
Supernatural Symphony

Supernatural Symphony~ A world where humans and supernatural powers coexist maintaining a balance, filled with mysteries of nature. Starts a story of Melvin , a young boy with a playful and carefree demeanor, possesses an extraordinary gift. Despite his humorous and lighthearted nature, Melvin has battled with depression and loneliness before his journey to Arcane Haven. Hopes to find a new way of life in his new place Arcane Haven, what challenges he will face? Well let's find out-

MehulRoy22 · ファンタジー
18 Chs


Story: Supernatural Symphony

Chapter 1:- Invitation

The sun began its descent, casting a warm, golden hue over the quiet town. Amidst the tranquility, an air of loneliness seemed to cling to Melvin Krelin, a young boy with extraordinary abilities. His power of telekinesis set him apart from the ordinary, but it also isolated him in a world of his own struggles, suffered loneliness and hate. Little did he know that the course of his life was about to take an unexpected turn.


As usual Melvin walked home from school alone, lost in his thoughts, a mysterious woman appeared before him. Her presence was enigmatic, her gaze piercing through the facade he tried to maintain. She addressed him with a familiarity that caught him off guard.

Women: If I'm not mistaken, you're Melvin Krelin?


Melvin's brows furrowed in confusion. He responded cautiously, unsure of her intentions.

Melvinl: Yes, I am. What do you want?


The woman's demeanor remained composed, her words deliberate as she continued to engage him.

Women: You're no ordinary boy, are you?


Caught in a web of curiosity and apprehension, Melvin's guard wavered.

Melvin (hesitating): Uh, no, idk what you mean, you must be mistaken.


The woman's gaze held a knowledge that seemed to penetrate the surface, unraveling his carefully woven facade.

Women: Is that so.....two months ago, your school reported some unusual incidents-objects flying around mysteriously, and recently 2 weeks ago, everyone in school felt a great pressure and force pushing them, right then when all glasses in school bursted instantly.. wonder how that happened..


Melvin's unease deepened. His power, which he had tried to conceal, was now exposed in a way he hadn't expected.

Melvin (tense): Yes, I heard about that, but I don't know what caused it.


The woman's words bore the weight of truth as she further delved into the recent events.

Women: There's no point in denying it, Mehul. I reviewed the CCTV footage myself. Those incidents occurred when you were feeling deep pressure by depression in class.

You ARE responsible for that incident right.


Melvin's inner turmoil clashed with the reality unfolding before him. He was no longer hidden in the shadows; his power was out in the open.

Karin (provoking Melvin): So melvin tell me what are you.... Some kind of ghost...or monster?

Melvin's anger reaches its point as soon as he heard those words

Melvin(angry): Why you..!! Go away!!


Fueled by frustration and fear, Melvin's telekinetic abilities flared, and he attempted to use them against the woman.

Picking a bike nearby with telekinesis and throwing towards her. Yet, her response defied his expectations.

[Woman removes her glasses, revealing bright red eyes.]


A surge of power coursed through Melvin's body, paralyzing him and stoping his attack mid-air. The woman's presence was both mysterious and commanding, leaving him at a loss.

Melvin shocked: What... What's happening?

(In mind: I can't move!! What she did!?)


The woman's expression softened, her smile betraying a sense of intrigue.

Woman: Impressive.... I apologize for provoking you. I merely wanted to assess your abilities.


Despite his anger and confusion, Melvin couldn't deny the fascination that arose within him. He was face to face with something beyond the realm of his understanding.

[Woman approaches Melvin with a welcoming smile.]


His curiosity piqued, Melvin found himself drawn to this enigmatic figure.

Melvin: How did you do that?


The woman's words held a gravity that sent ripples through Melvin's perception of reality.

Woman: It's nice to meet you, Melvin Krelin. I am Professor Karin Sinclair. And you are invited to Arcane Haven. *Smiles*


Melvin(Confused): Arcane....what?


Melvin's voice trembled with a blend of disbelief and intrigue as he sought to comprehend the reality unfolding around him.

Karin: I will explain that, this isn't the right place for such discussions. I need to talk to your parents.


The gravity of the situation deepened as Karin accompanied Melvin to his home. Their conversation would unveil a hidden world, one that held promises of belonging and purpose.

Miss karin giving light explanation of arcane haven academy which is exclusive to kids with extraordinary abilities to Melvin's parents. Assuring them that melvin will be in good care and teaching

Karin: As you know, that your child possess some extraordinary ability. Which is danger for normal people around him.

Parents: Yes we are aware. But we have taught him not to use that ever.

Karin: I understand your precautions sir, but this power he have can be improved and used in good way. And your boy can't be put to study with normal students. That's why we have our academy for child like him. I can assure you that he will be in good care and teachings, we can teach him to control his powers so he can't trouble people around him. And its totally his choice what he is gonna be in future.

Listening all this his parents agreed to send mehul with her.

Melvin listening all this felt a great excitement in his heart, hoping his new path of life will be way different than his current lonely and depressed life, without hesitation he agreed too


[Karin's presence brought a sense of seriousness, her words laying the groundwork for a new chapter in Melvin's life.]

Karin: Be prepared, Melvin. In one week, you will be starting a new chapter of your life at Arcane Haven.

Chapter ends-