
The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo

Giotto Giovanni is a reincarnator; a fan of cheesy, power of friendship anime, and a lover of all waifu’s. How did he get to this universe? He does not know, all he could remember was walking through Comicon singing his favorite anime songs one moment and being in a new body with a new name the next. But Giotto won’t let this mysterious isekai put him down, he will rise to the top, he will achieve everything an isekai protagonist should achieve because- “I have the power of GOD and ANIME on my SIDE!”

Alexander_Wilde · 映画
31 Chs

Chapter 16: Exia - First Launch!

A/N: I'M FUCKING BACK!!! Okay to explain, first things first, I went about fixing this chapter and saw some problems with- well Kang. You'd probably realize what these problems are when you get to the later part of the chapter. BUT! After almost 2 weeks! I! Have! Found a solution! I won't spoil but know this, I have addressed various problems I saw, the MC being too OP and other things. So anyway here's the chappy! 

Point Nemo

Located at the pacific ocean, a remote area far from land masses, it is constantly used by various agencies for satellite calculations but during this time an unseen anomaly was occurring just below the water's surface.

A part of the sea floor moved, a long tube, like a gun pointed towards the water's surface and suddenly, the whole structure vanished, merging into the surroundings.

Giotto was suspended in Zero gravity- no more specifically his suit was floating using its GN drive that was emitting green particles.

[Flame Energy extractions and conversion stabled, all systems ready, prepare for launch]

[Plateois Opening launch cannon]

Giotto saw the end of the long tunnel open, underwater, the opening of the tunnel should have caused the water to flow in but a barrier of green particles was stopping it.

[Launch cannon open, quantum launch system stable, ready for quantum boost launch]

Seeing the prompt before his eyes, Giotto chuckled as he exclaimed with a wide smile on his face-

"Exia, Ezro Embuern, soaring to the future!"

After his exclamation, Giotto began to release dying will flames that were captured and funneled towards his mini GN drive. GN particles flooded the base of the cannon forming two circles. 

Just as the two circles appeared Giotto, wearing the Exia petite armor suddenly vanished-

Not a sound was heard as the cannon began to close and set itself again. If there were anyone presente in the bridge located at the deep water Plateois base they would see the prompt that read-

[Launch Complete]

Above Point Nemo an invisible commotion was occurring, no matter how many eyes were watching this point at this time, they would never catch the spectacular scene of a miniature gundam flying around-


Giotto flew across the empty sky, his armor and his body seemed almost weightless as he swam through the air.

"Flight controls stable, control surfaces-"

[functional, system delay 0.0ms]

Seeing the prompt Giotto smiled as he continued to do various tricks in the sky.

"If only I could use Quantum brainwaves or some sort of neural link to better control the suit…"

Giotto sighed as he played around, as fun as it was, the only reason Giotto was able to move so fluidly was because of two factors.

First was his hyper intuition, this ability allowed him increased reflected and sense. Everything from his basic motor skills to his sense of balance were enhanced to the maximum. 

The Petite series of mobile armors copied Tony Stark's future Iron man suits. The difference though is that Giotto had yet to create a way for quick response to activate various gadgets. After all he was wearing armor not piloting a mech, so he can't just press a button and something will happen.

Currently, the method of control he's using was pure instincts, that combined with the second factor-

VEDA, with its high computational power and direct link to the suit, VEDA was able to make the suit do what Giotto wanted it to do. Most of the actions were based on predictions of VEDA but there were also certain actions that initiated various functions for example-

"Well since movement is normal, time to test the weapons systems, first beam pistols-"

Giotto stopped mid air, he lowered his hands to his waist as he made his fingers emulate the shape of a gun.

This action caused a slight protrusion on the outer thighs of the armor to open up launching two futuristic pistols. 

Giotto caught them and as he did the display before him showed a new prompt.

[GN pistols online]

Reading the prompt Giotto smirked as he then pointed the two pistols at the ocean and began to unload.

Light purple beams rained down on the poor ocean surface causing a massive disturbance, water shot up to the sky and a thick mist formed due to the extreme heat that came from the GN beams hitting the water.

Satisfied with his first test Giotto stopped firing as he repositioned himself, floating parallel to the ocean he was now facing the sky and pointing both his pistols towards the stars.

"VEDA initiate GN particle burner"

[Initiating particle burner, increasing drive output for counter balance-]

The GN drive behind Giotto began to let out a quiet hum as massive amounts of GN particles were released by the GN drive.

[Balance levels reached, particle burner ready for firing]


Giotto pulled the trigger on the two GN blasters as a pillar of purple light lit up the darkness of the night.

