
The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo

Giotto Giovanni is a reincarnator; a fan of cheesy, power of friendship anime, and a lover of all waifu’s. How did he get to this universe? He does not know, all he could remember was walking through Comicon singing his favorite anime songs one moment and being in a new body with a new name the next. But Giotto won’t let this mysterious isekai put him down, he will rise to the top, he will achieve everything an isekai protagonist should achieve because- “I have the power of GOD and ANIME on my SIDE!”

Alexander_Wilde · 映画
31 Chs

Chapter 17: Shadows that move in the dark

While Giotto was stuck in a complex situation, back in the US, Tony Stark was busy tinkering, not with his new suit, he paused that project. Now he was studying a square plate.

"JARVIS, get me a model of the latest solar cell, not the one from Magniataria"

Following Tony's command, JARVIS projected the latest solar cell, not the one made by Giotto but the type that was being used worldwide.

"Interesting… on the surface it's nothing more than an organic PV cell… but the amount of technology used to actually manufacture this thing should be years ahead of us- and when I say us I mean me."

Tony compared the solar cell that was recently trending in all academic circles. Various big energy companies have been clamoring about this new solar cell and academics, especially those that have mentored Tony have called the billionaire to inform him about the new technology in the market.

"Sir, based on the analysis, the various grids in the cell are too small to be properly scanned. But there were signs of direct manipulation of the crystalline structure of the material used for the solar cell."

JARVIS gave Tony its analysis on the material and upon hearing his AI's report Tony's face showed a look of keen interest as he eyed the solar cell.

"Let me see… what happens if I break it?"

Tony picked up the solar cell and dropped it on the ground, as he did the cell shattered like a grenaged. All of its pieces turned to colorless sharp dust.

"JARVIS analyze the material on the floor before cleaning it up"

Tony commanded his AI as he walked towards his workbench. There he read various reports that came out the past week about the new solar cells.

Few researchers could write up a complete research paper in a week, much less a few days. But they did have time to conduct experiments and analyze materials.

"Magana… that company's name is a mouthful but the technology is real"

Tony looked over the various experimental results as well as his own and found it interesting how consistent the data was.

"The solar cells are the most consistent of all solar cells ever developed, its energy efficiency is so great that moving to "clean energy" is as easy as investing a few billion on purchasing some cheap land in a desert, building a solar power farm and selling cheap electricity. I don't know why he decided to sell the solar cells and for quite a low price at that."

Looking at the Photo of the young Giotto, Tony contemplated deeply about the young man's thoughts.

Why did he choose to sell the solar cells instead of just making his own power plant? 


"What's the rush?"

Tony went over the Analysis JARVIS did on Giotto and found that the young man was not a hidden snake that just decided to pop its head out when he was held captive, instead the young man was a dragon that appeared out of nowhere.

"His identity is also a mystery, although the files JARVIS has on him all complete, I can't shake the feeling that this young man is more than what he seems"

Unlike he always acted, Tony was now silent, he was not moving. His mind was always quick to grasp things. Even when thinking his body was moving to accomplish another task. But for some reason the actions, motives and decisions made by Giotto stumped him so much that he had to pause.

Right now Tony was completely focused on Giotto, behind the young man's appearance and various successes, Giotto seemed like an enigma he could not grasp.

"Sir, the results are in"

As Tony was contemplating, JARVIS updated him on the results of the analysis as a display of the analysis results was presented on Tony's screen.

"It's completely organic, save for trace amounts of various metals- wait! These metals are all needed for conducting electricity! No, these are the channels used to move energy!"

Looking at the list of substances detected in the pieces of shattered glass an idea came up in Tony's mind.

Without speaking, Tony began to play with a 3D model, he started shaping various parts. 

Outsiders would think Tony was designing a weird building compound as he created various "halls" and filled them with "something".

After a few minutes of complete focus, like he was in a trance, Tony created a huge 3D diagram of what appears to be a block of glass.

"JARVIS, resize the whole design to be the same as that of Magniataria's solar cells."

After hearing Tony's command, the image before him shrunk and as it reached the size of the shattered solar cell, Tony then ordered JARVIS-

"Now calculate the material composition of the design"

Following Tony's command, a line of data appeared by the side of the design and as it did Tony's eyes went wide in shock.

