
The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo

Giotto Giovanni is a reincarnator; a fan of cheesy, power of friendship anime, and a lover of all waifu’s. How did he get to this universe? He does not know, all he could remember was walking through Comicon singing his favorite anime songs one moment and being in a new body with a new name the next. But Giotto won’t let this mysterious isekai put him down, he will rise to the top, he will achieve everything an isekai protagonist should achieve because- “I have the power of GOD and ANIME on my SIDE!”

Alexander_Wilde · 映画
31 Chs

Chapter 23: A meeting between Giants

A/N: No one noticed the error in chapter 21… I'm quite sad, well with this chapter's release the error was already fixed

Time passed and the world maintained its relative calm.

There were those who continued to live with constant vigilance, some that lived in ignorance and there were a few that saw things in different yet connected ways-

"I didn't expect you to come here so suddenly"

Inside Tony Stark's Malibu mansion, its owner, Tony Stark alongside his secretary, Pepper Potts sat across from a woman wearing full white.

"Well you did tell me to "personally" come to LA if I wanted to speak with you"

The woman in white, Emma Frost, the current CEO of Celestial Enterprises answered Tony's words with a calm smile.

Seeing her smile and actions, Tony gave Emma an inquisitive stare as he replied.

"Well, I was honestly not expecting you to arrive, much less in a private-" Tony paused as he turned to look outside. Parked at the helipad of the mansion was what could only be described as a glorified container van. 

Looking at the blue and white painted vehicle with markings such as "Celestial Being" and "Ptolemaios", Tony smiled as he turned his gaze back to Emma as he continued-

"Is that a container jet?" {A/N: Search up mobile suit container used in Gundam 00}

In response to Tony's words, Emma did not show any extreme reaction. 

Maintaining her calm smile, Emma took a sip of the coffee she was served before answering Tony's question.

"In fact, it is a container…", she paused as she looked at the transport vehicle she arrived in before continuing-

"Though calling it a jet is not exactly right"

Emma shook her head as she finished her statement to which Tony posed a question in response.

"Yeah, if that's a jet then then what do we call the F35"

Tony joked as he took a sip of coffee before he continued

"That said, I do wonder what kind of propulsion system your container uses. Also, the optical camouflage, not to mention the principle behind how a huge container could fly and maneuver even more smoothly than any VTOL aircraft"

Smiling Tony spoke with a sarcastic tone of voice as he posed question after question. In response Emma could only say-

"If you agree to my proposal then you will get an answer to your questions"

Emma's response along with the context of her presence and the meeting was obvious but Tony still had to smile and respond saying-

"Well if your proposal involves rings, vows and a church… personally I don't huge events, but if it's really necessary then I wouldn't mind signing on, though I'd like to go over the a prenup before we finalize anything"

In response to Tony's words Emma still maintained her calm smile as she let out a soft laugh before responding with-

"Oh you jest Mr. Stark, what I am talking about is the partnership between Celestial Enterprises and you Mr. Tony Stark"

Hearing Emma's response Tony did not have a big reaction and just questioned her.

"With me, not Stark Industries, but me specifically?"

Emma maintained her business attitude as she affirmed Tony's words-

"Yes Mr. Stark, we wish to make a deal with YOU, not Stark Industries"

When Emma affirmed his words, Tony paused for a moment before asking in response.

"Is that so? I'm guessing what you need is not money then? Maybe brains? But-"

As he was talking, Tony once again glanced at the vehicle on his helipad before returning his gaze towards Emma.

"I don't think you need me that much, plus, I'd rather compete in technological development with your big boss than work alongside him as his assistant"

Tony said as he motioned to walk out on the conversation but before he did Emma said something that made the genius, billionaire, playboy stop.

"A shame, I could have shared some bits of interesting information related to Obadiah Stane and his collaborators, I heard they were making some interesting armor like weapon in secret"

When Tony heard the words uttered by Emma, he turned around, now he had a serious look on his face as he asked.

"I'd like to see the terms of this partnership"

Smiling, Emma passed Tony a flash drive before standing up from her seat.

