

2024-05-08 入りましたGlobal









  • Alexander_Wilde
    に返信 Critique_1000

    Depends on what you consider boring, but if you want him to solve all core reasons why these things are happening... well he won't be able unless.... he decides to destroy the earth and remake it in his image. Giotto is OP but he aint no God whose Omniscient heck, he's not even omnipotent, just a near immortal cockroach at this point...

    *Giotto… I really can't wait to see the look on your face when you suddenly become the center of all this chaos!*
    The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo
    映画 · Alexander_Wilde
  • Alexander_Wilde

    Well the MC is currently AWOL disconnected from everything doing his own BS. Since he did set up Celestial Being to be fully capable of functioning without him. He even had Emma Frost as a fail-safe in case VEDA is unable to do some things. hmm... let's just say he's not like Nick Fury who can't completely trust anyone, even his closest and most loyal aids. Remember, MC is the type to cry over power of friendship anime. Dude's not a depressed edgy teen who hates and distrust the whole world (like a lot of OP fanfic MC's are). Instead he's closer to a naive shonen protagonist. So yeah, he's not an Ayanokoji (Classroom of the Elite), he tries to act like it but he's not, definetely not. Instead he's more like Akatsuki Kojou (Strike the Blood). He has power and knowledge but there will always be a difference between being wisdom and knowledge. The MC has the knowledge and abilities of both Aeolia Schoenberg and the Original Vongola Primo, but he does not have their wisdom. I basically explained my whole process of creating this MC and a bit of the character sheet that I made for him. Which should help explain why a lot of his actions may not seem to make sense, but this nonsense is what I believe is what makes him less of a Gary Stu and more of, "A regular man who became a Gary Stu". I wanted to make the MC act perfectly but when I thought of it, the reason I made him act that way is because I KNEW what was going to happen, what will happen and what could happen. So I had to complete a long MC character sheet to define his character so everytime the MC acts I'll use that sheet as a basis for his actions rather than thinking on what the plot needs and what I want to happen. This also adds a bit of randomness to the story- which is also why I had to make a lot of changes as the story moves forward as the predetermined path I mapped out- had long gone off the rails.

    Ch 27 Chapter 27: The Future of Warfare
    The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo
    映画 · Alexander_Wilde
  • Alexander_Wilde
    に返信 Amirul_Adli_2010

    Well there are various reasons why the MC would be made to believe he destroyed it. The power needed for VEDA to work is only possible for the MC who could make the supercomputer that could handle its architecture. He destroyed the only terminal that it was connected to and even tossed Miles next to said terminal before letting it all go- Boom. Now the questions should be- How the HAIL did Miles survive? Also, MC has VEDA so he pretty much is ensured that if DEVA did sneak into the internet VEDA would know... something's not adding up though...

    Ch 27 Chapter 27: The Future of Warfare
    The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo
    映画 · Alexander_Wilde
  • Alexander_Wilde
    に返信 Genesis_Primordial

    I thought it was the Lancelot and Gawain... (´• ω •`)

    Ch 25 Chapter 25: Partnership
    The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo
    映画 · Alexander_Wilde
  • Alexander_Wilde
    に返信 Genesis_Primordial

    I could only say that there are 3. 2 Knightmares use Gundam Tech 1 Uses MCU tech How they came to be will be revealed later, but you could probably already guess how

    Ch 24 Chapter 24: Tony Stark and Knightmare Frames
    The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo
    映画 · Alexander_Wilde
  • Alexander_Wilde
    に返信 Vastoking

    Like when Hal Jordan covered his hands with green lantern rings? Sounds like a good idea, I will keep that in mind-

    2. Vongola Guardian Rings
    The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo
    映画 · Alexander_Wilde
  • Alexander_Wilde
    に返信 alexbabyyahoo

    In this fic she's just a regular human. There are no mutants in this world. It's modeled after the MCU but will not completely follow the MCU. Though Emma will remain a mutant in other realities

    Ch 23 Chapter 23: A meeting between Giants
    The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo
    映画 · Alexander_Wilde
  • Alexander_Wilde
    に返信 daopaxe

    You know something? The fact that this huge thing was parked near Tony Stark's mansion without camo, even though it can it didn't.

    "Is that a container jet?" {A/N: Search up mobile suit container used in Gundam 00}
    The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo
    映画 · Alexander_Wilde
  • Alexander_Wilde
    に返信 KaiserLox

    at this point I'm not really sure, I want to keep it less than 5, it honestly depends on what fits the story. You know sometimes relationships, no matter how perfect breaks. I mean, look at Tony Stark in the MCU, he had endless fights with his one woman imagine having more than 1 Not to mention the MC is worse than Tony Stark, uber clingy also a bit paranoid... trust me, the later chapters made me realize that I may have done something bad with the MC's characterization... though I'm trying to make a plotline that would make him develop into a better human... hopefully...

    The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo
    映画 · Alexander_Wilde
  • Alexander_Wilde
    に返信 Anna_wiliam_6407

    But you find the first arc to be focused more on Gundam, hahaha, bait and switch right there. But worry not, forming the Vongola will be the main theme goal of first part of the story. Think of it as Phase 1, I just want to make the building of the family slower. Members would come from all over the place so having them conveniently together would be too forced. The MC needs to go through hell and back just to find his perfect Guardians and Varia. Also, yes, most of the guardians are already set-

    The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo
    映画 · Alexander_Wilde
  • Alexander_Wilde
    に返信 Aria_sakti

    Sorry, will be slowing this one down, the later arcs have reached a writing drought. The arc was already planned out as well as the progression but... I can't find the best scene to focus on. This one will be having a weekly upload schedule following the next chapters release, probably 1 or 2 chapters per week depending on how much I could write for this fic. The chapter will come with an author thoughts explaining the situation. I would love to release all chapters and let it rest until I could continue like my other fic but I find that doing that will only make me lose motivation in writing. Gotta set a goal, in this case I need to avoid letting the stockpile reach a certain amount.

