
QT: Play To Her Hearts Content.

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "Where am I?" a small and dainty voice muttered nervously as she shivered in the cold because of her thin night dress. " Little lass, what are you doing in a dangerous region like this?" A deep and husky voice sounded right next to her red ear. [Hoho, what luck Mei Hua. Looks like you've encountered your first target] 'What. The. Fuck. ' .._.._.._.._ Mei Hua was originally a very feared and successful business woman. She was known for her many identities in the dark organization and was still hiding some identities in the dark. She had everything she could ever dream of, everything except a man. People said money couldn't buy happiness and she finally believed in the saying at the peak of her power. Every man close to her was either scheming or had bad intentions whatsoever but she did not let them go because she was desperate - desperate for closeness. Even if she forced a fake love to become real, she held on to that. Her partner, Feng Yun , pretending to be with her constantly, had taken advantage of this and with planning of over five years, he succeeded. Mei Hua would always take time off her schedule to go to some secret place to do secrative things.At this time of the year there was always highly trained mercenaries around her to prevent any accidents and assassinations but because of one slip up she lost her life. To whom? A man! She wakes up angry and done with men, so she adamantly rejects the System Gods offer. But when she hear about how she could play with the world's and the men to her advantage... ___ ___ ___ [Mei Hua it seems like your feeling are getting stirred up again...] " Oh, so my dead heart will beat again for scum men? " ["... cough, we aren't all scums.. "] "What? [Nothing..] "Hmph, let's go." [" Yes yes, little piggy."] " What did you-!? " ... " Ugh, I'm tired, so fvcking tired." Mei Hua complained in the system space. ["A-Mei..... "] " Who? What? And why'd you call me A-Mei?" " Right here behind you ... A-Mei. " " What.. !? -" ... A lie! A fvcking lie! What do anything I want!? I was tricked.. Tricked! -Mei Hua. Mei Hua is a bad b and won't fall in love for the time being. -Author. Crazy MLs.

OneandonlyEJ · LGBT+
7 Chs

Arc 1.4



Kai's face was flushed and he let out small breaths.

A few moments back-

Just as Kai was about to sigh and lay down, he felt an arm snake around his waist and his wrist were held before he was slammed down on the bed.

'Oh no.. '

"Kai... Kai... Why are you ignoring me? Did i do anything wrong? Kai... Answer me.. or I might do something to make you speak..." Axel whispered in Kai's ear, voice calm although Kai himself could feel the threat and danger lurking beneath the calmness.

Axel's nose tip grazed his cheeks down to his neck affectionately as he pressed the shock Kai to answer.

"Im not ignoring you im just distracted.." Kai said calmly as he could. The hot breath on his neck was making his body react in ways that it shouldn't.

Knowing the effects of what he was doing as he had pressed himself flat on Kai, Axel continued reigning hot breaths on Kai's skin noting that the boy was particularly sensitive whenever he got close to his Adams apple.

With a very noticable smirk,Axel closed the distance between their faces and spoke directly above Kai's lips,

"Really...? Distracted? How about i make you focused on me and me only, hmm?" Axel whispered dragging his words slowly making Kai's eyes widen subtly.

In a witty move, Kai lifted his knee with all the strength he could muster in such a situation and struck between Axel's legs in a flash, mercilessly.

With a loud gasp, Axel buried hus face in Kai's lean chest to muffle his groans, loosening his grip on Kai's hand in order to clutch at his precious jewels in pain. Not removing his other hand from Kai's waist,he squeezed so hard,his nails digging into Kai's skin painfully sure to leave marks.

Kai didn't even flinch at the pain and was busy trying to calm down his flushed face and short breaths. This..this boy had the nerve to flirt with her, a -i don't count my age- year old woman!? However, why was she getting so flustered?

[Maybe you secretly like it and don't want to admit and accept it?] 411 chuckled in a deep and slightly hoarse voice which didn't help Kai's situation as 411's voice sounded right next to his damned ear!

Fuming and gritting his teeth, Kai took a deep breath only to feel the heaviness of Axel's head still on his chest. He looked quite pitiful and Kai felt a little speck of guilt prompting him to stoke Axel's head through his fluffy bundle of white hair soothingly and mumbled a quiet," Sorry.. does it still hurt?"

Axel, who had healed long ago and was busy eating tofu, heard him and scooted closer to Kai as of saying yes, not revealing his smiling face.

Feeling her reluctant guilt spread, Mei Hua contemplated healing him however, recalling that the body of Kai was still a bit behind in this skill such that he had to touch the place to be healed, she quickly erased that thought.

Wait- didn't this protagonist have his own way of healing!? Was he just-

Lifting the head on his chest, Kai was shocked to find Axel fast asleep with his eyes closed and breathing shallow. Sighing momentarily at his foolishness, Kai positioned himself in such a way that he could sleep more comfortably with Axel in his arms since he wouldn't let go even though he was sleeping.

After sighing and settling, Mei Hua conversed with 411, not seeing Axel's eyes open, some emotion flickering in them before closing quietly.

"When is he coming?"

Knowing she was referring to system Lord he replied, [I don't really know but I think he'll be here tomorrow evening latest]

"Hm. I've been wondering, how do I extract this 'WSP' from these individuals?" She asked, feeling a little suspicious that system Lord didn't explain this part and just kept avoiding it whenever she asked, no matter the number of times.

[Well....] He said, particularly dragging that word. [The easiest and fastest method is ehem...sex.]


"What!?" Mei Hua uttered through gritted teeth her thought process coming to a screeching halt. One could physically and visibly see her expression frost over becoming colder and more expressionless than before although her eyes shone with undeniable fury.