
QT: Play To Her Hearts Content.

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "Where am I?" a small and dainty voice muttered nervously as she shivered in the cold because of her thin night dress. " Little lass, what are you doing in a dangerous region like this?" A deep and husky voice sounded right next to her red ear. [Hoho, what luck Mei Hua. Looks like you've encountered your first target] 'What. The. Fuck. ' .._.._.._.._ Mei Hua was originally a very feared and successful business woman. She was known for her many identities in the dark organization and was still hiding some identities in the dark. She had everything she could ever dream of, everything except a man. People said money couldn't buy happiness and she finally believed in the saying at the peak of her power. Every man close to her was either scheming or had bad intentions whatsoever but she did not let them go because she was desperate - desperate for closeness. Even if she forced a fake love to become real, she held on to that. Her partner, Feng Yun , pretending to be with her constantly, had taken advantage of this and with planning of over five years, he succeeded. Mei Hua would always take time off her schedule to go to some secret place to do secrative things.At this time of the year there was always highly trained mercenaries around her to prevent any accidents and assassinations but because of one slip up she lost her life. To whom? A man! She wakes up angry and done with men, so she adamantly rejects the System Gods offer. But when she hear about how she could play with the world's and the men to her advantage... ___ ___ ___ [Mei Hua it seems like your feeling are getting stirred up again...] " Oh, so my dead heart will beat again for scum men? " ["... cough, we aren't all scums.. "] "What? [Nothing..] "Hmph, let's go." [" Yes yes, little piggy."] " What did you-!? " ... " Ugh, I'm tired, so fvcking tired." Mei Hua complained in the system space. ["A-Mei..... "] " Who? What? And why'd you call me A-Mei?" " Right here behind you ... A-Mei. " " What.. !? -" ... A lie! A fvcking lie! What do anything I want!? I was tricked.. Tricked! -Mei Hua. Mei Hua is a bad b and won't fall in love for the time being. -Author. Crazy MLs.

OneandonlyEJ · LGBT+
7 Chs

Arc 1.1


"... ai?"


Mei Hua blinked thrice, clearing her dull, aching head. She turned her heavy head to look at the person calling her.

It was a young handsome boy who looked to be fifteen years old. He had pure white hair and blood red pupils with light streaks at the side, staring directly at her in worry.

"Kai, are you ok?" He asked with a suprisingly deep voice for his age, concern dripping in the question.

"Yeah. Just... thinking." Mei Hua said the first thing on her mind. Her mind suddenly remembered the trend called shower thoughts back in her world. She missed the shocked expression on the boys face.


Why.. was her voice deep and kind of hoarse!?

With dread in her heart, Mei Hua tried to clench her lady bits but all she got was nothing.

'Lǎo tóu zi. What the fuck?! I'm a man?! ' She screeched in her mind. On the outside, it looked like she was examining her food with her fork, digging and poking it around.

[Hello Mei Hua. I'll be your guiding system, 411. Currently, Master is trying to breach the worlds will and slip in a fraction of his conscious in order to be able to communicate to you telepathically. I shall be answering your questions.]-411.

Mei Hua almost doubled over on hearing the sexy male voice in her head, which sounded like he was speaking directly into her ear.

Screaming internally in her heart, she thought, ' ... Aren't you the system in the simulation? '

[Yes. I'm glad you recognize me]

With her heart still doing flips she asked,' Then I'm a man? '

[Of course. You are in the body of the subject named Kai whose gender is male.]-411 explained.

'Erm, subject? Is this the ancient times or an experimental world. ' She thought in wonder.


'No. Such food, clothing, mannerisms and architecture does not belong to the ancient times. So I'm in an experimental world. Right? ' She concluded on observing her surroundings with impressive speed.

[Err, yes. It's an experimental world or supernatural if you'd like. Would you want the plot now?]-411 said, suprised that the woman could analyse such details in the small frame of time she had been there.

*All subjects are expected to be in their dorm rooms in five minutes. All subjects are expected to be in their dorm rooms in five minutes... *

A speaker in the corner announced loudly three times before going quiet. Strangely, each individual stood up almost mechanically and headed towards on of the two double doors in the different ends of the hall they were eating in.

'Later. ' Mei Hua said mentally to 411 as she followed in unison, behind the boy who had called her earlier. He made things easier for her since he was holding her hand and pulling her along. Perhaps because he saw she was dazed and non responsive.

Mei Hua looked at their hands and then turned her gaze to look at the back of the boys head, littered with fluffy white hair. As if sensing her gaze, he turned his head to the side slightly and gave her an assuring and warm smile before looking ahead again.

Mei Hua looked at her feet and conversed with 411. 'Haa, my lucky guess is that they are experimenting on children right?' She stated the plain, obvious truth.

[Yes, the boy in front of you is Axel. He stays in the same cell as you.]

'Cells? ' She said with some confusion. Then it dawned on her. Of course they wouldn't give good things to their experimental subjects. They would probably throw them in a dumpster and call it a bed.

' Are we many? '

"Kai.. scan your finger." Axel shook Mei Hua our of her daze again with his words and she quietly complied, lifting her thumb and pressing it on the pad at the corner of the door. The guard on the outher side didn't even spare them a glance but clutched his gun tighter.

'Is he scared?' Mei Hua picked up on that gesture and kept it in her mind for the time being.

With a green glow, the pad beeped before the metal door slid into the side and showed an average room with five other kids.

'Guess that answers my question on the number. '

Axel looked at Kai, who stood there a cold expression settling on his handsome face and a small scowl on his face. His black hair framed his face perfectly and his similar light red pupils glanced and darted around the room. Axel stared at the black haired boy with a glint in his eyes.

'Hes acting strange today...even spoke for the first time. But I wouldn't know much since he's a bit new here. ' Axel thought with curiosity and interest in his narrowed eyes as he looked at Kai.

Then he suddenly turned to him and said, "You're.. still holding my hand."

"Right. I'm sorry, I forgot." Axel was suprised at Kai's voice again and apologized quickly with an apologetic smile but didn't let go of the boys hand.

Mei Hua looked at Axel with a blank expression before asking 411, 'Is this guy mentally unstable? I mean.. *cough* is he special?'

[Pft- no. Well maybe. But no. Ah, I think he is. Sorry, haha. I'm not allowed to give you that information.] 411 said with amusement dripping in his sexy voice, enjoying messing with Mei Hua.

'Fucker, give me a straight answer and the fuck do you mean not allowed? Is this the shady part that that old man didn't wanna tell me? System Lord, when I catch you... ' Mei Hua mentally grit her teeth before closing her eyes and then opening them. She didn't want to do anything careless when System Lord was not here yet, even though he had said for her to play to her hearts content.

"Ok." Mei Hua said calmly, surprising Axel.

Knowing what Mei Hua was going to ask, 411 already started explaining, [Your original is shy and reserved. He doesn't speak or respond to anyone. They think he's mute. You would know this if I gave you the plot and memories.]

'Alright give me a second. '


Lao tou zi- old man.

She's referring to System Lord since his age is definitely far gone.

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