The blast went on for a few seconds before dissipating, Giotto looked at the two pistols that were now broken beyond repair, melted due to the extreme heat.


Unable to control his own emotions, Giotto exclaimed as he stored the two pistols back in its compartments.

After a few seconds of enjoying the adrenaline, Giotto calmed down as he began to analyze the weapons.

"Okay, I can't install beams or particle cannons on my palms… I may not be hurt but it would destroy the arm armor… guess I can't copy iron man's design… but my weapons are still cool though"

As he said this Giotto was suddenly warned by VEDA-

[Warning! Your actions have caught the attention of the US army, two F-35C fighter jets are enroute towards Point Nemo]

Before VEDA informed Giotto of the two F-35C's, onboard the USS Carl Vinson, on the bridge the captain was speaking with all the top level officers on the ship. Communication was open as they were having a meeting with the rest of the top officers in the strike group.

"Sir! All captains have reported positive on the purple pillar of light. We have received satellite data on the source of the animal its at- Point Nemo sir!"

The naval officer looked at the coordinates and he realized that it was a familiar point and as he saw it he quickly gave the name of the point. Rather than say the coordinates, it was better to just call the point by its name as a saved coordinate would be used. This way it would be quicker to pass information to the other men.

This also allowed them to quickly download the information on the GPS systems of the F-35C's to be sent on reconnaissance. In less than 10 minutes the whole ship was moving, and two state of the art fighter jets quickly took to the skies.

This was the training of soldiers, preparations for war and a quick reaction to defend. The pride and joy of the US, the carrier strike group that could send all manner of destruction to anything near them.

Giotto watched as the F-35C's headed for his way, but unlike Tony who could only fly around and try to run away from them, Giotto had a better way to get pass these two-

"Unless they have heat sensors that could pierce through my armor they are basically looking for nothing! Hahaha"

With such words Giotto disappeared from Point Nemo as he headed for the country he really wanted to visit-

"Next stop! JAPAN!"

Gunshots echoed in the underground base, various soldiers wearing full body black suits or body armor shot towards the tall 20 foot ceiling and pillars.

Illuminated by yellow-orange lights, the whole area looked like a scene from an Indiana Jones movie. But, instead of a group or Nazi's or crazy archeologists, what is present in the large area are soldiers equipped with high tech modern day equipment.

"Target lost"

The soldiers' radio echoed such words but just as these words were passed on the horrific screams of another soldier echoed in the hallowed halls. A man who appears to be the leader quickly initiated a question in their comms-

"Crap! Who was that?!"

"Report- ahhh"

Unfortunately before his subordinate could complete his words only a horrific scream echoed in the leader's headset.

The scream was so loud that the leader instinctively pulled the earpiece off but just as he did various screams echoed around him.

The leader caught sight of red above him and didn't hesitate to fire a barrage of shots towards the figure.

Unfortunately none of his bullets hit its target. The commander looked around, gun still at the ready. Wherever he looked, his barrel followed, prepared to shoot at anything that moved.

This was a good way to ensure that he could respond to anything immediately, but-

"Wide open"

Was the the last words he heard as the commander felt a powerful force slam into him.

"I won't be your slave any longer"

Atop the collapsed captain, a woman wearing a red bodysuit said as she stared at the emblem on the captain's shoulder.

A skull with six tentacles, it was the iconic symbol of Hydra. The woman glanced at the picture of a blonde woman displayed on the captain's communication device, she paused and stroked her raven black hair for a moment before leaving with a determined look in her eyes.

The woman in red rushed through dark halls, evading detection, she used her knowledge of the base to quickly find the safest and quickest route towards the exit.

She was not able to completely evade her pursuers though as she would find herself encountering soldiers at times. But these soldiers were powerless against her as she simply shot arcs of electricity towards her enemies knocking them down.

The closer she got to the exit, the fewer her hiding spots were and the enemies she met grew in number.

Finally, she reached the familiar exit but reaching it did not give her joy. The woman could only stare as a man she was all too familiar with stood before the huge steel doors.

"Jessica, even if you dye your hair, there is no escaping HYDRA"

The man said as she showed the woman named Jessica a condescending look.

"Shut it Otto! If you don't want to get fried, move!"

Jessica, enraged, shouted at the man with all her emotions. As she threatened the man her hands were enveloped by bright light as the sound of electricity reverberated inside the hall.

"Jess, look around you, killing me will do nothing but kill you as well. There is no escape for you, but if you accept the procedure you will find a new meaning in life"

The old man did not panic, instead he calmly answered the woman's words. Trying to coax her into a certain procedure, but the response he got did not change.