"I'll be waiting for you at my "container" if you agree to the partnership all your answers will be answered. If you don't agree then you simply need to destroy the flash drive. I'll leave the moment you do"

Emma proceeded to walk out the door after saying her piece, but as she reached the door she stopped and turned to Pepper.

"The coffee was great by the way, it's quite hard to find smart and hardworking people nowadays. I've personally been looking for a secretary for some time now and all I can do is try to poach talents from others."

Leaving those words Emma calmly walked towards the "carrier".

Tony ignored Emma's provocation as he headed for his workshop. Pepper sighed as she followed Tony.

In his workshop Tony quickly inserted the flash drive into his personal workstation. 

"JARVIS, analyze the information in the flash drive, give me a summary of whatever is inside."

After commanding JARVIS to analyze the information in the flash drive, Tony turned towards Pepper as he asked.

"So, what's the status of the company now?"

A look of hesitation appeared in Pepper's eyes, she tried to hide her emotions but when she looked at Tony's face, she knew she was seen through.

With a sigh, Pepper then began to tell Tony all the information she had.

She spoke about how Obadiah placated all the major stakeholders saying that Tony's words did not represent the company and only himself. The weapons division will still continue to function and the sale of weapons will not stop.

Moreover, Obadiah claimed to have found other experts in the field of military technology. That Stark Industries did not need to rely solely on Tony Stark to continue.

Additionally, Obadiah had been working on a personal project that was out of the books. He was using Stark Industries technology, personnel, and resources in his project but all expenses were labeled top secret.

No data was uploaded in the company database and all spending was untraceable.

Hearing Pepper's explanation, Tony felt that something big was happening. This feeling made him quickly turn to JARVIS as he said.

"JARVIS, immediately inform me if Obadiah Stane is going anywhere near my properties. Also don't let him in."

Responding to Tony, JARVIS replied asking-

"Do you wish to monitor his movements in the company sir?"

Hearing JARVIS's response Tony thought for a moment before saying-

"No… instead analyze all of the company's accounts. All the spending, use of resources… no, if Obi was hiding things from me then he would have edited all the information…"

Tony thought about the current possibilities.

The proposition JARVIS had was not bad but it was risky. If Obadiah Stane really was working against Tony then monitoring him would be a risk that he did not want to take.

Looking over the company records was a good idea but if Obadiah Stane didn't want Tony to know something it is easier to give him false information and completely discard the truth rather than keep it.

Obadiah was not an idiot and he would not let Tony sniff out a trail if he really was doing something behind his back.

Thinking about it in this way, Tony felt a pang of pain in his chest.

Obadiah Stane was one of his most trusted people. Stane had worked with his father and helped keep Stark Industries running while he was still going through the motions of his parents death.

Tony treated Obadiah Stane like family, he did not want to believe that such a man was his enemy…

*But… the fact there are still many unanswered questions, my weapons that fell into terrorist hands… the attack on our convoy…*

At first Tony didn't want to lose trust in Obadiah Stane but as he thought about things deeply he found a lot of holes in his relationship with Stane. While Tony was lost in thought, JARVIS finally finished the analysis of the documents given by Emma Frost.

"Sir, the partnership deal involves you and Celestial Enterprises. They are asking you to be a technology consultant. Moreover, a stipulation included is that, should you become the CEO of Stark Industries the partnership will be extended to the company."

Hearing JARVIS's analysis, Tony shook away the thoughts of betrayal as he thought over what JARVIS told him.

"JARVIS, show me the document, also highlight the important clauses-"

Tony said as he sat in front of his computer, the document was quickly displayed and various lines and clauses were highlighted.

Reading through the document, Tony found some interesting notes but the summary that JARVIS made basically described the contract.

"With my current position I'll be a technology consultant but if I become CEO, this contract would become a partnership agreement between two companies… though the sharing of technology is an interesting note…"

Tony read through the document and found some things he could easily abuse. Loopholes that few people would consider were glaringly obvious to Tony as he smiled saying-

"It seems that I already have a first lesson to give to my future partners"

Hearing Tony's words, Pepper had a surprised look on her face as she asked Tony.

"You're planning on accepting their offer?"

