
QT: Play To Her Hearts Content.

作者: OneandonlyEJ
連載中 · 4.4K ビュー
  • 7 章
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What is QT: Play To Her Hearts Content.

WebNovel で公開されている、OneandonlyEJ の作者が書いた QT: Play To Her Hearts Content. の小説を読んでください。[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT]"Where am I?" a small and dainty voice muttered nervously as she shivered in the cold because of her thin night dress." Little lass, what are you doing in a dangerous region l...


[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "Where am I?" a small and dainty voice muttered nervously as she shivered in the cold because of her thin night dress. " Little lass, what are you doing in a dangerous region like this?" A deep and husky voice sounded right next to her red ear. [Hoho, what luck Mei Hua. Looks like you've encountered your first target] 'What. The. Fuck. ' .._.._.._.._ Mei Hua was originally a very feared and successful business woman. She was known for her many identities in the dark organization and was still hiding some identities in the dark. She had everything she could ever dream of, everything except a man. People said money couldn't buy happiness and she finally believed in the saying at the peak of her power. Every man close to her was either scheming or had bad intentions whatsoever but she did not let them go because she was desperate - desperate for closeness. Even if she forced a fake love to become real, she held on to that. Her partner, Feng Yun , pretending to be with her constantly, had taken advantage of this and with planning of over five years, he succeeded. Mei Hua would always take time off her schedule to go to some secret place to do secrative things.At this time of the year there was always highly trained mercenaries around her to prevent any accidents and assassinations but because of one slip up she lost her life. To whom? A man! She wakes up angry and done with men, so she adamantly rejects the System Gods offer. But when she hear about how she could play with the world's and the men to her advantage... ___ ___ ___ [Mei Hua it seems like your feeling are getting stirred up again...] " Oh, so my dead heart will beat again for scum men? " ["... cough, we aren't all scums.. "] "What? [Nothing..] "Hmph, let's go." [" Yes yes, little piggy."] " What did you-!? " ... " Ugh, I'm tired, so fvcking tired." Mei Hua complained in the system space. ["A-Mei..... "] " Who? What? And why'd you call me A-Mei?" " Right here behind you ... A-Mei. " " What.. !? -" ... A lie! A fvcking lie! What do anything I want!? I was tricked.. Tricked! -Mei Hua. Mei Hua is a bad b and won't fall in love for the time being. -Author. Crazy MLs.

7 タグ

One Piece: Demon of the sea

Tags: Acton, Adventure, Tragedy, Anti-hero, Superpowers, Fantasy, One Piece, 18+(possibly), Overpowered, Romance. (More tags may be added later) Synopsis: The world of One Piece, where countless tales are concealed within its legendary depths. Today, we delve into the gripping chronicle of a solitary warrior, adrift in a sea of anger and resentment, yearning for vengeance. However, destiny, with its wicked sense of irony, unveils a divergent path before him. Join him on an enthralling odyssey of retribution and fury, as he unravels enigmatic secrets meant to remain buried forever. As this extraordinary saga unfolds, a pressing question looms overhead: Will he rise as a beacon of heroism, wielding salvation for all, or will the allure of his darkest desires consume him, transforming him into the very embodiment of fear? Journey alongside this tormented warrior as he navigates treacherous waters, challenging the boundaries of his own sanity. Unearth the forbidden truths that lie shrouded in shadows, testing the limits of his resolve. Within this epic tale, the delicate balance between redemption and damnation teeters on a knife's edge. Will he find absolution amidst the chaos, or will he succumb to the alluring whispers of his own inner demons? Note: This story is purely fiction, Only for entertainment purpose. [One Piece belongs to Eiichiro Oda] [Cover don't belong to me]

Strawhat_samurai · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Wife's Seduction

Rumor had it that the Lu family’s third son was ugly, vicious, and incompetent in that aspect. On the first day Yun Ni married Lu Ang, Old Master Lu issued her an order, “Bear a child at once!” Yun Ni was speechless. Bear a child? That could only happen if Lu Ang was capable! How could a man who couldn’t even get it up bear a child? Old Master Lu said, “I don’t care if he can bear one or not. You two still have to have a child.” That would mean… they must engage in sexual activities? Strangely, Yun Ni understood Old Master Lu’s underlying meaning, and began thinking of ways to help Lu Ang regain his masculinity. If he couldn’t get hard, no problem. They would find the source of the problem and begin treatment there! The doctor said, “There’s nothing wrong with Third Young Master’s reproduction organ. He probably can’t get it up due to a mental issue.” And so… Yun Ni came out fresh from the shower, dressed in a sensual and revealing night gown, and knelt down before the man’s legs. She lifted her fair and dainty face to say, “The doctor asked me to give you kisses.” The doctor retorted, “No, I didn’t! You’re spouting nonsense!” Lu Ang was speechless. He realized that his newlywed wife was oddly obsessed about their couple life. She kept changing looks to seduce him and tried many different tricks, forcing him to exert all effort to prevent himself from being exposed… After Yun Ni failed to get him hard even after trying everything, she gave up in despair. But at that moment, Lu Ang, who had been speeding up his plan in secret, resolutely carried Yun Ni into the bedroom the instant his plan had succeeded. “Sweetheart, I’m done. We can enjoy our couple life now!”