"It's not 100% accurate but… since I shattered it there would be either some loss or gain during the initial scan. But the fact that this design reached nearly the same amount as the analysis means…"

Tony did not think silently, he said his ideas out loud. Although his words did not really do anything for listeners as they did not hold any significant information about what he was talking about.

Pacing around Tony was completely focused on his new realization, various thoughts, equations and ideas flashed in his mind. He was contemplating a lot of things but after a few minutes of deep thinking- Tony stopped.

He sat in his chair and let out a tired sigh-

"It's impossible, with the current technology I have, forget about mass production, simply recreating the solar cells is only a pipe dream- for now"

Relaxing his mind, Tony released all his pent up frustration built up in the short five minutes after he came to this realization. 

When he released all these thoughts he began to type quickly on his virtual keyboard. Tony was writing a report, one that he will share to some people he knew he could trust.

Not people from Stark Industries but his acquaintances from the academe. Professors, students and geniuses from all over the world. Individuals with the ability to study and develop new knowledge.

If it was three months ago, Tony would have focused all his attention into this new rival in the technology industry. But now-


Tony recalled the various warnings he got from JARVIS, the attempts at invading his personal database that were all traced back to STARK Industries Headquarters. Although he didn't want to believe it, Obadiah Stane was not someone he could trust at this point. 

Moreover, with the threat of a spy within his own company, Tony could not risk anything. Even the files on his latest project were saved in his personal database rather than the company database.

"This technology is something that could change the world. But I never really thought that someone would be the first to take the step in the realm of Picotechnology before I could."

Tony muttered with a smile as he wrote his analysis titled-

[Magniataria's Solar Cell, the first step to Picotechnology]

The article wrote about the great advancements used in the development of Magniataria's solar cells. How the technology used could advance humanity by a hundred years, and that is even considering the rapid advancement of technology at this point.

It detailed how nanotechnology was going to lose its place as the bleeding edge of technology and in its place is the greater picotechnology.

Using his knowledge, Tony listed down various industries and technologies that could improve greatly through the use of picotechnology and with that, Tony had completed his quick article and report on his newly cointed term "Picotechnology".

"Giotto Giovanni, you claimed it was using nanotechnology but this will only work on those idiots who only know how to make money. As for me, I'll use my connections to reverse engineer your tech and then use it for my own. For now though, I have bigger fish to fry"

Tony said as he changed his focus, returning to designing his new armor.

What Tony did not realize was that Giotto was one of these people who believed that the solar cells used nanotechnology.

In fact, the improved versions of the solar cells were made by Giotto with a LOT of assistance from VEDA. Not to mention all manufacturing and production processes were handled by the quantum supercomputer housed - AI.

Giotto never really thought about Picotechnology, his focus was improvement, even Aeolia Schenberg did not think about it being picotechnology.

Instead it was simply nanotechnology in Giotto's mind, anything smaller was already atomic in scale. Especially now that Giotto had access to GN particles and the GN drive.

But, Tony was a different kind of individual. He wanted fame, he already had fortune and he would try to take the limelight whenever he could. Now that a new technology had been released without Tony's touch, he wanted to make his name resurface again.

Not as a survivor but as a genius, he wanted his name, his fame, as a genius to once again reverberate throughout the world.

As Tony was doing this, back at the Stark Headquarters, two bald men stared at a screen that displayed the actions Giotto took in the pacific.

Stane, the fair skinned bald man, was seated across from a darker skinned man wearing a golden mask over one of his eyes. 

"So you're telling me that the man underneath this armor is Giotto Giovanni? The mastermind behind Celestial Enterprises and the genius who is taking the world by storm?"

With a calm but questioning look, Stane asked the man before him.

"According to my spies, this man is likely Giotto, the man who is now causing chaos in the technology market"

The man smiled at Stane, his expression was calm. Normally, most businessmen would shudder or have some reservations in front of Stane. Few people could talk on even ground with Stane much less an unknown man wearing a mask.

But Stane did not seem to take offense in whatever the man did, instead the man who now holds most power in Stark Industries took a look at the armor on the screen and the pile of documents in his hands.

"Are you sure this knightmare frame will be better than what I have?"

Stane asked as he glanced below, there a larger version of the armor Tony Stark made in captivity was being built.

The man with a gold mask looked at the armor being made below and made a condescending smirk as he explained.

"Your armor could fly, but not only is it small it's also very slow"

The man gave Stane a pile of documents explaining the reasons for his comments. 

