
The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo

Giotto Giovanni is a reincarnator; a fan of cheesy, power of friendship anime, and a lover of all waifu’s. How did he get to this universe? He does not know, all he could remember was walking through Comicon singing his favorite anime songs one moment and being in a new body with a new name the next. But Giotto won’t let this mysterious isekai put him down, he will rise to the top, he will achieve everything an isekai protagonist should achieve because- “I have the power of GOD and ANIME on my SIDE!”

Alexander_Wilde · 映画
31 Chs

Chapter 28: Deception and Subterfuge

"The base model was a success, are the new weapon system designs going well?"

Obadiah asked Miles who responded to him calmly.

"Yes, in a few weeks the development team will be prepared with anti-tank and anti air weapons. I also completed the design for the mobile fortress, the Panzer Hummel, it wasn't made to be as agile as the Glasgow but what it lacks in speed and agility it makes up for in firepower. Moreover all of its armaments are modular, it's basically a weapons platform for any and all weapon systems we can make. Although not as fast and agile it could still move through various terrain like the glasgow but at a relatively slower pace"

Miles explained as he handed the tablet to Stane his face filled with confidence as he explained.

What appeared was a bulkier knightmare frame, based on the 3D model the slash harkens were mounted on the hips of the mech which was done to allow the mech to go over various terrain while hauling large payloads.

The expected height of the mech was also just under 5 meters in height.

Stane already knew that Miles had other knightmare frame designs and this one, although it appeared to function the same as a tank but the capabilities it had could allow it to scale mountains and other rugged terrain that a tank would otherwise be unable to get to.

"Instead of calling for an airstrike, having a platoon move with one of these would be really useful."

Before Stane could say anything, the voice of General Ross sounded behind the old man.

Turning around, Stane found Ross looking at the design on the tablet with a light of curiosity in his eyes.

"So the Knightmare Frame was designed by you?"

Ross turned his attention towards MIles which the young man replied to with a smile saying-

"Yes, it was always my dream to make giant robotic weapons fight"

The reaction the general had was not great though as he gave Miles a deadpan stare asking.

"So- Miles is it?"

Hearing the general's words, Miles was quick to understand his implication as he extended his arm introducing himself.

"Pleasure to meet you sir, my name is Miles Morales, you could call me Miles if you want to"

Responding, Ross shook Miles' hands as he replied-

"So Morales as it? In any case, I do understand that you youngsters really love robots but I do wonder what kind of advantages your "Knightmare Frames" have over tanks"

As if his earlier amazement was a lie, Ross asked Miles such a question. 

Upon hearing the general's words though, Miles knew that he was being tested. He had already prepared for such questions to be asked and so he replied saying-

"Sir, tanks are powerful weapons but even during the wars in which they were most useful they still faced the problem of being susceptible to guerrilla tactics and needing to move through relatively flat and smooth terrain. They also are unable to reach a LOT of area's.

In the end, we are forced to rely on human soldiers who are more adaptable to changing battlefield conditions."

Miles paused, he then turned towards the Glasgow that was still being studied by the military scientist and engineers.

"The Knightmare Frame is a weapons platform that would solve all these problems! We don't need roads, nor do we need to search for the perfect battlefield. The movement of our troops and heavy weaponry won't be predictable and we could use the mountains and rough terrain to our advantage. Of course this also applies for urban settings. You saw what the Glasgow, a general purpose model could do, now imagine specialized units and how they would be able to be used for various situations"

Finishing his explanation Miles took the tablet from Obadiah as he showed the various other designs.

From aquatic knightmare frames, amphibious knightmare frames to some that were made for urban warfare.

The designs were varied and the armaments were just as varied as the designs were. Seeing all the exotic designs, Ross, who always thought of the green giant- smiled.

He knew the potential strength the armed forces would obtain if they could understand the green giant's biology. 

But that was not a path with a predictable ending.

What if their hypothesis was wrong and replicating the green giants' abilities was impossible?

Moreover, even if they were able to replicate the green giants abilities, how far will it bring them?

Will they create supersoldiers who could ignore bullets and bombs? Or will they have a green captain america? 

Following this line of thinking, Ross knew that he could not place all his eggs in one basket. 

Although he didn't like relying on technology and felt that improving the soldiers was better. He did not deny the kind of power the Knightmare frames were capable of showing.

Not to mention, the strategic, tactical and operational applications of the knightmare frame was massive.

They could even make the knightmare frame conduct operations alongside special forces units.

Most of the time special forces units work without machinery as they need to get in and out of the battle fast. They did not have time to carefully bring a tank to a specific location for fire support or other helpful positions.

Recalling the huge cannon turned into a rifle in the hands of the knightmare frame, Ross imagined operations where a false assault would be created by the knightmare frame as a distraction.

Enemy forces swarming towards the knightmare prepared to fight against a group of tanks. But just as the enemy forces reach the place where the tanks could have been, all they find is an empty road.

They would try to look for the tank in flat lands and roads where it could quickly hide while the knightmare positions itself high up in a ridge where no one would expect it to be at.

Strategically the knightmare frames could move through the same paths taken by special forces units. Barren lands that no vehicle could cross due to the rough terrain but a knightmare frame could.

Moreover, unlike tanks that were meant to stay out in the open and fire at targets absorbing damage with armor, the knightmare frame could operate like a giant holding a tank gun.

Instead of absorbing attacks using armor it could use cover.

With those kinds of engagements, the threat of their enemies is lessened greatly.

No longer do they need to fear being caught off guard as enemies fire their cheap RPG's from up on hills down to the roads where a tank regiment is passing through.

Instead, their enemies will have to scurry like rats as their advantages are lost with the appearance of Knightmare frames.

Moreover, knightmare frames have the added value of being multi purpose machines capable ofc clearing obstacles and building bases.