Ah Ce · 都市
40 Chs

Yet Another System Habitat Adventure

Hello everyone who stumbled on this book for no particular reason! I am going to try to talk about what this thing here is. This is a place where I am going to write my ideas on, similar to a draft paper, so if you actually like what you see in the book and want more chapters then you'll need to wait for the harsh boot of inspiration to strike me in the most unusual way possible. The concepts I take inspiration from are all spread out and often times random to the point even I don't remember what I made with the help of inspiration or what I actually copied Also, fair warning to you, o bored reader, if you find my book complicated, the grammar and phrasing wacky, unclear and that the text is more reminiscent of a drink spilt all over a coffee table, then it is not your fault. It's more likely mine due to the fact that English is not my primary language and the fact that I always had trouble finding ways to communicate my ideas clearly. Also if you are not a fan of this type of book then I suggest you find a a better wordsmith that can give you a better reading experience and more liable to not give you so many headaches and health hazards. If there are any suggestions or questions for me, please feel free to leave them wherever but be patient with responses since I do not check web novel daily With all the quality disclaimers and reader redirection out of the way, to the bold that are prepared to speed dial an ambulance, let's get into: 1. The inspiration 2. The formatting of the chapters 3. My reading recommendation The synopsis! 1. I take heavy inspiration from system stories, wuxiaworld books and Chinese light novels with a similar style or concept. There may also be some western novels that are slipped in here but I don't quite remember. 2. The book has two main characters, a male and a female. The characters will Never meet, if my rough draft is to be believed, and both have some limited influence over each other's lives. The chapters that follow the male lead will have the {R} symbol next to the title and the chapters that follow the female lead will not have anything next to them. 3. I highly recommend only reading the first {R} marked chapter and skip the others for your own ease of mind since they will have a more futuristic setting that will be more focused on slice of life episodes while the other non marked chapters will focus more on a more system driven aspect of this book together with the female lead. -------------------------------------------------------- Rembrandt was having an intriguing day at the research center to say the least. Their research into their MANA project had hit a wall, even with the help of the YASHA computational machines, but instead of cutting their funding, the board had Increased it instead and were expecting a progress report within the next month. Also one of his seeds and passion projects that he had been maintaining with a lot of hard work that continued simulation on a personal server since it was discontinued and put on a back burner by the research team had come to a conclusion with an unexpected result. He was surprised to say the least when his Habitat settings and modifications hadn't managed to kill everyone, with only one survivor remaining, even after the death of the star the simulated planet was orbiting. With the project lead urging everyone to pull their resources together and the focus switching to making new progress before the project was axed or the team redistributed to meaningless positions, Rembrandt had the idea to put the survivor of his passion project into the newly created Habitat in a last ditch attempt to find a useful data point.

rembrandt · ファンタジー
3 Chs

American Beauty Tale of Gypsies

From the Shadow of the Valley, comes a spin off from the characters Selene and Roku. This tale dives into the culture of werewolves. A tale that started back in a place further from home. A boy she remembers yet also forgets. Three years after returning to America, Selene finally finishes out her years as a college student, gearing up to graduate in her final and fourth year to complete a Bachelors in Art Sciences. She’s set to graduate in three months in the state of Washington. The streets are quiet in her home neighborhood, but the city nights are always busy. Everything was going fine. She had her father’s support, she was living in an apartment down in a city forty miles from Seattle and she drew quietly at home and went to school by day. She didn’t even have to work so long as she had good grades, her father would pay her way. Then an unusual quiet night on campus sparked her curiosity. As the college closed up for the close of the quarter, she noticed them wandering the grounds. Four figures were hunched over at the fountain, one of them laughing loudly. She didn’t usually pay any mind till she caught the reflection of one of their eyes, casting a yellow gaze back at her that shook her. A familiar look she couldn’t place. She drew in closer, her voice timid to call out to them. Why did he come to mind? What happened to him after she was shot? She hardly could recall. Her mind was fuzzy with questions, but she began to notice more now that the group was either looming closer to her or she was drawing herself closer to them. When she got to them, the realization of what she did finally came to mind. This wasn’t the type of can of worms she should have opened. Why couldn’t she just remember to stay away?!

Diana_H_Forst · SF
10 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


