
Supernatural Symphony

Supernatural Symphony~ A world where humans and supernatural powers coexist maintaining a balance, filled with mysteries of nature. Starts a story of Melvin , a young boy with a playful and carefree demeanor, possesses an extraordinary gift. Despite his humorous and lighthearted nature, Melvin has battled with depression and loneliness before his journey to Arcane Haven. Hopes to find a new way of life in his new place Arcane Haven, what challenges he will face? Well let's find out-

MehulRoy22 · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Attention Conflict

Chapter 7: Attention Conflict

As morning breaks, Melvin remains fast asleep, while Leo is busy checking something in the small kitchen area of their shared room.

[Note:-Small kitchen have been provided in every room, although most students only use that for light lunch like tea,coffee,breads,etc. Rest of time they use cafeteria near dorms]

Leo mutters: "Hmm..coffee powder's run out. Well, shop won't be open this early so... I guess i have to order two cups of coffee from the nearby café."

Before long, a café worker arrives to deliver two "cans" of coffee to the room.

Leo raises an eyebrow: "Cans? Seriously?"

Worker: "Sorry, sir. It's safer this way. Less chance of spillage."

Leo shrugs: "Alright, fine. Thanks." *Closes the door*


Leo ponders: "Ugh, and now we don't even have a can opener. And even worker didn't asked about opener, Ugh... Nevermind i can open by myself too".

Using his power, Leo transforms his head and jaw into that of a tiger's, attempting to open the cans.

Just then, Melvin wokes up from his slumber, yawning, and notices Leo's unusual appearance"

There's a brief silence as their eyes meet, before Melvin lets out a startled scream.

Leo attempts to explain: "No, no,no it's just me—"

Melvin's scream drowns out Leo's words" "AAAAAAAAA....!!!" *Melvin freaks out*

An hour later, on their way to classes:

Mia and Aria share a laugh over the morning's incident.

Mia chuckles: "Haha! So that's why you've got bandages on your nose?"

Aria giggles: "Seems like you really scared melvin with that!"

Leo recounts the story with a touch of irritation: "Yes, he flung me into the wall! My face got squashed!" *Angry leo noises*

Melvin chimes in, a comical hint of despair in his voice: "But I did say sorry ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ.

I thought you took my joking "about you eating me" seriously!

Leo frowns: "Keep pulling stunts like that, and one day, I'll actually eat you!

Melvin defends himself: "It's not my fault! Who wouldn't freak out seeing a tiger face right after waking up?"

As they walk, two girls passing by greet Melvin with smiles: "Hi, guys! Hi, Melvin!"

Melvin confused: Eh..

Two boys do the same: "Hey, Melvin, what's up?"

Melvin finds the attention a bit strange: "Huh? Do I know them?"

Leo explains: "They were our classmates, dude."

Melvin muses: "Okay, but why are they greeting me?"

Leo suggests: "Maybe they're impressed after your duel yesterday..."

Melvin reflects: "Oh, I see. But I'm not used to this much attention. It feels weird."

Leo reassures: "Eh, don't worry about it."

(Thoughts: "Damn it! If only I had won my first duel, I might be getting even more attention...")

As the time for class approached, the classroom buzzed with students moving around. Melvin sat in his seat, when a hooded girl with a flirty and sneaky smile approached him.

Girl: "Hey there, Melviin~ How are you today"

Melvin was taken aback: "Hmm? Who are you, miss?"

(In mind: Interesting, a hoodie huh, so she is a vampire..., Pretty hot to be honest)

The girl introduced herself playfully: "Uff, how sad~ I'm your own classmate, Melviin. No need for formalities. Call me Kaya~"

Melvin, being himself, greeted her warmly: "Alright then, Kaya. Nice to meet you. Is there something you need?"

(Thoughts: She's the one always surrounded by other girls in class. I sense a bit of a queen bee aura.)

Kaya leaned in closer to his face: "Uff, do you need a reason to talk to a classmate? I just wanted to chat with you. Your duel yesterday was impressive, it caught my interest."

Melvin felt a bit nervous: "Oh, um, thanks.... I guess?"


