

2019-11-04 JoinedBrazil



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  • LaxusDarkMoon

    Tee Hee! Shameless 5-star comment that every author makes! First fanfic, be kind please... <3 I hope you like it, I've never written anything before, I don't know what else to write, but I have to fill in 200 words to publish the comment, so that's it, haha!

    Flames of the Heart
    Anime & Comics · LaxusDarkMoon
  • LaxusDarkMoon
    Replied to Whadyamean

    Bahahahahah! Exactly!

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • LaxusDarkMoon
    Replied to 69PAIN69

    Me and You! ;)

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • LaxusDarkMoon
    Replied to kyuubikid4321

    I agree! Best companion! Real husband material, guy Cleans, sews, cooks and on top of that he's a veterinarian/doctor! There's nothing to complain about lol!

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • LaxusDarkMoon
    Replied to Edisonmc

    And I understand and to a certain extent I agree, but the author could have the decency to at least demarcate the change of POV, because changing in the middle of a sentence, or from one paragraph to another, without warning is very irritating!

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • LaxusDarkMoon
    Replied to Duane_Sharp

    https ://www .fanfiction. net/u/ 4029118/0-Jordinio-0 ----------------------------------------------------------- É esse, mas sem os espaços

    Ch 152 Return To Monke - 4
    Naruto: Systematic Shinobi
    Anime & Comics · 0_Jordinio_0
  • LaxusDarkMoon
    Replied to LaxusDarkMoon

    Especially because the only reason I'm saving her is to abuse them... Which most of the time are also underage female characters (like Koneko)... so... eww....

    Now, now... What should I do? Should I save Kuroka and Shirone? Should I save Akeno's mother?
    Reincarnated as a dragon egg in DxD with a Fate System!
    Anime & Comics · GreatSage_Master1
  • LaxusDarkMoon

    There is an error in the part where it says that the first hokage(Hashirama Senju) trained the third(Hiruzen Sarutobi), in fact, the one who trained the third hokage(Hiruzen Sarutobi) was the second(Tobirama Senju), and not the first(Hashirama Senju )...

    Ch 11 Chapter 11 - Hokage Monument
    The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima.
    Anime & Comics · MonkWithAPen
  • LaxusDarkMoon

    Oh sorry, but I can't... That's a steaming pile of... Well, you know... Maybe it will improve in later chapters, as the author said, but let's face it, having to read 40 chapters for the story to start getting decent is complicated, I have more to do... I could barely bear to read another one recently that needed to read 25 chapters before it was decent... But, that's it, typical simple-minded Japanese MC, who thinks that life is some kind of perverted fantasy and that all women are walking holes for his pleasure, naive, he literally saves the woman from the group that tried to kill him and kills the two guys, and the explanation for this is silly and completely ridiculous, in his mind, because she caught the old man's attention(without knowing he was there) when the old man was about to kill(or do something bad) to him, the MC thinks this is some kind of life debt, it simply seems that the author twisted the plot so that the random female character doesn't die... Apart from the fact that apparently the MC is in a forest in the human world, a forest that Tiamat is in, and canonically she should be in the forest in the underworld after the great war, after all, shortly after it is mentioned that Ddraig and Albion have already fought and turned into Sacred Gear... In other words, completely bugged.... Not to mention that all the chapters I read until the moment I stopped are a shameless Copy and Paste of the Novel from which the author "was inspired", and like, I understand that it's fanfic, but you have to create a fanfic and repost the same thing, right? ... Rough...

    Reincarnated as a dragon egg in DxD with a Fate System!
    Anime & Comics · GreatSage_Master1
  • LaxusDarkMoon
    Replied to kyuubikid4321

    Waifus should die and Simp MCs with them...

    Now, now... What should I do? Should I save Kuroka and Shirone? Should I save Akeno's mother?
    Reincarnated as a dragon egg in DxD with a Fate System!
    Anime & Comics · GreatSage_Master1
  • LaxusDarkMoon

    How I imagine the author writing the chapters so far:

    Wait, wait. Did you say two heavenly dragons? Is she talking about Ddraig and Albion? Are we in DxD?
    Reincarnated as a dragon egg in DxD with a Fate System!
    Anime & Comics · GreatSage_Master1
  • LaxusDarkMoon

    In my country we have a name for this: Gado :)

    [Skill of title [Tiny hero: Lv 1] was obtained]
    Reincarnated as a dragon egg in DxD with a Fate System!
    Anime & Comics · GreatSage_Master1
  • LaxusDarkMoon

    Also... It could only be a fan of Shirou...

