
Supernatural Symphony

Supernatural Symphony~ A world where humans and supernatural powers coexist maintaining a balance, filled with mysteries of nature. Starts a story of Melvin , a young boy with a playful and carefree demeanor, possesses an extraordinary gift. Despite his humorous and lighthearted nature, Melvin has battled with depression and loneliness before his journey to Arcane Haven. Hopes to find a new way of life in his new place Arcane Haven, what challenges he will face? Well let's find out-

MehulRoy22 · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Tennis Part-ll

Chapter 11: Tennis Part 2

Having lost the first round to Leo and Mia, Melvin decided it was time to add more strategy for the next round.

Melvin shared his plan with Aria: "Alright, Aria... It's time we use your powers. I know you're already great at tennis, and you've never needed to use your powers before, but this time....., you'll have to."

Aria was curious: "Umm....ok fine melvin. If you want I'll use them, but what do you think I should do with them to win?"

Melvin: Ok so here is the plan....

Melvin explained the plan to Aria, discussing their strategies in detail.

Aria understood: "Okay, got it!"

Whistles blew, and Kaya addressed the players: "Alright, if both teams are ready, we must start set 2 now. Both teams, take your positions. If Leo and Mia secure another win in this set, the game ends with them as the winners. But if Melvin and Aria win, then we'll proceed to round 3.

Players, you may serve the ball now. Thank you... *winks*"

Girls cheered: "LADY KAYA IS SO GREAT!!"

Leo observed: "Ugh, they sure love Kaya, huh!"

Mia reminded Leo to focus: "Focus, Leo. They must have something up their sleeve."

Leo responded: "Hmm? I don't see any way they can counter our strategy now. You can literally predict their moves, so it's over for them."

Mia had reservations: "Uhh... I know, but... I have a feeling."

As the match began, Aria served the ball once more. Both teams engaged in the initial strikes, waiting to see which team would unveil their powers first.

Leo decided to make the first move: *Gorilla strength*!! He unleashed a powerful shot.

However, just two seconds before impact, Mia's future sight warned her: "Aria! She's going to do something!!"

To everyone's surprise, a sudden move occurred: *Aura infusion*!!

Aria used her aura-infused racket to halt Leo's forceful strike and countered it with even greater power and speed.

The unexpected turn left everyone stunned.

Leo exclaimed: "What! No way she stopped that!"

Aria celebrated her successful move: "Yes! It worked!"

The ball, now with increased speed and power, caught Leo off guard. Even Mia was too shocked to intervene, resulting in the ball hitting the ground.

Whistles blew again, and Kaya announced: "And once more, the first point goes to Melvin and Aria, making the score 1-0."

Cheers erupted from the girls.

Melvin cheered Aria on: "Yeeey! I knew you could do this, Aria!"


Leo questioned: "What! But how did she stop my powerful strike?"

Mia analyzed: "Guess we underestimated them. It was Aria, Leo. By infusing her aura into her racket, she increased her swing power and speed, countering your blow."

Leo realized: "Geez! Who would've thought Aria could do this, even though she's already skilled in tennis."

Melvin encouraged Aria: "Alright, Aria, keep playing like this, and the win is ours!"

Aria responded confidently: "Got it, thanks."

"Mia was still coming to terms with the unexpected developments, but she remained confident in her ability to predict every shot their opponents would make. "

Mia: "Well I just got surprised by that, but i can still predict every shot they gonna make."

Leo shared his thoughts: "Alright, same for me. I can counter her powerful shots too."

As Aria served the ball, the intense strikes between the teams continued.

Interestingly, Melvin haven't noticed but was striking back shots without resorting to telekinetic powers. The match was truly heating up.

Powers came into play again:

Leo announced: "Gorilla strike*!!"

Aria countered: "Aura infusion*

Aria adeptly thwarted Leo's powerful strikes. The match was filled with incredible displays of power as the players unleashed their abilities. With Aria doubling the speed of the ball using her aura infusion, Mia and Leo found it challenging to keep up.