Kaya continued her flirtatious tone: "The way you fought and used your brain really intrigued me. I'd like to consider you my friend now."

Melvin managed a smile: "Sure thing, Kaya. Making friends is one of my goals here."

(Thoughts: I mean i do want to make more friends but she seems crazy. Makes me uneasy.)

Kaya grinned: "Ah, you're so sweet, Melvy. I'll call you Melvy as a nickname, alright? ^^"

Melvy, still slightly uneasy, nodded: "Sure, Melvy is fine. But I don't have a nickname for you though, sorry hehe."

(In mind: Nickname? You just dropped the 'N' from my name... -_-)*

Kaya chuckled: "No problem. As friends, we can hang out, chat on the phone, study together, and even..." *whispers* "You can visit my room sometime, Melvy~"

Melvin's anxiety rose: "Eee! Uh, no thanks. I already have a group to hang out with (^_^)"

(In mind: Is she plotting to drink my blood or something!!?)*

Kaya teased: "Oh, that hurt my feelings. But no worries, you're always welcome. Catch you later~"

Kaya headed back to her seat, while Aria observed the entire interaction.

Melvin let out a sigh: "Well, that was an awkward encounter."

From her front-row seat, Aria commented: "I don't think you should be with her much...."

Melvin was curious: "Hmm? Aria, why do you say that?"

Aria shared her thoughts: "She's not good for you, Melvin. I suggest stay away from her. She is crazy"

Melvin reassured her: "Oh, don't worry. I'm not planning to. I already have you, Leo, and Mia as friends. By the way, were you listening to the whole conversation?"

Aria blushed: "Huh? No, I wasn't! I accidentally overheard a bit..."

Melvin: "I see."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the classroom, a few boys were growing irritated by the attention Melvin was receiving.

Ethan, sounding annoyed: "Tch! Look at that guy hogging all the attention. His duel wasn't even that impressive."

Lui added: "Yeah, he acts like he's the main character here. Something needs to be done about it."

Lunchtime had begun, and as Leo and Melvin were on their way to join Mia and Aria in the cafeteria, a sudden interruption occurred.

Ethan and Lui stepped in Melvin's path, wearing expressions of annoyance and defiance.

Melvin: "Hmm? Got any problem buddy?"

Ethan:"Yes, the problem is you. Think you can grab all attention of our class? You pissing me off now"

Leo: "Hey, Ethan, back off!"

Lui: "You back off, Leo. Our concern is solely with this new guy."

Ethan: "It's only been two days since you arrived, and you're already causing disruptions? I warn you: stay away from Kaya."

Melvin's childish and spirited nature, when someone tries to take fight with him, his blood boils, can't resist but increase more conflict.

Melvin (adopting a serious tone): "And what if I don't? What are you gonna do, werewolf dawg!?"

Ethan(growing angrier): "I'll crush you within seconds."

Melvin(smirking with anger): "I would like to see you try".

Leo:"Alright, guys, seriously, do you want to start a fight?"

Lui:" Shut up leo. You couldn't even win against Ethan in your first duel. What makes you think you can now?"

Leo(angry groan): "Ok so that's your thought huh! Fine then, let's find out with rematch right now!"

The tension between the two groups escalated as they stood face to face, exchanging hostile glares. The potential for a fight to erupt was palpable, until Mirata intervened.

Mirata: "Calm down, everyone! What on earth are you doing? You're fully aware that the corridor is not the place to engage in a fight."

Leo: "Tell these two idiots, stepping in our way."

Ethan: "If only you two wouldn't get under my skin."

Mirata: "Enough, guys! You don't want to risk getting expelled for fighting in the corridor, do you? Ethan, Lui, don't cause a scene."

Ethan:"Tch! Whatever, Mirata. Like I care about the rules. Let's go, Lui."

(Sending a fierce look towards Melvin): "We'll settle this later, grr."

Mirata: "Sigh* I apologize for this disturbance. These two always seem to be a hair-trigger away from a confrontation. Please, let's keep things peaceful here."

