this was so, why there was no room for him.

The guard did not know the answer to that question.

Joseph, a little sad, headed back home.

Suddenly he saw the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

Joseph's heart began to beat fast as he watched her.

He was delighted with her beauty and grace.

He approached her and said, "My name is Joseph, it would be a great pleasure to get to know you better."

The woman replied shortly, "I'm in a hurry to the party."

And the woman went to the building where the party was.

Joseph looked after the beautiful woman, determined to get to know her better.

Tomorrow was Sunday and Joseph got ready for church.

During Mass, he saw a beautiful woman from last night.

She was even more beautiful, she looked like an angel.

After Mass, Joseph hurried out of the church to greet the beautiful woman.

When he approached her and said that he was Joseph and that they had met last night in front of the building where the party was.

The woman laughed sweetly and asked him what he wanted.

Joseph offered to escort her home.

Together they headed for her house.

Along the way, they joked and laughed.

They were both extremely comfortable.

When they reached her house, Joseph asked her, "Do you want to go for a walk with me tomorrow morning?"

The woman agreed.

Tomorrow morning they went for a walk.

It was wonderful for both of them.

In the afternoon, Joseph came under her balcony and brought her flowers.

He had written a song for her.

You are my maiden

I am your knight

I want forever

Defend your beauty

In the weeks that followed, Joseph spent the most beautiful days of his life.

In the morning the two of them would walk, and in the afternoon Joseph would come in front of her balcony, enjoying her company.

One evening while with a bouquet, a chocolate candy bar, and a new song in his heart he walked towards the balcony of his sweetheart.

Joseph was left petrified when he saw the scene on the balcony.

His beautiful maiden was kissing passionately with another man on the balcony.

Joseph rubbed his eyes, but it didn't help.

He saw well.

Just as he moved closer to the balcony to ask her what it was all about.

The father of his maiden came out.

The father looked at Joseph with contempt in his eyes and said, "Get out of here! My daughter is marrying a rich merchant next week! You are nobody and nothing! I never want to see you near my daughter and house again!"

Joseph looked towards the balcony at his darling who heard everything.

She just looked at him coldly, turned her head, and entered the house with her merchant.

Joseph was devastated.

He couldn't believe what had happened to him.

He felt a pain in his stomach and could not eat or sleep.

He decided to organize a party.

Maybe the fun will cheer him up.

He sent out invitations and prepared food, drinks, and music.

No one came to his party.

Not even his fat cat showed up at his party that night.

Joseph went out into the fresh air, all sad.

As he approached the center of the village, he saw a huge party.

It was his maiden's wedding.

The whole village was at the party.

Joseph had had enough of everything.

He decided to change things.

At night, Joseph crept into the church and took off the holy diamond that stood above the altar in the church.

He went to the house and took the necessary tools.

He climbed the highest hill above the village.

Joseph threw himself into the work.

He built the most beautiful throne in the world.

A throne is worthy of the king himself.

When he had finished his work, he began to shout at the top of his voice, "Oh, great and mighty Devil! I, Joseph, have built this most beautiful throne in the world just for you! I have brought you this holy diamond as a gift!"

Suddenly the sky darkened, and lightning and thunder began to strike in all directions.

In front of Joseph, the wicked himself was created, the Devil.

The devil asked Joseph, "What do you want, poor thing? Why are you bothering me?"

Joseph told the Devil that he wanted to be his loyal servant.

The Devil told Joseph that he already had enough loyal agents and why he would accept him into his service.

Joseph said, "O great and mighty Devil, I have built this throne on the most beautiful lookout in the world. From here you can sit comfortably and watch the world. And I have brought you this holy diamond."

The Devil looked at Joseph, then at the truly beautiful throne.

The Devil asked Joseph, "And why is there a hole in the seat on the throne?"

Joseph said, "Your Highness does not have to rise from the throne when you want to shit."

The Devil thinks for a moment and realizes that there is logic behind Joseph's design of the throne.

The Devil hated it when he got hooked in the middle of an important meeting, so he would have to run to the bathroom.

The Devil sat on the throne.

The Devil was extremely pleased with the comfort of the throne, so he said, "All right, Joseph. Give me my holy diamond."

Joseph sets out to give the diamond to the Devil, but the diamond falls out of his hand and rolls under the throne.

The Devil starts laughing at Joseph for being clumsy.

