
Supernatural Symphony

Supernatural Symphony~ A world where humans and supernatural powers coexist maintaining a balance, filled with mysteries of nature. Starts a story of Melvin , a young boy with a playful and carefree demeanor, possesses an extraordinary gift. Despite his humorous and lighthearted nature, Melvin has battled with depression and loneliness before his journey to Arcane Haven. Hopes to find a new way of life in his new place Arcane Haven, what challenges he will face? Well let's find out-

MehulRoy22 · ファンタジー
18 Chs

A Deal We Made

Chapter 18: A Deal We Made

[New Arc:- Battle Theatre]

Same day, Time 12:36,

On the terrace of the school

Leo and Melvin having lunch while sitting on the edge, observing other students walking by. Melvin uses telekinesis to float his sandwich, bringing it near his mouth when he needs a bite while being engrossed in his phone.

Leo inquires: "So... She's ignoring you now?"

Melvin: *Sigh* "Yeah... *Munch munch* Need to find a good opportunity to apologize..."

Leo: "Don't worry, she isn't someone who will stay angry for long... especially not at you. She actually respects you a lot..."

Melvin: "Used to..."

Leo: "Nah! I'm sure she still does, just a little upset with you... she values you a lot, you know? Since you came, she's been more lively than I've seen her before. And our friend group feels complete too..."

Melvin puts his head down: "Ugh, and I am the reason it's broken now 😓"

Leo: "Chill, man, it's not that big a deal. Just a first small fight between friends; it makes bonds stronger."

Melvin: "Since when did you start talking so philosophically -_-?"

Leo: "Since you started being so depressed and negative 😂"

*Silent munching*

Leo: *Sigh* Just because of you two, we can't eat together now ughh... *proceeds to take a sandwich from Melvin's plate*"

Melvin: "-_-

Why? You miss eating lunch from their plates too 🙄?"

Leo angrily responds: "Huh!? NO! That's not it!"

Melvin chuckles: "That's exactly it... *Munch* *munch*"

Leo: "Hmm, what's even wrong with sharing, man..."






"Leo notices Melvin lost in thought."

Leo, curious: "What thought did you lose yourself in now?"

Melvin: "Hmm? How did you know?"

Leo: "Because you're just staring at your blank, turned-off mobile screen 😐"

Melvin: "😅 *nodding*"

Melvin: "I'm just... thinking about last night's encounter with the president..."

Leo: "Yeah, what about it?"

Melvin: "Never thought there are other people who can have the same power as me too... Not to mention, he seems way more skilled than me..."

Leo: "Ooo... It's no wonder considering how big the world is...

And you know what I think?"

Melvin: "Hmm? What?"

Leo: "He was probably as curious as you, knowing another person has the same power as him...

Most probably that's also the reason he came to check on you mainly last night."

Melvin: "And what made you think that?"

Leo: "Because he knew your name... And knowing every student's name isn't something council members do..."

Melvin: "That's surprising...

But the move he was using... Without even breaking a sweat... he put us all on our knees.

I want to learn that move too!"

Leo: "He did say he would teach you about his powers?"

Melvin: "I know, but only if I prove myself by the end of the first semester. No idea how I'm supposed to prove it... Ughh, I want to learn it now!"

Leo: "Hmm, just learn it yourself, man, it's not like it's only possible through his teaching only -.-"

Melvin, with a raised brow: "Easy for you to say... You already have some new secret move.

What even was that last night? You never told us before!"

Leo chuckles: "That was my first time trying it, though..."

Melvin: "Mm hmm, that huge tiger-man beast, how does your power even work -_-? I thought you could only replicate certain parts of the body as an animal, but that beast form was totally different."

Leo: "Yeah, because your mindset is..." *mimics Melvin in a funny tone* "... 'Oh, we already have full control over our powers, there's no way to develop them more, omg! I'm so weak! How is the president so much stronger with telekinesis, aaaah!'"

Leo laughs.

Melvin, annoyed: "Grrr! Shut up! That's not it!!" *Throws a sandwich at Leo's face with telekinesis, hitting Leo*

Leo: "Uhh... *Leo takes the sandwich and starts eating*  Oh, thanks hehehe..."

Leo: "Anyways, just know there's no limit to how much we can enhance our powers.

I saw that beast technique only once when I was a kid; my grandpa showed me. But there is one limitation...

We can't be in that state for too long, otherwise our human consciousness may lose control and take the form of a wild animal, making us go on a rampage."

Melvin in mind: *Woah... So my joke was real all along, he CAN actually eat me if he goes into that state •_•*

Melvin: "Gulps* I... see..."

Leo: "Yes, man, this power runs in our blood, I heard. But, of course, only some rare members are able to use it."

Melvin: "Interesting... Wonder how your Dawsons even acquired this power 🤔"

Leo: "Ummmmmmmm, no idea..."