This led to two more points for Melvin and Aria, but there were instances where Aria and Melvin missed some shots, resulting in points for Mia and Leo as well.

The score now stood at: Melvin and Aria 3, Leo and Mia 2.

As the match continued, Melvin contemplated his next move

Melvin: "Hmm, Mia is still keeping up with her mind ability. Looks like we need to try something more."

Melvin turned to Aria: "Alright, Aria, it's time for Plan B!"

Aria responded confidently: "I'm on it!"

As Aria struck the ball towards Leo and Mia, the trajectory of the ball changed, just as planned. What surprised them was that Mia didn't sense this change in her future sight. The ball once again hit the ground.

Whistles blew, and Kaya announced: "Team Aria gains one more point, making the score 4-2."

Leo was puzzled: "Hey! Mia! Why didn't you warn me this time?"

Mia was shocked: "Huh? I... I don't know! I didn't see Melvin using his power in my future sight."

Leo questioned: "What? If he didn't... then how did ball moved?"

In his mind, Melvin grinned: "Hahah! As I thought, Mia can't use future sight on both of us at the same time. Mia was focused on me, but actually, Aria moved the ball this time! Just as we planned, Aria infused her aura into the tennis ball before serving it. With that, she can slightly control the ball's trajectory. It's not as precise as telekinesis, but she can still alter its path."

Kaya thought to herself: "Nya~ What a clever strategy, Melvy~. I'm a bit jealous of your duo now."

The match continued, and this time Mia focused her future sight on Aria. When the ball neared Leo again, Mia saw Aria altering the trajectory and warned Leo: "Leo! 30 degrees, 90 centimeters to the left!!"

With Mia's guidance, Leo managed to stop the ball and struck back. However, this time, he made a mistake by not using gorilla strength. Aria directed her shot towards Mia. When the ball reached Mia, its trajectory changed once again, going unnoticed by Mia. This time, it was Melvin who altered the ball's path.

Whistles blew again, and Kaya announced: "With 5 points won by Team Aria, Round 2 has been won by Aria and Melvin!!"

The girls cheered enthusiastically for Melvin and Aria.

Melvin celebrated with humor: "Aha! Feels good to get cheers from the vampire girls!"

Leo was frustrated: "Ughh! How the hell did they pull this off!"

Mia expressed her disbelief: "Can't believe they would execute a move like this! They both used their powers to change the ball's trajectory, knowing I can only focus on one of them at a time. Damn you, Melvin! You really are incredible!"

Melvin noticed that Aria was visibly exhausted. Concerned, he asked: "Hey, Aria? Are you alright?"

Aria, catching her breath, replied: "Oh yes, I am! Thanks to your strategy, we won!"

Melvin showed his empathy: "You look really tired, Aria. I think you overused your aura. I'm sorry for making you use your powers."

Aria reassured him: "No need to apologize, Melvin. It's alright. But its true my aura is worn off for now."

Melvin understood: "I see. We can't use your aura any more in this match."

Aria: I know.. sorry, it will be hard next match then.

Melvin: Umm.. its ok..i think they must be exhausted too..

Aria explained: "I can still control the ball's trajectory. My aura is still infused in the ball. However, I can't use aura in my racket again, so I can't stop Leo's shot like before."

Melvin reassured her: "Don't worry. We just need to prevent Leo from getting a shot."

Aria playfully teased: "Hey, I see you're taking shots fairly too now. Looks like you've learned to play, huh?"

Melvin chuckled: "Huh? Oh, I think so. Guess I'm actually enjoying it."


Mia and Leo engaged in a conversation as well:

Mia explained to Leo: "Well, Leo, bad news. My future sight needs to be stopped now."

Leo was taken aback: "What!! At the last round!?"

Mia confirmed: "Yup, if I keep this up, my brain is going to heat up badly. So, I can only rely on my tennis skills now."

Leo exclaimed in frustration: "That's bad! If they keep altering the ball's trajectory, we won't win the last round either!"