Joseph bent down for the diamond, which was right under the Devil's ass.

He takes out the scissors and quickly cuts off the Devil's balls.

The Devil let out a cry that the whole earth shook.

Joseph grabbed the balls and diamond and fled.

The Devil starts yelling, "Where are you, you cheater ?! The earth is going to eat you!"

Joseph was ten feet lower hidden behind a bush.

Suddenly, Joseph got up behind the bush and started crawling his tongue and mocking him.

The Devil was so angry that steam began to come out of his ears.

He became redder than usual.

The Devil turned around and tore off a stone from a nearby mountain and started throwing stones at Joseph.

Joseph ran down the hill as fast as his feet could carry him.

Behind him fell stones that the Devil threw at him.

When he came to the foot of the hill, Joseph began to shout, "You coward! You will never catch me! And I will make these eggs of yours on scrambled eggs and eat them!"

The devil was so angry that the strongest thunderstruck from the sky to the place where the Devil was.

The Devil has disappeared.

Joseph went all happy in the middle of the village and began to shout: "Gather people! Gather people! Gather people, let me tell you the heroic deed I did!"

Little by little, the people began to gather.

When the whole village had gathered, Joseph told how he had cut off the balls of the Devil himself and showed them to the people.

The people have been silent for a few moments.

So you hear one say, "And that's why you called us? I cut my bull's balls last week, so I'm not bragging!"

To this, another local said, "Don't they look like real balls to me ?!"

A third resident answered and said, "You interrupted me from watching Santa Barbara because of that !?"

Another local came forward and said he could get much better balls.

The people began to disperse to their homes, and

Joseph was left alone.

Joseph realized that evening that not only the Devil was left without balls.

Joseph went to return the holy diamond from the altar to the church and went into the night.

Tomorrow, the excited cries of the children break through the village.

The children shouted, "Come quickly, people! Stairs have formed up to the highest hill above our village!"

People gathered and went to see what it was all about.

When they reached the foot of the hill, they began to climb the stairs to the top of the hill.

Stairs that didn't exist before.

When they reached the top of the hill, they saw a beautiful cherry tree in bloom.

It was the most beautiful lookout point in the world.

The people returned to the village and gathered in the square.

The people concluded that Joseph was still telling the truth and that he had been misjudged.

They began to look for Joseph in the village.

Joseph was nowhere to be seen.

They went to their house of Joseph, but the house was empty, and no one answered.

The locals decided to forcibly enter Joseph's house to search her.

The house was empty.

There was no sign or voice for Joseph.

They found only a message written by Joseph.

My dear

When I'm gone

You have drinks there in the house

You also have great music in the house

Bring your food

Have fun

In my memory

The locals searched for Joseph for a few more days, and since they could not find him, they concluded that Joseph must have gone to another world.

The locals threw a party in Joseph's honor.

Joseph had left a great drink and very good music.

And the food at the party was good.

Afterward, everyone had a good time.

They went to their homes.

After a few days, no one remembered Joseph.

A couple of weeks passed and the men in the village started having nightmares.

Every man in the village had the same nightmare.

The devil personally comes to their dreams and laughs at them by saying, "You are not even half a man of Joseph!"

It torments and provokes them in different ways.

The men in the village felt bad.

None of them could get a good night's sleep.

Everyone gathered in the village square and held a meeting.

None of the men had a solution.

Suddenly the woman answered.

Women are otherwise known to be wiser and smarter than men.

One woman spoke on behalf of the other women: "We as a village did not treat Joseph very well! With all this, Joseph did a heroic deed that no one ever did! Joseph deserved much more! Especially now that he is gone!"

The locals all agree that this is the case and decide to erect the largest monument to Joseph, a statue that can be built.

The locals began to build a statue of Joseph in the center of the village.

As the construction of the statue progressed, so did the nightmares of the men stop coming.

When they finished building the statue.

Everyone was thrilled at how magnificent the statue was.

Joseph stood proud and high.

He looked into the distance toward the sea and the sunset.

His left hand was above his eyes and cast a shadow.

He held the Devil's balls in his right hand.

And his cell phone was tucked behind his belt.

As the years went by.

The legend of Joseph grew.

New generations were coming, who were much smarter than the previous ones and proudly said that the legend, the man, was from their village.

The man who cut off the Devil's balls.