"I'd rather die than become your slave!"

Hearing her response the old man could only sigh as raised his hand. Jessica also increased the intensity of the electricity gathering on her arms.

The two groups were already set for mutually assured destruction, it was a dead end but at this moment something broke through the tense atmosphere.


Moments before all hell broke loose, a blue white figure fell through the ceiling, no it just appeared out of nowhere and crashed on the ground.

The weird robotic figure stood up, shaking its head. It looked around and then it found itself looking between Jessica and the man named Otto.

"Am I interrupting something?"

[Giotto POV]

I was planning to move to Japan using quantum teleportation. Unlike what was used in the base, what I will be using is not completely stable.

Instead of having two portals entangled together beforehand, what I am doing now is using GPS coordinates and remote targeting to entangle my location with another. It's a more complex version of quantum teleportation that brute forces the creation of a quantum tunnel-

A quantum tunnel is basically a hole that breaks through barriers. In the current understanding of physics, what I am doing is science fiction, but! Using Aeolia's knowledge, the ability to break through the barrier of physical laws is possible using high amounts of entangled GN particles.

This tunneling was done for all bases, all I needed was a platform to generate the huge amounts of GN particles at two separate locations and the barrier could be broken to allow for tunneling or teleportation.

Now though, what I am using is a novel concept, using even larger amounts of GN particles to forcefully rip through the barrier of reality. This would, theoretically allow me to tunnel to wherever I want…

But there is a problem, the quantum tunnel without direction is basically like a void. Entering it would basically make me a real life schrodinger's cat, where I am at all places at once and yet not there at all.

My existence would get superimposed everywhere and nowhere all at once.

As such, I should not spend too much time within the quantum void, this would necessitate precise calculations to allow for a quick in and out.

I relied on VEDA to do the calculations but… let's say that during the short moment I was inside the quantum void, for just a very, very, very short time- VEDA was disconnected.

I lost contact with reality, for a very short period of time… this experience… was not pleasant.

VEDA got me out quickly as it rapidly reconnected and shot me out of the void. But in that very short moment of disconnect I felt it-

The feeling of being everywhere and nowhere at once. A weird feeling, it was like I was in complete darkness but I could see everything.

The amount of information that was shot into my mind should have knocked me out but even my state was a superposition.

I was both awake and knocked out at the same time, alive and dead at the same time, existed and vanished all at once.

It was a frightening experience and getting out of the tunnel, VEDA scanned my body and found that I lost a few… vital organs.

Yet for some reason- I was still alive.

At first I thought it was due to me being the scion of life but VEDA's scans showed a different result.

Despite getting out of the quantum void, I did not come out in one piece…

Half of my brain, my heart, half of my lungs and my left eye was left in the quantum void.

Based on VEDA's analysis, they were in a state of Quantum superposition, my healing abilities could be going haywire as it tries to heal my wounds but my cells believe that my heart is still there.

Interestingly enough, my blood seems to also be in a state of superposition, my whole body… its a weird and chaotic feeling but I shook these thoughts away.

I was still alive, aside from a weird sense of incongruity nothing seems to be wrong… at least for now.

In any case I need to take care of the current problem, VEDA's analysis shows that this was not Japan… well I could tell given the familiar underground feel of this area- That and the various heavily armed men pointing guns at me and the woman wearing a sexy red bodysiut.

Her face looks familiar but I don't have time to waste thinking as I just asked-

"Am I interrupting something?"

Final note, at this point you could have already guessed that I did some Old Logan debuffs on MC. Yes, that's what we're going for here but that is not all! There will always be two sides of the same coin, also if you have not realized this fic is titled The Marvel "MULTIVERSES" Vongola Primo, emphasis on "Multiverses". So you could probably understand what I'm saying here right? This is not a story in an MCU like universe alone. Maybe we'll go to the MCU, or maybe to 616 or maaybe to other less known universes.

Anyway hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, will be posting consistently now, also don't worry about the other fanfic I'm writing. If that stops updating, so will this fic.

I'm not gonna let these two fics interfere with one another, but life is a different matter. Anyway, I'm gonna be free for another month. Hopefully I could save up some chapters in this time. Anyway thank you for your support and see you tomorrow!

P.S. Starting this chapter Giotto action and development will start to ramp up and well I'll just give you a small hint -Iron Man I will not follow the timeline. Obadaiah seems to have found himself a "good friend". That's all buh-bye!

Alexander_Wildecreators' thoughts