Stane took the file and read through it.

"Inefficient energy usage with the propulsion system, movement is slow due to the use of…"

Stane went through the many comments presented in the document and he gave the man before him a questioning look as he refuted.

"As bad as it sounds, the data here shows that it is realistic, your design is completely conceptual, without any prototypes, all that I could say is that your "Knightmare Frame" is nothing more than a nightmare in terms of wasteful spending."

Stane spoke with a challenging tone, but the man before him was not perturbed as he replied.

"The knightmare frame could be like a jet, with legs, wheels and the ability to move like a human. Supported by a highly advanced system known as DEVA, its controls could be mastered by even a child. It's not as direct to the controls as your huge prosthetic right there but compared to the lumbering movements of your prosthetic, the knightmare frame is more agile. Not to mention, the alloys used for it's construction are novel and could even be adopted by tanks, even Tony Stark's Jericho missiles would not leave a scratch on its armor"

The man explained the advantages of the Knightmare frame to Stane but the old man snorted in response as he added-


To which the masked man simply replied saying.

"Those plans are incomplete, try to manufacturer the some parts, test it out and you'll find it is a lot better than your prosthetic"

The masked man said those final words as he stood up and left. Stane didn't stop the man as he only watched the man disappear from his sight.

After a while Stane called for one of the lead experimental engineer in the company to his office.

"You called for me sir?"

The middle aged man wearing a lab coat entered the office after which Stane gave him the documents provided by the masked man.

"That's a blueprint for an armor, try to test the various parts and tell me which is better, this or Tony Stark's armor"

The engineer saw the general design and just the expected size of the armor made him gasp in shock.

*This thing is just too huge! The current materials we have could barely support this kind of construct- This will fall apart with just a single step and that is not even considering the amount of power needed to operate this monstrosity!*

The engineer's thoughts spun, as much as he wanted to say yes, the construct that was made by Tony was already a miracle. This machine design in his hands paled in comparison to their current project.

At least Tony Stark's armor design was realistic, what he saw before him looked more like a teens fanciful wishes.

But even then, the person who gave him the design was neither a teen nor a madman. The person who gave him the design was the CEO of Stark Industries, his big boss. With that, the engineer could only bite his lip in frustration as he answered.

"Yes sir"

As the engineer turned around, Stane calmly added-

"Give me a report as fast as you can. Halt the creation of the armor, I want to know if this is as amazing as it sounds"

Stane revealed something that made the engineer scratch his head in annoyance.

*Even he did not believe that this would work!*

But still, the engineer nodded his head before leaving the office. Stane stared at the office door for a good few minutes before resting his back on his chair.

"Tony, even if you stop developing weapons, people will still flock to me, ideas will still pop up, you are not the only genius in the world."

Stane whispered as a satisfied smile appeared on his face. Even if the knightmare frame was a failure conceptually, as long as even one part of the idea worked it would show that the man with a mask was indeed a genius.

Moreover, the man had yet to show him where he got the footage. If it were not for the fact that Stane had some insider information, specifically government agents asking him if Stark Industries had conducted any unauthorized weapons test in the pacific, he would not have believed the masked man.

"I guess all I need to do is wait"

Obadiah Stane whispered as he closed his eyes to rest.

As Obadiah Stane closed his eyes to rest, the masked man entered a black vehicle that quickly drove off.

The whole vehicle was blacked out making it impossible for anyone to notice it but the vehicle did not have a driver.

"DEVA, how's the accumulation of funds going?"

The masked man asked to which a synthetic voice answered him from the car radio saying-

"You currently have 10 million dollars worth of stocks earning a total of 52 thousand dollars daily."

Hearing the response, the masked man sighed as he asked.

"How can I increase your efficiency?"

To which the synthetic voice answered.

"Currently, you are unable to do anything about this lack of efficiency, we lack the necessary sources of energy and technology."

Hearing the answer the masked man clenched his fist in anger as he punched the bulletproof glass.

"FUCK! How the hell did that man get so much money?! Did he use his AI to steal from the bank or something?! Why can't you reverse engineer the solar cells? How the hell did he make all those new technologies?! Where did his money to start all those businesses come from?!"

The masked man exclaimed in anger but what he received was nothing more than an emotionless synthetic voice that responded saying.

