
Review Detail of LaxusDarkMoon in Reincarnated as a dragon egg in DxD with a Fate System!

Review detail


Oh sorry, but I can't... That's a steaming pile of... Well, you know... Maybe it will improve in later chapters, as the author said, but let's face it, having to read 40 chapters for the story to start getting decent is complicated, I have more to do... I could barely bear to read another one recently that needed to read 25 chapters before it was decent... But, that's it, typical simple-minded Japanese MC, who thinks that life is some kind of perverted fantasy and that all women are walking holes for his pleasure, naive, he literally saves the woman from the group that tried to kill him and kills the two guys, and the explanation for this is silly and completely ridiculous, in his mind, because she caught the old man's attention(without knowing he was there) when the old man was about to kill(or do something bad) to him, the MC thinks this is some kind of life debt, it simply seems that the author twisted the plot so that the random female character doesn't die... Apart from the fact that apparently the MC is in a forest in the human world, a forest that Tiamat is in, and canonically she should be in the forest in the underworld after the great war, after all, shortly after it is mentioned that Ddraig and Albion have already fought and turned into Sacred Gear... In other words, completely bugged.... Not to mention that all the chapters I read until the moment I stopped are a shameless Copy and Paste of the Novel from which the author "was inspired", and like, I understand that it's fanfic, but you have to create a fanfic and repost the same thing, right? ... Rough...

Reincarnated as a dragon egg in DxD with a Fate System!


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