Tony gave Pepper a smile as he responded with-


But Pepper was not amused as she told Tony.

"You know this will not end well right? Making such a big decision for yourself is one thing but involving the company would make all the shareholders go mad. You won't last long as CEO with that… is that your plan?"

As Pepper was telling Tony off, she suddenly thought of something while talking. If Tony were to become CEO and the contract binding him is put into effect then there is a chance that Tony will quickly be voted our of the position. When that happens he will lose his position but the contract with Celestial being specifically focused on Tony being the CEO.

When Pepper thought along these lines she guessed that Tony was planning to use this uncontrollable situation as a reason to avoid a partnership between Stark Industries and Celestian Enterprises. 

It was an interesting idea but Tony already guessed what Pepper was thinking. Unfortunately what Pepper thought was not the same as Tony's idea.

"Pepper… that idea is quite creative and interesting but there's a simpler way to do this"

Hearing Tony's response to her words, Pepper had a confused look on her face as she asked.

"What method?"

To her question Tony gave his cute secretary a smile as he answered.


But his answer did not help Pepper understand as she responded asking-


To which Tony just responded with a "matter of fact" look on his face saying-

"Yes you"

But Pepper still did not understand the meaning of Tony's words, making her respond.

"I don't understand? How am I involved in this?"

Answering her Tony said-

"You're not, that's why you are key to the plan"

But Tony's words just added further confusion to Pepper's mind as she asked with an even more confused look on her face.

"What plan? What do you mean?"

Tony, realizing that Pepper's mind may not be on the same wavelength as his, left the future iron man sighing as he answered.

"What I mean is that you will be the CEO, in that way the second clause of the contract will not be invoked and we can benefit from the sharing of technology. With my ability, copying and improving their technology is easy. Also, in this way they would not have access to my technology if I just put it all under Stark Industries"

With a smile Tony explained his plan and reasoning to Pepper who, upon hearing his words, was left dumbfounded.

Pepper's eyes went wide in astonishment as she could not believe what she just heard. 

Tony basically told her that he was going to make her the big boss of the company he owned. That was after knowing that the current big boss was doing things behind his back.

On one hand this act showed Pepper that Tony trusted her, on the other hand it made Pepper look at herself as she tried to evaluate her own ability.

Was she really fit for the position of CEO?

Did she really have what it takes to lead Stark Industries?

Using the previous exchange between her and Tony showed her limited perspective in management and business tactics. Moreover, she may act tough in front of Tony but in the face of Obadiah she was not as strong.

Did she want the position?

Yes, she did, no one would NOT want to take over such a position. The question though was, "If you were given a chance will you take it?".

Many would but Pepper knew the kind of weight the position carried and she did not think that she could carry it. Especially now that Stark Industries was facing an internal strife problem.

Will she move for the benefit of the company? Or will she prioritize Tony's desires? Pepper thought about it and knew that she would put Tony before the company. But from what she was witnessing, focusing on Tony may lead the company to crash and burn.

Seeing Pepper blank out made Tony sigh as he walked behind her and patted her ass lightly as he said-

"Well, let's not think of this for now. First let's have a good talk with our dear friend who came all the way here from New York"

Feeling Tony's hands on her ass, Pepper snapped out of her stupor as she turned to Tony giving him a cold glare.

"We're not done yet Tony!" - Pepper

"Then let's talk about this later, our guest is waiting"

Tony started to walk off, not allowing Pepper to stop him.

Pepper followed Tony and tried to talk him out of his idea but Tony simply redirected all of her words towards other topics. Avoiding the topic until the two finally reached the "container" which opened upon their arrival.

When Tony and Pepper saw the container open wide revealing what appeared to be a huge suit of armor the two were left speechless.

"Come in, we have a LOT to talk about"

Emma smiled as she gestured for Tony and Pepper to enter the carrier. 

Tony and Pepper exchanged glances for a moment and came to a silent agreement before entering the carrier.

Sorry guys, I forgot to set this chapters release. I only realized it when I checked for any comments on this new chapter only to see that it wasn't released.

so here is the later chapter

Alexander_Wildecreators' thoughts