
QT: Play To Her Hearts Content.

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "Where am I?" a small and dainty voice muttered nervously as she shivered in the cold because of her thin night dress. " Little lass, what are you doing in a dangerous region like this?" A deep and husky voice sounded right next to her red ear. [Hoho, what luck Mei Hua. Looks like you've encountered your first target] 'What. The. Fuck. ' .._.._.._.._ Mei Hua was originally a very feared and successful business woman. She was known for her many identities in the dark organization and was still hiding some identities in the dark. She had everything she could ever dream of, everything except a man. People said money couldn't buy happiness and she finally believed in the saying at the peak of her power. Every man close to her was either scheming or had bad intentions whatsoever but she did not let them go because she was desperate - desperate for closeness. Even if she forced a fake love to become real, she held on to that. Her partner, Feng Yun , pretending to be with her constantly, had taken advantage of this and with planning of over five years, he succeeded. Mei Hua would always take time off her schedule to go to some secret place to do secrative things.At this time of the year there was always highly trained mercenaries around her to prevent any accidents and assassinations but because of one slip up she lost her life. To whom? A man! She wakes up angry and done with men, so she adamantly rejects the System Gods offer. But when she hear about how she could play with the world's and the men to her advantage... ___ ___ ___ [Mei Hua it seems like your feeling are getting stirred up again...] " Oh, so my dead heart will beat again for scum men? " ["... cough, we aren't all scums.. "] "What? [Nothing..] "Hmph, let's go." [" Yes yes, little piggy."] " What did you-!? " ... " Ugh, I'm tired, so fvcking tired." Mei Hua complained in the system space. ["A-Mei..... "] " Who? What? And why'd you call me A-Mei?" " Right here behind you ... A-Mei. " " What.. !? -" ... A lie! A fvcking lie! What do anything I want!? I was tricked.. Tricked! -Mei Hua. Mei Hua is a bad b and won't fall in love for the time being. -Author. Crazy MLs.

OneandonlyEJ · LGBT+
7 Chs

Arc 1.2



Knowing what Mei Hua was going to ask, 411 already started explaining, [Your original is shy and reserved. He doesn't speak or respond to anyone. They think he's mute. You would know this if I gave you the plot and memories.]

'Alright give me a second. '

Mei Hua then looked around blankly and finally noted that there were three beds. Three beds.

They were seven...

Did that mean...the were sleeping together? But they were seven...

With these thoughts in mind, she walked towards the one at the furthest corner only to stagger in her steps. She turned to the boy who was still gripping her arm and with a deadpan expression she said flatly,

"I want to rest."

"Ok, let's go to bed then." Axel said with a smile although he looked at Kai oddly.

Did Kai forget the selection for tonights subject? Or maybe he just wanted to rest before it? Whatever it was, Kai could have his rest when he wanted to.

Let's go to bed? Was she sleeping with this boy? Mei Hua thought. No, that sounded wrong in many ways. She was sharing a bed with him. Still sounds wrong.

Axel pulled her towards the bed she was heading for and Mei Hua was happy it wasn't occupied by anyone. Luckily she didn't have to talk to any of the other kids to give it up.

What she didn't notice was the ominous glower and frown Axel sent to the occupants of the bed, warning them to shut their asses up and sleep on one of the other beds.

"Geez, it's not like we were gonna..." A blonde, blue eyed boy grumbled under his breath as he played and plated a brown haired and green eyes boy's hair.

"You know Axel and his possessiveness, Neo." Gabriel leaned his head back between Neo's legs, who was plating him. His green eyes shone with indulgence towards the blonde and Neo pinched Gabriel's cheeks playfully with a glint in his blue eyes.

"But they met a few days ago." Neo retorted as he watched Kai lie on the bed straight and close his eyes while Axel sat beside him with crossed legs, tightly holding Kai's hand still as he looked at his face with a feverent gaze.

" Are you forgetting what happened between us? "Gabriel pulled the man's gaze to him with the inquiry.

" Haha, what can I say? Your everything was practically calling out my name. " Chuckled Neo as he recalled the first time he was finally let out of the reaserch and awakening lab and led to this room where he found Gabriel.

Gabriel was meditating calmly on his bed and the minute Neo laid his eyes on him he could feel his mind go feral and fueled with the agitation of finally being free from the torture that lasted for eons, he felt his fangs grow out and a sweet, enthralling and captivating scent filled his senses.

He could practically see the delicate blue and green veins beneath Gabriel's thin skin on his veiny arms and neck. The milky white skin begged him to stain it his favorite color - red.

With the door clicking shut behind him, Neo had his mind drawn to a blank with only one chant in it. His eyes turned from the beautiful blue hue to a terrifying red as the chant in his head continued.

'Bite! Bite! Bite! Bite! Blood! Blood! Drink... Blood... Mine... Mine! Drink! Mine!

And thus with drool dripping from his agape mouth, Neo disappeared from his spot with impressive speed, appearing behind Gabriel who opened his eyes- narrowed- at the sense of danger, and bit down on the boys exposed neck.

An almost inaudible gasp escaped Gabriel's lips and his pupils were blown wide in seconds, a cold sensation filling his body.

It's source, the bite.

Neo let out small whimpers and groans at the satisfaction of fulfilling his hunger. The scientists refused him of food-blood- in fear of him getting powerful and escaping the facility.

His fangs grew longer and sank deeper into Gabriel's neck and the boy started to convulse, chocked sounds escaping his throat as Neo wrapped his arms around him, securing him in place while caressing him with the sharp edges of his nails, making shallow cuts on his skin which healed almost instantly. Dissatisfying Neo's want to see blood. Thus he bit the boy harder, even licking and sucking on the said patch of skin.

The cold energy spread faster to his heart and Gabriel started feeling strange. Instead of pain, he started feeling fulfilment and-


Both let out hurtful screams as the collers around their necks let out electric shocks on sensing the unusual amount of energy in them.

Neo's canines retracted from Gabriel's neck and faint breathing was then followed by the sight of the boys sleeping with Neo on top of Gabriel as if spooning him.

Neo chuckled as he remembered their reactions when the woke up in such a position and on seeing the red string that went from his heart to Gabriel's, seemingly connecting him.

"Well, it certainly was a strange first encounter and first impression. " Neo replied and watched as a faint smile coated Gabriel's face. So he squeezed the man's face between his hands and started smoshing it.

"Besides... I've been feeling a little hungry since my last meal was last night...."

... On the other side of the room Mei Hua was in shock at the information and memories she was receiving.

First of all, WTF!??! She was going to freaking die in a few, let's say... THREE FRIGGIN MONTHS!

Second of all, Axel was actually the FUCKING MAIN CHARACTER. Male lead and protagonist of the world who was so fvcking unstable that he almost killed and destroyed the whole stinky facility with everyone in it just because he heard Kai was fricking dead.

Huh!? Why, you ask?

Third and most fvcking important of all. KAI WAS THE FREAKING WHITE LOTUS LOVE/WHITE MOONLIGHT IN THE MLS HEART!!!! This crazy ml was obsessed with him soo much that he peeked on him as he bathed!!


What was this dog blood drama world she was in?

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