
Review Detail of LaxusDarkMoon in Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Review detail


So, I started reading this on the webnovel because it was in ninth place in the power ranking, so I figured it must be enjoyable, I also read the comments and most of them seemed quite positive, so decide to read it... I discovered that the formatting in Webnovel was terrible, but luckily I saw the author's comment saying that it was better in RoyalRoad, I started reading in RoyalRoad and lasted until chapter 15, and my conclusion and the reason for stopping is this: From the first chapter I felt like I was reading a Chinese Novel MTL, almost everything in the writing style had the style of a Chinese novel, the dialogues were strange and artificial, the characters were generally generic (like the fact that there was an equivalent to a young master in Yori Uchiha), the presentation of the MC's thoughts was really irritating and completely interrupted the reading flow (and I wasn't the only one to comment on this), the spelling errors and repeated sentences, or the dialogues with several people talking in the same paragraph, other than that, I noticed several inconsistencies that make me wonder if the author knows Naruto's lore, firstly there is the fact that there are still Senjus even though the third war has ended (canonically they were basically eradicated, as they were deliberately hunted), after that we have the scroll talking about Senjutsu in the free section, where even ninjas who are still in the academy can read about it (something that canonically was said to be a generally unknown and high-level art), other than that there were several minor inconsistencies that It just doesn't work for me... On top of all that, we have the MC, I understand he was some kind of genius apparently in his previous life, but I can't imagine anyone in his situation who would be able to manipulate trained ninjas like he did, him acting like a child should have been noticed easily, especially due to the fact that the academy teacher is an "Elite Chunin", other than that the MC is extremely inconsistent in terms of personality, it seems like I'm reading the thoughts of a machine instead of a human being... And finally, we have the canonical characters, in this case, in the main question (after all, he was the one who appeared most up to the point I read), Hiruzen, I found him extremely strange, nothing to do with the canonical personality, there was a moment, at the end of the exam, where Hiruzen's thought appears, saying that he was happy with the MC bowing to him, and according to the canonical personality, the original Hiruzen would be happy with someone who acted like Naruto, more relaxed and not paying so much attention to his position... But, that's it, unfortunately this fanfic isn't for me, there are many inconsistencies, which as an avid Naruto fan, I can't rule out, not to mention the writing style similar to the Chinese MTL Webnovel, which for me doesn't work... But I wish the author success and all the best! >.< PS: I suppose for the Webnovel it's not that bad, but that's not really a very difficult metric to achieve...

Naruto : The Wind Calamity


Liked by 2 people




Oh, rest assured, it's not the Chinese Novels that are the problem... It's definitely those smutty harem novels spread across the site, seriously, it's so sad that the only site with the most transmigration novels(a trope I really love), be summarized as 95% misogynistic porn, 4% poorly written novels and 1% good novels, I'm sure they all have their heads so deeply stuck in the gutter, that it's difficult to even write something coherently... Fortunately, we have some authors who serve as a ray of light in the midst of so much darkness, for example: Niggross- 0_Jordinio_0- Felix9713- Master4thWall- They are some of the few that I can honestly say are good writers, some have been reading their novels for a long time, but Niggross and 0_Jordinio_0 are definitely the best in my humble opinion! I'm glad I'm not the only sane person on the site! :)

Faithful_Cultist: I started this novel three times but never once could I get beyond chapter 10... Ha ha, there were so many positive reviews that I thought I was the problem 😅 Unfortunately, 90% of the people on this platform seem to be brain dead due to overdosing on Chinese novels... Still... it's really nice to see someone with a living brain cell left around 😁

PPS: There are definitely better things to read if you search around, I especially recommend: Systematic Shinobi from 0_Jordinio_0 Game of Shadows by Adrian King1 Yami: The Gamer Kage from I'mjusttryingtofindmyway The Unwoven Threads of Fate by Diadru These are some of the many that are really worth your time reading, hehe! :)


I started this novel three times but never once could I get beyond chapter 10... Ha ha, there were so many positive reviews that I thought I was the problem 😅 Unfortunately, 90% of the people on this platform seem to be brain dead due to overdosing on Chinese novels... Still... it's really nice to see someone with a living brain cell left around 😁


Try reading "The Adventurous gamer ninja - Daichi Hekima " . If you ignore some inconsistencies its a pretty good fic

Faithful_Cultist: I started this novel three times but never once could I get beyond chapter 10... Ha ha, there were so many positive reviews that I thought I was the problem 😅 Unfortunately, 90% of the people on this platform seem to be brain dead due to overdosing on Chinese novels... Still... it's really nice to see someone with a living brain cell left around 😁

Thanks! (°<°)--♡•

HEMANG_SEN:Try reading "The Adventurous gamer ninja - Daichi Hekima " . If you ignore some inconsistencies its a pretty good fic