    [Skill of title [Tiny hero: Lv 1] was obtained]
    Reincarnated as a dragon egg in DxD with a Fate System!
    Anime & Comics · GreatSage_Master1
  • LaxusDarkMoon

    Honestly, it seems that the author simply didn't know how to let go of the Dragon Egg Manga canon, after all, that's basically what happens in the Manga, but without Tiamat, and the author simply didn't have the creativity to create his own original scene that would fit better. , after all, Manga is extremely cliché and unrealistic, like most Japanese works of the same style... Ps: Before anyone says something like "Ah, but someone else would have done that, just because you would do it differently, doesn't mean that everyone else would do it too", I say this, anyone in their right mind, in a situation like this, wouldn't would care about another person, be it a woman or a man, it is obvious that the author wanted to be as faithful as possible to the Japanese writing style, and sticking a female character would not require force down our throats, honestly, I am impressed that she has not already enchanted She is made to join your harem or something equally ridiculous, misogynistic to the extreme, but whatever...

    Ch 9 Wolves (edited)
    Reincarnated as a dragon egg in DxD with a Fate System!
    Anime & Comics · GreatSage_Master1
  • LaxusDarkMoon
    Replied to Joseph04

    Stupidity is timeless... :)

    Ch 9 Wolves (edited)
    Reincarnated as a dragon egg in DxD with a Fate System!
    Anime & Comics · GreatSage_Master1
  • LaxusDarkMoon

    Actually no, she didn't save your life, she coincidentally caught the old man's attention when you needed it, it doesn't mean that if she had known you were there she would have done something to help you, it's really lame like in fanfics and Japanese stories the MC always puts the girls on some pedestal, like, she's just as human as the guy and the old man, she'd probably eat him on a skewer no problem... Rotten, I hope it really gets better...

    "Yes, but this girl saved my life. That's why I want to save her."
    Reincarnated as a dragon egg in DxD with a Fate System!
    Anime & Comics · GreatSage_Master1
  • LaxusDarkMoon

    Meh, Archer isn't that great either, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Just think, if Emiya wasn't like that, how could Archer have existed?
    Reincarnated as a dragon egg in DxD with a Fate System!
    Anime & Comics · GreatSage_Master1
  • LaxusDarkMoon

    I like the fanfic, I really do, but the dialogue is so poorly done that it hurts... Literally no one talks like that, the dialogue sounds like two amateur actors are trying to recite a poorly written script... Sorry if I'm being stupid, but I can't... The idea is good, the plot you built is good, but the execution is horrible, definitely at the MTL level of a Chinese Novel... PS: The low rating in Update Stability is due to the author being a Mercenary...

    One Piece: Reborn as a Skypiean
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • LaxusDarkMoon

    I like the fanfic, I really do, but the dialogue is so poorly done that it hurts... Literally no one talks like that, the dialogue sounds like two amateur actors are trying to recite a poorly written script... Sorry if I'm being stupid, but I can't... The idea is good, the plot you built is good, but the execution is horrible, definitely at the MTL level of a Chinese Novel...

    Ch 13 Time For The Butterfly to Flap It's Wings!
    One Piece: Reborn as a Skypiean
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • LaxusDarkMoon
    Replied to Weeping_Potato

    Oh, rest assured, it's not the Chinese Novels that are the problem... It's definitely those smutty harem novels spread across the site, seriously, it's so sad that the only site with the most transmigration novels(a trope I really love), be summarized as 95% misogynistic porn, 4% poorly written novels and 1% good novels, I'm sure they all have their heads so deeply stuck in the gutter, that it's difficult to even write something coherently... Fortunately, we have some authors who serve as a ray of light in the midst of so much darkness, for example: Niggross- 0_Jordinio_0- Felix9713- Master4thWall- They are some of the few that I can honestly say are good writers, some have been reading their novels for a long time, but Niggross and 0_Jordinio_0 are definitely the best in my humble opinion! I'm glad I'm not the only sane person on the site! :)

    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    Fantasy · Devil_Hex