
QT: Play To Her Hearts Content.

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "Where am I?" a small and dainty voice muttered nervously as she shivered in the cold because of her thin night dress. " Little lass, what are you doing in a dangerous region like this?" A deep and husky voice sounded right next to her red ear. [Hoho, what luck Mei Hua. Looks like you've encountered your first target] 'What. The. Fuck. ' .._.._.._.._ Mei Hua was originally a very feared and successful business woman. She was known for her many identities in the dark organization and was still hiding some identities in the dark. She had everything she could ever dream of, everything except a man. People said money couldn't buy happiness and she finally believed in the saying at the peak of her power. Every man close to her was either scheming or had bad intentions whatsoever but she did not let them go because she was desperate - desperate for closeness. Even if she forced a fake love to become real, she held on to that. Her partner, Feng Yun , pretending to be with her constantly, had taken advantage of this and with planning of over five years, he succeeded. Mei Hua would always take time off her schedule to go to some secret place to do secrative things.At this time of the year there was always highly trained mercenaries around her to prevent any accidents and assassinations but because of one slip up she lost her life. To whom? A man! She wakes up angry and done with men, so she adamantly rejects the System Gods offer. But when she hear about how she could play with the world's and the men to her advantage... ___ ___ ___ [Mei Hua it seems like your feeling are getting stirred up again...] " Oh, so my dead heart will beat again for scum men? " ["... cough, we aren't all scums.. "] "What? [Nothing..] "Hmph, let's go." [" Yes yes, little piggy."] " What did you-!? " ... " Ugh, I'm tired, so fvcking tired." Mei Hua complained in the system space. ["A-Mei..... "] " Who? What? And why'd you call me A-Mei?" " Right here behind you ... A-Mei. " " What.. !? -" ... A lie! A fvcking lie! What do anything I want!? I was tricked.. Tricked! -Mei Hua. Mei Hua is a bad b and won't fall in love for the time being. -Author. Crazy MLs.

OneandonlyEJ · LGBT+
7 Chs

Prologue: System Space 2.

A black door opened and Mei Hua came out looking as exhausted as a woman on a hospital bed going through a 24 hour birth.

Her legs trembled and her body shook as she made her way towards her bed, ready to sleep for the next two million years. Damn, she was so freaking tired! All because of --

Just then, the System Lord went out of the same door then it mysteriously merged with the wall and disappeared in to thin air.

"Oh dear, seems like we went a little too far.." He looked at Mei Hua and paused, typing something to the air in front of him. "A few centuries, it seems." He looked at her again after getting the information.

All exhaustion faded to nothingness as she stared at him shell shocked with her mouth agape. "A.. few CENTURIES!??!!?"

"But do not worry Mei Hua, time flows very differently in my space realm. Just a decade passed by here. Don't be so--ah!" He said as if if were nothing, making Mei Hua jump on him like a tiger.

"You silly beast!!How can you treat time so incompetently!? Your silly training better come to good use or I'll smack you back to those few centuries! " She shook his shoulders while on top of him before harrumphing.

" Alright alright. I'm a silly beast. But it'll come to good use, if not, you can ask for anything you want. " He sighed exparatedly before getting her off him gently.

"You.. why are you making promises left amd right? I'm sure there's a catch you aren't telling me." She squinted her eyes at him as they sat on the her cold floor. Her business instincts kicking in and warning her that there was some shady things happening under her keen dog nose.

"And remind me again on why you can't get that World System Power on your own? "She added as System Lord averted his gaze, cold sweat soaking his back.

The reason why Mei Hua seemed to be comfy womfy with the System Lord was because of her orgins and both of them knew it. Having lived in this system room and Lords realms for many years, she had learnt quite a lot about herself and the way of the worlds. To say she was powerful was an understatement.

After all what type of monster was able to materialize a human body with the lowest energy vault on entering the soul realm other than a God? Yep, a God not a Lord.

Luckily, System Lord was the one to find her and not the other Lords or things wouldn't have been as peaceful as they were now.

"Well,*cough* Im afraid I cant tell you what the other side of the coin is or you'd, no, you will back out. And as for the reason I can't do it on my own... Is because the Almighty has enforced some rules to avoid such scenarios from happening. You do know that every few millenniums a selection is done by One who made Two and Two who made Three and Three who made everything. The selection is to select a new Almighty who will rule over all Lord's and world and everything basically under Three's order. Us Lords have our own way of acquiring energy and if you've guessed it by now... "

" You need World System Power. " She said listening attentively at this new influx of information. One of her favorite things to do, get information on anything and everything.

" Yes, apparently I seem to be one of the contending candidates for the Almighty position, although I'm not very happy about it. That leads to the current Almighty making it increasingly difficult for us to power up. Through enforcing laws like, A Lord is not allowed to desced upon any world with this and that specifically. " He finished.

" So the other Lords have their own powers in which they increase it through differing sources. " She said.

" Yes. Like the Lord of water needs to cultivate in Atlantis but Almighty... " He trailed off letting her finish his sentence on seeing her face light up.

"... Enforces laws to make it almost immposible. Almost.. that's why the Lords have disciples! To train them but also to secretly make them help in collecting power since they aren't banned as it drains the Lords to do it themselves! And the Almighty can't ban them since that would probably break a rule about the selection if none of the Lords didnt have power to contend against him! "Mei Hua exclaimed as she pieced the dots together, forming a clear picture of the situation.

" Good. That's my Mei Hua. " System Lord gazed at her as he clapped in exaggerated amazement.

"Who's yours you dummy??" Mei Hua hissed like a cat whose fur was bristled.

"You of course." He chuckled before clearing his throat and speaking seriously.

"Mei Hua now that you've got the gist of everything and finally feel pity for this dying Lord, I need you to start as soon as possible. As in.. now." He said with a straight face as if he wasn't seeing the torrent emotions flashing through Mei Hua's face although he whispered at the end.


"Mei Hua?" He called out hesitantly.


" Dear? "

"... "

" My love- "

"Who's your love you conniving silly beast!? Huh?! Are you trying to kill this 'loVeR' of yours???? The fuck is you mean now!? What pity? Ahhh! All I feel is killing intent!!! I'll kill you! I swear on my gorgeous locks that if I don't, my name won't be Mei Hua anymore but Little piggy! "