Melvin: "Sigh*"


"It was a good talk; I got to know more about Leo and his powers. But soon, we left the terrace as the lunch break was going to end. I asked Leo to go ahead because I had to use the washroom. As I returned to class, I had a feeling someone was walking behind me."

Melvin walking: *Whistles* Fuuu fuu fuuu

*Hears sounds of steps from behind*

Melvin: Huh! *Turns back*

*Melvin turns and sees Ryuza behind him*

Ryuza: Hi...

Melvin startled: Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!! What the hell! *Huff**huff*

Ryuza: Why the shout? It's just me.

[Character info:

Ryuza Duncan, a 28-year-old vampire (equivalent to a 16-year-old human). He has an introverted, antisocial personality and always maintains an expressionless face, always speaks calmly. You will never see him smiling.

If you haven't noticed yet he was the same vampire who fought for Ethan and Lui but turned them down, trusting Melvin to help him.]

Melvin, startled: Ryuza! Why tf you were walking behind me silently!?

Ryuza: You noticed just now? I was following you since you went towards the washroom.

Melvin: That's CREEPY! No wonder I felt weird in the washroom like someone was watching me.

Ryuza innocently tilts his head: I didn't peek, though.

Melvin: Sigh* You could've just called out to me if you wanted to talk -_-

Anyways, I was also thinking too when you'll show up for the deal we made.

Ryuza: Yes... So will you help or not?

Melvin: Don't worry, I haven't forgotten my promise.

So... What exactly do you need help with?

Ryuza checks the surroundings: Just take this. *He hands Melvin a piece of paper* Make sure you tell no one about this.

Melvin takes the paper: Seriously, another letter -_-

You know, the last time I followed a letter, it didn't really end well...

Ryuza: Don't worry, it's not a trap. Read it somewhere alone.

Melvin: Ughh, fine. *puts the paper in his pocket*

You could've just explained it here, right? Why the letter-- huh! *Notices Ryuza has disappeared from his sight*

Damn these vampires! Can't even sense when they come or leave.


"After that, I went to classes. It was the physical training class, and we were doing laps. The girls were running slightly ahead of us. Aria and Mia were just in front of us, and I was looking towards her, thinking when to apologize."

Leo running beside him: "If you keep staring at her, others will call you a creep, you know."

Melvin: "Huh! No I'm not looking at her! She's just in front of my sight."

Leo: "Yeah, yeah, I can see... Just go and talk to her already."

Melvin: "What!? Are you serious? When we're in the middle of a workout... Couldn't you think of a better time?"

Leo: "When else are you going to do it then?"

Mirata, running nearby, overhears: "What's the matter, guys? What does Melvin want to do?"

Leo: "Oh, hi, Mirata. Actually our melvin here made aria upset this morning, so he's trying to find a chance to apologize now."

Melvin: "Aaah! Don't just start telling everyone!"

Mirata concerned: "Oh! That's not a good thing to hear.

Asks melvin* What you did that made her upset melvin?

Melvin: Just emotional stuff.... You know how sensetive girls are.....

Mirata: I see...You four are always together, right? Maybe you should make a quick decision to make things right, i don't want your group to break."

Melvin: "Hmm yes, I know, Mirata. Thanks."

Leo: "So I'm telling him to do it now; she's just in front. Go approach her, dude."

Mirata: "Yeah, nothing's wrong in trying."

Leo cheers: "Go go melvin Go go"

Melvin: "What the hell, you guys! Ughh, fine! I'm going, I'm going!"

"As I increased my speed and started catching up from the front, Aria probably noticed, and..."


"She ran far ahead with a sudden increase in speed like a jet, running as if some wild animal was chasing her."

Melvin: "What the hell!! Never knew she could run that fast (⁠●_●⁠)"

Kaya in front notices  and looks back towards Melvin: "Ah~ Melvy! Didn't knew you wanted to jog with me~ 😊"

Melvin: "I DON'T!" *Proceeds to run back to his place*

"It's clear she doesn't want to talk. So I'm not really going to push her for this; let's just give her time to recover.

After that period, the ability training class started. As always, I went to the training hall. My statue lifting training has been going pretty well these days; I can easily lift 260 kilos. Did I mention that the dumbbells Miss Karin fitted into the statues weren't normal dumbbells? They were some mechanical contraption. They can change their weights to however much we want.

What kind of technology is this? I wasn't aware of this tech before. But now, I wanted to learn something more."


*In the training hall during classes*


Miss Karin *staring seriously*

Melvin looking towards her with slight sweat: Hehe... •_•

Karin inquiring: *Tilts head* Mind explaining about those bandages?

Melvin hesitates: Uhm... I just slipped on face and hurt my soap...(^_^)"

Karin confused: What!?