After a brief break, Kaya's whistle signaled the resumption of the match:

Kaya announced: "Alright, my dear players, break time is over. Take your positions for the 3rd and final round. Whoever wins this round wins the game. Set your hearts ablaze and get ready to play this last round.

That's all, you may serve the ball now... *winks*"

The girls swooned over Kaya's charm: "LADY KAYA IS ADORABLE!!"

Melvin expressed his bewilderment: "Why does she keep winking? And why are the girls going crazy over it?" -_-

Despite their exhaustion, both teams got ready for the final round, with Mia serving the ball this time. The match began with normal striking, but Melvin and Aria couldn't afford to hold back knowing this was the last round.

Without Mia's future sight, Melvin was able to alter the ball's trajectory more easily. Leo couldn't find an opportunity to use gorilla strength. As the match progressed, Leo and Mia lost more points due to telekinesis, but Melvin and Aria also lost points due to their fatigue. The score stood at 3-2.

Leo realized the urgency: "Ugh, this is bad. We're losing badly... I need to try something more."

Leo raises hand and called for a time-out: "TIME PLEASE!!"

Melvin was puzzled: "Huh? What's with the time-out?"

Leo disappeared momentarily, returning with 7 additional rackets.

Leo activated a new move using his powers: "Animal technique: Octopus 8 arms!!!"

Everyone was astonished by Leo's new move. With eight giant arms, each holding a racket, Leo was ready to take on the challenge.

Leo announced his new tactic: "Alright, I'm tired of your telekinesis now! Bring it on!!"

Mia questioned the timing: "We're almost at the end of the match, and you're using this now?"

Leo : Oh.. hehe.. last resorts always comes in last.

Melvin was equally surprised: "What in the world? Is this even allowed?"

The match continued with Leo's extraordinary octopus arms, which increased his range and allowed him to stop shots even when their trajectory changed.

Both teams gave their all, exhausting themselves as they played. The players used both their powers and their skills, demonstrating remarkable sportsmanship. However, both teams continued to lose points due to their fatigue, resulting in an even score of 4-4.

Leo struggled to control his new move towards the end as he still didn't perfected octopus arms yet, and it resulted in a point loss, leading to the final whistle being blown.

Kaya announced: "With that, the game ends here! The last round concludes with the winners... ARIA AND MELVIN"!!!

The girls cheered loudly in celebration, while Melvin and Aria shouted in victory.

After catching their breath, the players reached out to each other.

Leo reflected: "Who would've thought our morning video game argument would end up like this?"

Melvin agreed: "You're right. But you have to admit, this was more fun than that."

Leo acknowledged: "Yeah, indeed... Congrats, champ." He extended his hand for a handshake.

Mia smiled: "Well, Aria, in the end, I still didn't defeat you. But we had fun, right?"

Aria responded warmly: "Hehe yes indeed, but defeating each other was never the goal, Mia. I'm just happy we got to play together."

Mia appreciated their strategy: "You both executed an amazing strategy, and the way you used your aura was so impressive. You know what...

*whispers* You and melvin really fits perfect for each other.

Aria blushed and protested: "Huh!? Where did that come from? Shut up, Mia!"

Mia laughed playfully: "Haha, you really look adorable when you blush."

Kaya joined them, offering her perspective: "Nya~ What an exciting match, you guys. It was fun watching you four."

Mia thanked Kaya: "Yes, Kaya, thanks to you too."

Kaya bid them farewell: "No worries. Me and my friends had fun watching you. Nya~

We must leave now. Bai bai~

Cya later, too, Melvy~"

Melvin blushed, reacting to Kaya's departure: "Uhh, alright... (In mind: Well, she gives me the creeps, but she seems like a nice girl too.)"

Mia playfully noted Melvin's blush: "Melvin, are you blushing?"

Melvin defended himself: "Huh? No, not at all! I'm just... tired! That's why my face is red!"

Mia and Leo chuckled at his response.

As the players' remarkable tennis match came to an end, they celebrated the spirit of competition, friendship, and camaraderie that had grown between them.

To be continued ~

[Note:- Had to rush in round 3, cuz chapter was stretching too much...]