
Hidden Passages

Secret Road has led you here. You will unlock countless doors and Hidden Passage with your pure heart.

DaliborSapina · Urban
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17 Chs

One Thread

Chapter Eleven

Dante listened to the professor excitedly explain to everyone around him how this was the greatest discovery in history.

Dante was in his thoughts.

Altogether, it prompted him to remember the beginnings of his life.

The very beginning of his life brought him an immeasurable loss.

His mother died during his birth.

Dante was supposed to die too, but by chance, he survived.

The dangers to his life did not stop there.

For the first week in the hospital, he received vaccines that nearly killed him.

Dante was taken out of the hospital by his father.

They had a car crash on the way to their house.

Dante's father was killed on the spot, and he was rescued at the last minute from a burning car.

Dante passed unscathed and his grandparents received him to live with them.

Years passed and Dante went to school.

He began to reveal the tragic events that occurred at his birth.

It was not clear to him why all this had happened to him.

His grandparents told him that his parents were in heaven, among the angels.

Dante didn't have much time to think about it in detail, because his school days were quite turbulent.

He was an extremely lively child.

On several occasions, he fell from the trees as he climbed them.

Dante loved to climb trees.

He once ended up with stitches on his arm, after falling from a tree.

At school, Dante was a good student.

Grandma and grandpa were pleased with his behavior and grades at school.

When Dante turned 16, they had prepared a nice birthday party for him.

Dante felt loved and happy.

That evening he joyfully went to sleep.

Suddenly, during the night, he was awakened by the smell of smoke.

He quickly jumped out of bed and walked down the stairs to the lower floor where his grandparents' bedroom was.

He couldn't go down the stairs.

The entire lower floor was on fire.

He went to the window and jumped out window.

He heard something burst and felt unimaginable pain.

His leg was broken.

As he watched the house burn, in pain Dante lost consciousness.

He woke up a few hours later in a hospital bed.

His relatives stood around him.

They told him what he was aware of.

His grandparents died in the fire.

Dante's heart ached with grief.

He loved them the most in the world.

After a few days, Dante was released from the hospital.

He was received by relatives in their house.

His relatives did not treat him the best.

They said he was bringing misfortune.

That he was to blame for the deaths of his parents and grandparents.

One morning while Dante was getting ready for the morning run.

He heard an important announcement on the radio.

The speaker on the radio excitedly spoke about how the war had started in his country.

Dante immediately decided to enlist in the army.

They did not want to admit him to the main armed forces of his country, but he was admitted to non-regular units.

In the army, he quickly found friends in his platoon.

While they were guarding the position, one evening, suddenly, a grenade fell into their trench.

Dante flew a few meters away from the force of the explosion.

He rose from the ground and saw his comrades lying around dead.

In the distance, he saw the enemy advancing toward his position.

He jumped for a machine gun and started firing at the enemy.

He felt the bullet hit him in his helmet.

Soon after, he felt the bullet pass right over his shoulder and tear the fabric on his uniform.

Soon the next bullet hit the target on his machine gun.

A rain of enemy bullets pounded around him.

All night Dante defended the position from the onslaught of enemy soldiers.

In the morning, the enemy stopped firing.

In the distance, Dante saw friendly soldiers approaching.

When the soldiers came to Dante, they were in disbelief.

Hundreds of enemy bullets lay around Dante.

His uniform was torn and pierced with bullets.

Dante had no injuries.

Dante became a hero.

They called him "The most fortunate man in the world".

The regular armed forces of his homeland recruited him.

Dante remained in the army until the end of the war.

After the war ended, Dante was honorably discharged from the army.

He went to travel.

While traveling he met a woman named Nina.

The two quickly found each other and fell in love with each other.

Weeks passed in their beautiful love.

Dante was overjoyed.

One evening they were driving down the road along the coast.

It was a beautiful evening.

The sun was just setting on the horizon and the sky was golden.

Suddenly Nina loses control of the car.

They landed at a chasm 20 meters lower.

Dante lost consciousness.

When he regained consciousness, Nina was lying next to him.

Dante pulled her out of the car and tried to revive her.

He couldn't revive her.

Nina was dead.

Dante was broken by the loss of his beloved Nina.

She was the only woman he loved in his life.

She was the first woman he fell in love with.

It was his soulmate.

Dante bought a motorbike and retired to solitude.

He bought a wooden hut in a secluded part of the woods.

He started drinking alcohol.