Melvin clarifies: Sorry I mean, I slipped on soap and hurt my face!

Karin: Sigh* If you say so.... Just know that the safety of your class is my responsibility....

And fights between different races are common here... So, just approach me first if anything like that happens.

Melvin: Oh, okay, ma'am.

(In mind: Why does she sound like she knows what actually happened O_O)

Melvin: By the way, ma'am!

Karin: Yes?

Melvin: I met... a student named Kawaki recently.

Karin understands what he wants to say: I see.... The brilliant third-year student and student council president.

So, you must have learned by now that he has the same power as you. But he's even more skilled.

Knowing him..... he didn't really told you anything to improve your power right.

Melvin: Nope.. he didn't... So, do you know how much he knows about telekinesis?

Karin: Hmm... Not really. Most of his power, he developed on his own. There are many things he can do so far.

You'll need to train harder if you want to catch up to him.

Melvin: I... know that. But I saw this one move he showed. He created a big field of high gravity pressure, which was crushing us- *cough cough* I mean, crushing some dummies intensely. I kinda want to learn that now.

Karin: Ah~ I see.... So, because of that, you want to learn more now. Good, good.

So... a strong gravitational field, huh? Have you ever tried doing it?

Melvin: Nope... No idea where to begin.

Karin: Alright alright.....

Yes, I was thinking to change your training method too. 

Give me 10 mins...

"Miss Karin started preparing some training method. She ordered packets of balloons? Weird. She called Mirata for help and took us to a small room in that hall.

[Many small rooms are present in every training hall for individual needs].

She told Mirata to create many ice spikes of the same size on the ceiling and one horizontal ice wall right beneath but lower than the spikes. She also called a werewolf and told him to fill up balloons with helium gas using a pump. Then she threw all those balloons beneath that horizontal wall. I was kind of getting what she wanted me to do.


Karin: Alright, here's your next training method.

Melvin, you once said you can control multiple objects with telekinesis if you think of them as one object, right?

Melvin: Mmm yes, but thinking all these balloons as one object for telekinesis can be hard.

Karin: Ok, and that's what can help you improve.

So, Mirata will open this ice wall from time to time, letting the balloons be exposed to the spikes. The balloons will start floating upwards towards the spikes.

Your job is to not let these balloons burst. Wait till the balloons reach at least a one-hand distance from the spikes, then use your telekinesis to stop all balloons and put them back on the ground. Then, Mirata will close that wall again and you stop your telekinesis. Then he'll open it again suddenly, and keep repeating the process.

Melvin: Ah! That's brilliant training ma'am!!

But you know I can't save all the balloons.

Karin: I'm aware of that; some balloons will burst yes. So, fill them again after a certain time.

And also, try to imagine you're creating a field of gravity in the "ground" to stop the balloons at once.




And with studies we found out, telekinesis deals with forces, attraction, AND atoms too.....So you can actually do way more stuffs than just floating things around.

Melvin learns: Ohhh!!

Karin explains further: Just like how you release a gravity push and pull from your palm, focus the same energy on the ground on a larger scale. Increase the gravity of that certain area. Then, you can easily learn.

*Turns towards Mirata* and Mirata, your job is to maintain those spikes without letting them melt and keep opening the wall suddenly so that Melvin's reaction time can increase too. This way you both will be training training together for some days now.

Mirata: Got it, ma'am, thanks.

Melvin: Omg! Ma'am! You're the best!! I could never have thought of this!

(In mind: Who needs Kawaki when I have such a genius teacher with me, haha)


"And as Miss Karin left to check on other students, i just sat in one place, then mirata and I started our training. It was tougher than I expected. Many balloons kept bursting. I wasn't creating a field at the moment, but I tried my best to focus my energy on the ground with one hand. As Miss Karin said, Mirata was opening the wall suddenly, forcing me to react fast. Protecting the balloons became quite challenging, but I'll keep practicing daily.

"After an hour of training, classes ended, and everyone headed for the dorms. Aria left early and didn't walk with us, of course."

"When I reached my dorm, I thought to check the letter from Ryuza first thing of all. I went into the bathroom and read the letter."

The letter said:

[Melvin, I hope you're reading this alone. As for our deal, I doubt you can provide that much money, but if you have 30 thousand cash, please let me borrow it. Meet me today at 12:30 at the backside of the theater.

If you don't have that much, still come to the same location, same time; you can still help me. Come alone.]

Melvin, shocked: What the hell! 30k! Of course, I don't have that much!

Why does this guy even need that much? And why 12:30 at night? Doesn't he know that's sleeping time!









Hmm, I have no choice... I have to go today.


As he read that letter, Melvin found himself tangled in another task.

Having no choice, He decided to help Ryuza. But what help does Ryuza want? Will he face more challenges?

To find out, keep reading 'The Supernatural Symphony.'


To be continued ~