    Re:Earth - My Next Life as a Superstar
    テレビ · Alexander_Wilde
  • Alexander_Wilde
    に返信 KaiserLox

    For now (Chapter 21 - Latest chapter when this reply was made), the MC is still facing a LOT of problems. He first needs to establish himself and then create a good safety net before building his famiglia. Harem, well its not the MC's fault, its my own desire for him to meet women! Hahahaha! The MC would love to meet people like Steve Rogers and other strong and loyal people but unfortunately for him I won't approve of that! Not yet at least... anyway by this point the troubles are starting to build up and the MC will be forced to meet many people- some... familiar faces even *ahem* anime faces *ahem*.

    The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo
    映画 · Alexander_Wilde
  • Alexander_Wilde
    に返信 azertyuiop

    Well people do fall in love at first sight even in reality, what's stopping them to do so in fiction? But it's not like love always goes smoothly right? Even the strongest relationships could break down over coffee- trust me- I saw this happen once before, all it took was a mistake in the coffee beans used for a 30 year marriage to go south

    "And that is why I love you"
    The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo
    映画 · Alexander_Wilde
  • Alexander_Wilde

    totally, the fun part is that the MC still has no idea on what's actually going on. The next chapters will also show just how bad the situation is for the MC, hehehe. P.S. Somewhat of a spoiler but I just wanted to say it - Sometimes people just a bit too- cocky, especially when they think everything is under THEIR control. Then when things get out of hand and the situation goes south real fast, only then will they realize how stupid, naïve and powerless they truly are.

    Ch 17 Chapter 17: Shadows that move in the dark
    The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo
    映画 · Alexander_Wilde
  • Alexander_Wilde

    Oh that- the next chapter shall answer this question. Also, could you imagine, someone picking up a poem you wrote for a project but threw away thinking it was bad, only to find out, that certain someone submitted that poem for the project and got a perfect score. Whereas you barely completed your own project and even then it was seen as a copy of that someone's work as your poem was kinda similar to that someone's submission? Oh the agony! Especially when you know that in fact! Both of these works were your own? Gosh, the annoyance man.

    Ch 17 Chapter 17: Shadows that move in the dark
    The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo
    映画 · Alexander_Wilde
  • Alexander_Wilde
    に返信 Chaosking24

    This is another spoiler... though there was one comment that seems to have some interesting ideas *wink x2*

    Half of my brain, my heart, half of my lungs and my left eye was left in the quantum void.
    The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo
    映画 · Alexander_Wilde
  • Alexander_Wilde
    に返信 Chaosking24

    Ooh I also like Laura but I do wish to know what you feel about *ahem* Magik *ahem*

    [A/N: Michelle Jones-Watson will still exist in this verse, but I will always believe that Mary Jane Watson also exists in the MCU, after all the directors did say that Michelle Jones was not the MJ of the MCU but a new character entirely. That is why I added Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy, after all, they should still exist in the MCU but without any connection to Spiderman aka Peter Parker. And the only way to make that possible in my opinion is to make them older and almost impossible for Peter to encounter in his life. Technically, Peter is currently less than 10 years old during the time of this fic.. I think… Anyways, I just wanted to add MJ and her personality, I kinda based it on the comic MJ (The best and original MJ- IMO) but added a bit of connection with Emma that would twist her character a bit. 
    The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo
    映画 · Alexander_Wilde
  • Alexander_Wilde
    に返信 Chaosking24

    hehehe you may be onto something, but how about JARVIS? He seems to have noticed something right?

    "I have already explained to you before, VEDA was built upon a quantum computer, using an intelligence architecture that is far greater than mine. With its capabilities it could sort through all the data in the world while still having lots of spare computation ability to perform other tasks. I'm running on a simple brute force design that could burn down at any moment! I need a powerful supercomputer! Not a network of interconnected gaming computers!"
    The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo
    映画 · Alexander_Wilde
  • Alexander_Wilde
    に返信 Chaosking24

    The answer to this is a spoiler so... I dunno

    Half of my brain, my heart, half of my lungs and my left eye was left in the quantum void.
    The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo
    映画 · Alexander_Wilde
  • Alexander_Wilde
    に返信 Chaosking24

    *ahem* The Pheonix Force is also planned to appear in later arcs... given the type of power the MC has *wink* *wink* Also yes, the X-men exist in this world- without mutant powers, that's all I will say for now *ahem* (personally I like Jubilee and Kitty Pryde... the mature versions of their characters)

    [A/N: Michelle Jones-Watson will still exist in this verse, but I will always believe that Mary Jane Watson also exists in the MCU, after all the directors did say that Michelle Jones was not the MJ of the MCU but a new character entirely. That is why I added Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy, after all, they should still exist in the MCU but without any connection to Spiderman aka Peter Parker. And the only way to make that possible in my opinion is to make them older and almost impossible for Peter to encounter in his life. Technically, Peter is currently less than 10 years old during the time of this fic.. I think… Anyways, I just wanted to add MJ and her personality, I kinda based it on the comic MJ (The best and original MJ- IMO) but added a bit of connection with Emma that would twist her character a bit. 
    The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo
    映画 · Alexander_Wilde