
Supernatural Symphony

作者: MehulRoy22
連載中 · 4.4K ビュー
  • 18 章
  • レビュー結果
  • NO.200+

What is Supernatural Symphony

WebNovel で公開されている、MehulRoy22 の作者が書いた Supernatural Symphony の小説を読んでください。Supernatural Symphony~A world where humans and supernatural powers coexist maintaining a balance, filled with mysteries of nature.Starts a story of Melvin , a young boy with a playful and carefree dem...


Supernatural Symphony~ A world where humans and supernatural powers coexist maintaining a balance, filled with mysteries of nature. Starts a story of Melvin , a young boy with a playful and carefree demeanor, possesses an extraordinary gift. Despite his humorous and lighthearted nature, Melvin has battled with depression and loneliness before his journey to Arcane Haven. Hopes to find a new way of life in his new place Arcane Haven, what challenges he will face? Well let's find out-

10 タグ

Villainous Rhapsody.

A villain story. -{New note! I've decided to redo this, as I personally loved [And still love] the idea, but I probably could've executed it better, and also I wrote it since I just got bored. Might as well flesh out something better while I still can, right? --------------------- His name. What was his name? If you asked anybody this question about our main character, they would easily answer with two simple, yet effective, words: The Villain. There wasn't any other words you could use to describe him better. He was like the shadow that crept through your window at night, the story that your parents would tell you so you'd go to bed early, the myth that ran through every town eventually. He was a legend, by all means. There were many things said to be done under his name, such as murder, prostitution, child {Informative biological works.}, child {Sexual Assault}, regular {Sexual Assault}, mass genocide, slavery, child slavery, racially-motivated hate speeches, racially-motivated genocide, running multiple drug rings, and the such. If you could name a crime, someone else could name the date he did it, and how happily he smiled. However, everyone falls eventually, even the greatest villain. Although it was thought to be impossible to find him, he actually made himself known. He stepped out in the middle of public, on the highest building in America, the One World Trade Center, and took his hand off a dead man's switch, blowing up numerous landmarks across the globe. ============================================== And this is where we are now. If you are questioning: How the hell did he do this, this is quite literally impossible to fly under the radar with these kinds of actions, and he couldn't use a dead mans' switch to blow up like everything, wtf? Then you are sane and correct, but let me put forward my counter argument: I don't care. I made this shitty character to be an overpowered villain for me to put forward and torture things, relentlessly and endlessly, for fun. It's like releasing all the stress in your day on someone who doesn't deserve it, you know?

EpithetEnjoyer · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Out of barrenness

In a desolate land where arid winds whispered tales of forgotten dreams, a small community struggled to thrive amidst the barrenness that surrounded them. The earth, cracked and parched, mirrored the hardships etched into the faces of its inhabitants. Yet, within the dusty remnants of what once flourished, there lingered a tenacious spirit, a refusal to succumb to the desolation. Amidst the muted tones of the landscape, a resilient group of individuals cultivated a garden of hope. Each seed planted carried the weight of a collective dream, a shared vision to transform the barren into a sanctuary of life. Their hands, calloused and weathered, bore witness to the struggle against nature's indifference. As they toiled, the monotony of the barren canvas gradually gave way to the vibrant strokes of green defiance. In the heart of this struggling oasis, a storyteller emerged—a custodian of memories and dreams. With every tale woven, the barrenness seemed to retreat, if only momentarily. The stories became the lifeblood, nurturing the spirits of those who dared to believe that abundance could rise from the ashes of emptiness. The storyteller's words, like raindrops on a thirsty land, sparked the imagination and fueled the determination to transform their world. As seasons passed, the once barren land became a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. A patchwork of color replaced the monochrome desolation, and laughter echoed where silence once reigned. The community, once bound by adversity, now stood united in the triumph over barrenness. Through collective effort and unwavering hope, they had carved a vibrant tapestry out of the desolate canvas that once defined their existence. In the end, the story of transformation transcended the physical landscape. It became a parable whispered in the winds—a reminder that even in the harshest terrain, life could emerge from the depths of barrenness. The journey from desolation to abundance, marked by the indomitable will of those who refused to surrender to the arid fate, became a timeless tale etched into the very soul of the land.

Bem_Joy · 都市
1 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