He would drink so much alcohol that he would faint on the floor.

When he regained consciousness, he would drink alcohol again until he fainted.

He started taking drugs.

Increasingly, Dante would lose consciousness from excessive drugs and alcohol.

Days, weeks, months, and years became the same for him.

Time passed with the speed of the wind.

One day, Dante regained consciousness.

He immediately grabbed a bottle of alcohol.

He drank the whole bottle.

Nothing happened.

He did not faint.

Alcohol did not affect him.

It was as if he was drinking water.

He took drugs.

The drugs didn't affect him.

The days went by and Dante failed to get drunk or drugged.

He got on a motorbike.

He headed to a nearby hospital.

He fell off the motorbike several times along the way.

He came to the hospital all torn.

The doctor started examining him at the hospital.

The doctor called the second doctor, then the third doctor.

Soon there were a dozen doctors around Dante, who discussed him in disbelief and subjected him to various tests.

Dante did not understand what they were talking about.

After a few days of hospital searches, doctors asked him to go with them to a nearby research institute.

There, he was greeted by professors and scientists.

They subjected him to various instruments.

After a few days of exhaustive research on Dante.

Professors and scientists took him to a large conference room.

There, the head professor began to talk about how they had made the greatest discovery in history.

Suddenly a danger alarm broke.

Dante shifts from his thoughts.


Dante looked out the window.

The sun was getting bigger and bigger.

He looked at the professors and scientists around him.

They were petrified.

Their faces showed that there was no use in going to

the shelter.


Another scientist muttered to himself, "Let Sol Invictus help us."

Dante felt the temperature around him rise.

The building began to melt.

Incredibly strong winds began to blow.

Dante was tossed around by the winds.

They threw him for miles and miles around the molten


Dante was sure he ended up in hell.

The sun was getting bigger and bigger.

At one point, everything blinded him.

The light was so strong he could see nothing around him.

He felt it being thrown around like a leaf in a hurricane, at unimaginable speeds.

He was in hell.

He was damned.

Suddenly he felt a shock.

A blow that carried him with unknown force in an unknown direction.

Suddenly everything stopped.

Dante suddenly saw.

He saw the stars in the distance.

He saw the Milky Way.

He saw the blackness of the universe.

Dante sailed through the endless blackness of space.

He did not know how much time had passed since he had been at the institute.

He examined himself.

All his limbs were in place.

He was not injured.

He was not wearing clothes.

He noticed something unusual.

He noticed that he was not breathing.

The feeling was strange.

He was not breathing.

He felt something pull him.

Some unknown force.

He waved his arms and began to swim in that direction.

He began to count how many swings of his hands he made.

He reached 10,000, so he stopped counting on it.

It seemed futile to him.

An unknown force continued to pull him in the same direction.

He looked in that direction.

He focused on one point.

A point in the infinity of the universe.

Suddenly the point took shape.

It was getting bigger and bigger.

Dante saw nearby planets.

He saw nearby stars.

He saw further and further.

He saw it off the Milky Way.

He saw galaxies around the Milky Way.

His gaze reached farther and farther.

Countless galaxies have been seen.

He saw the whole universe.

He saw the end of the universe.

He saw another universe.

In that other universe, he saw the earth.

On earth, he saw a woman giving birth.

That was his mother.

She gave birth to stillborn babies.

That was him.

His gaze went on.

He saw another universe.

He saw the earth in that universe.

On earth, he saw a baby dying from vaccination.

He looked away.

To the next universe.

There he saw him die in a car accident and his father survived.

He looked into the next universe.

So he looked at the next one.

In each succeeding universe, he saw himself How every time he fell from a tree he died.

How he dies in a house fire in several different ways.

He died of an explosion in the war.

Each bullet killed him in one way.

Nina survived a car accident, and he didn't.

He died thousands of times in thousands of different universes from alcohol and drugs.

Every time he fell off a motorcycle he would die.

He came to the universe where he is at the institute.

The professor says, "This is the most important discovery in history. Parallel universes exist. Dante is proof of that."

The professor did not know what Dante knew at the time.

Dante looked even further.

He saw the universe at the end of time, at the end of infinity.

An indestructible universe.

An original universe.

Where people on his planet earth live forever.

Where people are indestructible.

It was his home.

He was an anomaly in this universe.


He travels to his universe.

Towards his home.

He will travel endlessly for eons.

For him, it will be just a blink.

He is much more than a blink.

He is much more than all copies.

He is the original

He is the One.