Leo:"No worries, man. Thanks for stepping in."

Melvin: "Uff, I suppose too much attention can sometimes backfire, huh..."

Leo and Melvin eventually joined Mia and Aria in the cafeteria, where the waiting girls questioned their tardiness.

Mia: "Finally, you both decided to show up."

Aria: "Seriously, what took you so long?"

Leo proceeded to explain the corridor incident to them.

Mia: "Hmm, that's quite unexpected."

Aria: "And you guys were really going to jump into a fight without trying to calm things down?"

Melvin: "Not my fault, Aria! I don't just back off when someone messes with me!"

Leo: "Exactly. We can't let them think they can mess with us without consequences. We're not just some ordinary students."

I mean melvin could literally lift and smash them in walls till death! Telekinesis ain't joke for sure!"

Melvin: Eh... Dude am not that cruel to fight like that..."

Leo: I know am just saying..

Aria held different convictions, believing in resolving conflicts peacefully rather than resorting to violence.

Aria(disapprovingly scolds): "Wrong!!

Melvin: Huh!?

Aria serious tone: Escalating violence should never be the first response guys. It never leads to good outcome!!

You should've tried to handle it peacefully, like Mirata did!"

Melvin: "Oh... Right, got it."

(Damn, she's pretty serious about certain things.)

Leo: "Okay, fine, but still, those werewolves were the instigators."

Mia: "I mean, what can you expect? Werewolves are usually quite sensitive when it comes to matters of the heart."

Leo: "Huh? What do you mean, Mia?"

Mia: "You know, if a werewolf designates someone as their life partner, they'll love them eternally. Ethan probably got mad because he has a crush on Kaya, and he saw her with Melvin."

Leo: "Oh... i see! You sure seem to know a lot about werewolves... you nerd."

Mia: "Just some book knowledge."

Melvin: "Wow! So things like dating is allowed at this academy?"

Mia: "Of course it is, dummy. We're adult enough now, and teachers won't interfere with our personal lives. (Smirks) It means the three of you could find someone too if you wanted."

Leo: "You're talking, but you're single too, so don't laugh."

Mia: "I have more important things to focus on than dating; it's a matter of choice. What about you, Aria?"

Aria (blushing): "Um... I haven't really thought about it..."

Mia (teasing): "Oh really, or are you just playing innocent?"

Aria blushed and sipped her juice, skillfully evading the question.

Melvin(in his mind): "Oh man! Why are they discussing this topic? I have no experience with these kinds of conversations!"

Leo(notices melvin is quite suddenly): "Hey, Melvin, why so quiet?"

Mia: "Melvin, you don't ever want to find someone special?"

Melvin (hesitating): "Um... I mean... I don't know. I've never really thought about it. I've never even experienced what it feels like to love someone."

Mia: "Huh? You've never had a crush back in your hometown?"

Melvin (with a touch of sadness): "Um... No.. not really.. that's out of my league. I didn't really have any friends, to be honest. Most people didn't really like me, i used to get avoided always. So, I figured it was pointless to even think about love."

Mia: "Oh... That's sad. I'm sorry you had to go through that."

(Mia in mind: Hmm he seems genuinely affected by this. I can tell by sensing his emotion.)

Melvin: "Nah, it's alright. I gave up on those thoughts a long time ago. I've accepted that no one will ever see me that way. Hehe."

Aria, sensing Melvin's melancholy, offered some words of comfort: "Hey, don't say that. In everyone's life, there's always at least one person who loves them. You just need to find them."

Melvin began to realize this might be true: "Umm... Yes! You might be right... Thanks, Aria. I think I can still hold onto some hope for that." (He smiled.)

Leo: "We had no clue you carried those thoughts, dude. Don't worry, we're your friends here."

Mia(playfully): "Yeah, and you can always try hitting on Kaya, for a start, haha."

Melvin (emphatically): "Hell no!"

As the day wore on, Melvin continued with his daily practice sessions and the statue task.

Melvin finds himself embroiled in both budding friendships and unexpected conflicts, discovering more about himself and his classmates as his journey at the academy continues.

To be continued~