
Hidden Passages

Secret Road has led you here. You will unlock countless doors and Hidden Passage with your pure heart.

DaliborSapina · Urban
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17 Chs

Second chance

Chapter Nine

Lu Bu was awakened all sweaty and shaken.

He dreamed an amazing dream.

The dream was detailed and with a message.

The message vibrates throughout his body.

Message for which he had an indescribable urge to be written down.

The message was of paramount importance.

Lu Bu sat down and began to write.

Before dawn, has completed his writing.

All tired, he fell asleep at the table.

When he woke up it was already 8 am.

It is 8 am and he needs to be at work.

He looked at his cell phone which has a multitude of messages on display.

Now he had no time to read messages on a cell phone.

He quickly started to prepare for work.

Through his head was going that he will be happy if he get on the job until 9 am.

The city traffic was heavier than usual and Lu Bu became aware that he will not arrive until 9 am on the job.

At 9i30h Lu Bu entered the office building where he worked.

He saw a restrained look on the faces of his co-workers.

The Head of the office approached Lu Bu and said to him, "Lu Bu, you're fired from work. The system has warned you several times this morning.

You have used your chance.

You do not work in our company anymore.

Get your things and leave the building. "

Lu Bu began to protest to the Head of the office, but he realized that there is no benefit in doing that.

He looked toward his colleagues who are reluctant and silent.

Lu Bu was all disappointed and leaves the building.

When he came home, his wife started yelling at him. The woman was angry and she started screaming at Lu Bu: "You got fired!!

I have given you so many chances so far!

This is the drop that spilled over the cup!

The two of us no longer exist!

I ask you to move out as soon as possible!"

Lu Bu is seen on the face of his ex-wife that there is no benefit from the discussion.

He packed his bag and left the house and headed for the mountains.

10,000 light-years away.

No. 1 stood proudly on the deck of the newest spaceship his civilization had built.

The spaceship was unique in the fleet.

This spaceship could travel between galaxies.

No. 1 civilization has ruled the entire Milky Way galaxy. This spaceship will give them the ability to colonize other galaxies in space.

No. 1 suddenly received a call from the great leader of their civilization.

A1 has transmitted new order to No. 1.

Before heading to the Andromeda Galaxy, they need to go to a third planet orbiting a yellow star.

No. 1 accepted the new commandments of A1 and headed for the planet.

The journey to the planet took 1 hour.

When they arrived in planetary orbit, No. 1 issued an order to take control over all communication on the planet.

No. 1 began reading instructions that A1 give him to the inhabitants of the planet.

No. 1: "Inhabitants of planet Earth.

So far we have given you 999999 chances.

Last night we gave you another chance.

You did not use it and that is why we will exterminate you now."

No. 1 has heard the inhabitants of the planet complain that they did not even know that there was intelligent life in space, let alone chances.

No. 1 replied to them that in the last 10,000 years they had been given 999999 chances and that they had sent them a nice message last night with the last chance through a man named Lu Bu.

Every man on the planet began a frantic search for Lu Bu.

No. 1 waited 15 minutes and ordered the sound to be played.

A loud whistling sound was heard on planet Earth. Every inhabitant of the planet was caught by his head and in the next few moments, they all lay dead.

No. 1 has completed the mission and he had ordered his crew to set course for Andromeda.

The crew entered the necessary calculations for the course and were suddenly interrupted by a voice echoing through the Milky Way.

"Civilizations in Milky Way galaxy.

We are the rulers of the galaxy Alcyoneus.

In the last million years, we gave you thousands and thousands of opportunities.

We have no intention to do it anymore.

This is your end."

The crew reported to No. 1 that from the direction of the galaxy Alcyoneus comes a big beam of energy that goes into the center of the Milky Way galaxy.

Into the center of the black hole.

The black hole began to grow at unimaginable speed and swallow everything in front of it.

In the last moments that black hole was close to the spaceship and began to destroy it.

No. 1 has gone through his head that he has no idea what this is all about.

After all, it did not matter, because the black hole ate the entire Milky Way.

Meanwhile in the galaxy Alcyoneus.

The inhabitants of this galaxy have noticed that something strange began to happen.

All planets, stars, and black holes began to vibrate. The vibrations were getting stronger and stronger.

The message has been in vibrations

Scientists have been able to decipher the message. The message was: "You've got millions of opportunities. That's it. This is the end for you."

Scientists in powerlessness watched as the whole galaxy Alcyoneus prepared to blow up.

Up high in highest high.

Beyond time and space.

Creator has watched the Galaxy Alcyoneus explode. Creator has felt ashamed as never before.

He looked at the universe that he created.

The universe painted a big shame on him.

He decided to delete this universe.

He will create a new universe.

Far better.

Far more reasonable.

Creator has thrown himself in the deletion of the universe.

He deleted every galaxy, matter, and particle from the universe.

He was preparing to make last control whether he was all wiped out from the universe.

When he heard behind him the voice of his wife, "You spend with that of your universe countless eons. I'm sick of it all. You have completely neglected me. From this moment the two of us do not exist.

Total silence appeared.

Void where nothing existed.

In this nothingness, at less than a subatomic particle is a particle that was dodging the creator's cleaning.

This particle was truly alone.

This particle could no longer endure this situation.

This particle has decided to explode.