No longer do they need to use hundreds of millions of dollars to purchase expensive engineering equipment that could only survive small arms fire.

Knightmare frames could also be used for rapid establishment of an outpost. 

When Ross looked over the designs, his mind rapidly thought of the war his country was currently waging as well as the various problems their forces face on a daily basis.


Seeing as Ross started to space out, Miles called out to Ross which snapped the General back to reality.

"Interesting idea, how about we talk about this?"

When Miles heard this he turned to Stane who was about to say something when his phone rang.

Stane paused as he took out his phone and when he saw the caller Id he sighed as he turned to Miles and Ross saying-

"Sorry, I need to take this, you could handle this can't you, Miles?"

Responding to Stane with a smile, Miles spoke calmly saying-

"I could, but I won't be able to make any deals. After all part of the technology used in the knightmare frames are Stark Tech"

Hearing Miles' words, Stane nodded as he excused himself and left as he answered the call.

On the other hand Miles followed Ross who led him to the group of Generals who were all standing together talking about the knightmare frames.

"I believe those guys would LOVE to see your designs"

Ross said as he led Miles who followed the general maintaining his business smile but as he did he also secretly clicked a remote hidden inside his breast pocket.

He did this by adjusting his coat and pressing his breast, acting like he was trying to prepare himself to meet important people.

As this happened, far from the group, inside one of the blacked out military vehicles three people were speaking with hushed voices as they conversed with a bald man wearing an eye patch through a screen.

"Sir, it seems that Obadiah Stane was able to create an interesting weapon without the help of Tony Stark"

The blonde woman said as she uploaded the images and videos of the earlier demonstration into the interface.

"Obadiah Stane is not an inventor, it's impossible for him to create a weapon, those are either Tony Stark's designs or-"

The bald man spoke as he went over the images but as he was lost in his thoughts the researcher in the group of three spoke up.

"Director, I believe the person who created the Knightmare Frame is the individual who had just recently been in contact with Obadiah Stane, the masked man whose real identity is Miles Morales, a former aid of the now deceased crime overlord Wilson Fisk"

Upon hearing his words the blonde woman spoke up-

"Maybe he's just an aid? There is no way Miles Morales could create such a weapon given his background"

Following the blonde woman's words, the Marine General also chipped in as he supported the thoughts of the blonde woman.

"I agree with Alison, Miles Morales is in no way capable of designing such mechs. If he was… then I could only say that he's a brilliant schemer"

The three all spoke out their thoughts and waited for the one eyed man to say something.

A silence spread inside the car and after a few minutes the bald man spoke-

"We could not come to a conclusion with the information we have. For now- try to build a connection with Miles Morales. I'll send in Bobbi for an in depth investigation on Miles Morales."

After the one eyed man spoke to the blonde woman, Alison cut in as she asked.

"Bobbi? Why not Natasha? She could finish the job faster"

In response to her words, the bald director replied with a exhausted sigh-

"Natasha and Brand are currently investigating Celestial Enterprises"

But his words received more questions as the marine general proceeded to ask a follow up question.

"I thought we were sending in the Cluster duo to handle that?"

Responding to him, the one eyed director's one eye darkened, not due to anger but instead fatigue as he massaged his temples replying-

"The Cluster duo encountered some trouble, delaying them. Coulson is currently busy with trying to get into contact with Tony Stark who… urgh, why do problems suddenly come up all at once?"

The director in the screen did not explicitly tell them all the information but he did give a bit of hints on what was going on. 

The three agents stayed silent and waited for the director to finish his words, they listened intently in case what the director was sending was a secret message.

"In any case, we are currently having personnel problems, even Hill might get sent to the field if things get even crazier than they already are"

Hearing the words of the director, all three agents had different reactions. The marine general and the researcher remained silent but Alison voiced her thoughts as she said.

"She'd love that"

To which the director replied while clicking his tongue-

"I'll make sure that doesn't happen, you all have new missions waiting for you after this"

The director replied and before any of the three agents could say anything the connection cut off making all three of the agents release a tired sigh.

Outside, Obadiah was staring at the car the three agents were in as he spoke on the phone.

"It's alright, you don't need to worry-

I know, Miles Morales won't be swayed, if anything, I am waiting for them to move-

Trust me, the last thing the kid would do is join some guys advocating for world peace and protection-

Alright, I'll try to see what he thinks about our plan-"

As Obadiah was talking on the phone, Miles, who was busy explaining his plans to the general, squinted his eyes for a moment as his gaze landed on Obadiah. The earpieces on his one ear were flashing subtly but the bright light of the sun hid these lights.

The generals were also too busy in looking through the designs that they did not notice this momentary change in Miles' gaze.

*I see, it seems that my friend has more interesting connections than I initially thought*

Miles shot a subtle and unnoticeable glance towards senator Stern who was also on the phone at the distance. Neither Stern, Stane or the generals noticed the changes in Miles' expression.

At this moment various secret movements were going on, probably the ones who are the most "innocent" at this moment are the group of generals going through the Knightmare Frame designs and the scientist, engineers and researchers studying the Knightmare Frame.

In this moment with various interesting undercurrents, Miles chuckled internally as he thought-

*Giotto… I really can't wait to see the look on your face when you suddenly become the center of all this chaos!*

Pretty late chapter, I was busy working on another side project that I didn't realize that this chapter was not fully edited yet. In any case, I really played around in this chapter, lots of things happening and I hope it doesn't get too confusing.

Fortunately I didn't release it automatically, the notes I had would have been found otherwise and a LOT of spoilers would have been shown.

P.S. I know that its quite boring, just endless developments but if you look closely the developments are building up quite a big first conflict. Oh how I pray the MC is prepared for what's coming- kekeke

Alexander_Wildecreators' thoughts