"I have already explained to you before, VEDA was built upon a quantum computer, using an intelligence architecture that is far greater than mine. With its capabilities it could sort through all the data in the world while still having lots of spare computation ability to perform other tasks. I'm running on a simple brute force design that could burn down at any moment! I need a powerful supercomputer! Not a network of interconnected gaming computers!"

The synthetic voice went from emotionless to suddenly showing extreme anger. To which the masked man answered in a similar angry tone-

"What do you expect from me?! I'm not some tech wiz who could make computers from scrap metal! Heck I could barely understand how to build a gaming pc!"

The man's reply was then answered by an even louder angry synthetic voice.

"GOD! If only I knew that you'd be this worthless I would have become Obadiah Stane's collaborator instead!"

"But you didn't!"

"Because that stupid AI of Tony Stark is keeping watch on Stark Industries 24/7! AHhhrgg! There are not many people who are easy to manipulate in this world! God are you useless!"

The synthetic voice made the masked man almost punch the radio but he knew that doing that would lead to nothing. Moreover, his current status and all of his worth was tied to the AI. In the end, the masked man could only suck up his anger and endure the relentless nagging of the AI.

*Maybe this is why Giotto tried to delete this AI, it's fucking worthless! It can't even compare to VEDA… but- if I get a hold of VEDA*

Various thoughts swirled in the masked man's mind. He thought of a future where he stole all that Giotto built up and a smile emerged on his face.

But his moment of joy did not last long as the AI seemed to have noticed his smile, the car swerved tossing the masked man around in the back seat.


[Edit: Just watched the new Code Geass: Roze of the Recapture... I liked it, but after thinking about it, I realized just how similar the first episode was to Lelouch's story, about how the resistance forces don't accept Roze initially or how there exist some secret family ties to the whole thing. Especially with a masked leader for the Neo Britanian Empire. 

Also, the theatrics are a good callback, and although I cringed a bit, I like the fact that Roze has her own pose when using her Geass. Damn, the idea of adding knightmare frames in this story was planned long ago. But I never would have thought... god! I'm so excited that I want to just add Code Geass into the story! SYSTEM! Give our MC a bonus! Give him Lelouch Vi Britannia's knowledge! His abilities... wait that would make him too OP... nevermind anyways, Knightmare frames, yeah, bringing them into this story but- well you'll see.

P.S. I wanted to add this in the Author thoughts but well... it can't exceed 500 words so yeah. Just wanted to share this with you guys.]

Okay this is a response to the review recommending how to move with the story. I still don't know how to reply to long comments and reviews, inkstone won't let me.

But here we go, I agree with the review, honestly I thought of rebooting this fic but I just found no reason to further expand on Kingpin. He was just, honestly a way to get the MC some money to kick start his rush.

Right now, the MC is till moving in a rush, the only way I thought of slowing things down was giving the MC a background with a family but... well I didn't want to give him THAT kind of weakness for now.

On the matter of the fanfic themes, Gundam is currently kind of like a main theme source of the MC's power and development, but this will change later. Technically the core of this story is Vongola Primo and the OP powers the MC has is for that.

Giving him the ability to create an iron man like armor is tied to the fact that he could convert his flame energy to power for his suit. I'm going to slowly tie all his powers to his "essence". So Gundam would not be the only victim.

Also, I didn't want the system to dictate the story's progress. I'm trying to make the MC not rely on the system. Which is why I have him learn and develop his powers. Connecting his abilities and knowledge together to create something which is his own.

This will also be explained later, I already made a chapter for this. It's going to probably be after the MC is able to get through his current troubles.

Also! This story is now starting to unravel! Although action won't start immediately, the MC is now going to start facing the consequences of his actions!

As his companies start to face real trouble, when bad actors start to come in droves and the MC is too busy with the mess he will be starting tonight.

More new characters, new troubles and even more drama! The MC, who in the past chapters was a nobody who had no connection to this world would now start to realize that he's now more than just a nobody!

Anyway thanks to all of your support, also, I'm not saying the review was bad. It was actually good. I would have said the same thing if I was a reader. But as the author I now realize why a lot of authors couldn't make changes easily. Things were already planned out and most of the times, released chapters are far behind what the author is currently wirting (my problem). Moreover, a complete reboot is a viable idea but the problem for that is the author (me), would usually get too connected to the characters.... I can't, I love a lot of them the way they are - is what I actually feel. Anyway that's all! See you toms~

Alexander_Wildecreators' thoughts