
Naruto: Aokiji Yuki

Author: Navy_King
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 10.5M Views
  • 8 Chs
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What is Naruto: Aokiji Yuki

Read Naruto: Aokiji Yuki fanfiction written by the author Navy_King on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Anime & Comics fanfic stories, covering action, romance, adventure, reincarnation, naruto. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


In a world where to survive is the biggest blessing. Being part of a village like Mist, Aokiji gives his all to survive. Discord: https://discord.gg/cxepXMpVUj Read Chapters ahead on Patreon.com/Navyking6666

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WARNING: Contains adult content. Believing I was dreaming, I received the news that death is not the end, being reborn in an alternative world in the past with the opportunity to start a new life in 19th century Europe. I will seize the opportunity, and dedicate myself to creating a wide range of entertainment, conquering female celebrities and paving the way to become a Hollywood legend. I will be the father of cinema, the founder of Hollywood, the creator of filmmaking and the owner of the main studios. ------------- Assuming his new identity, he will use his skills to replicate and improve works that do not yet exist in this world, with the purpose of building the Hollywood film industry. Join him as his journey is just beginning. -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- *Note ¹ - Read the last note to check the genres and tags before starting reading. This novel unfolds slowly, with rich detail. There won't be a fixed posting schedule yet, but I will try to publish at least 3 chapters a week, each at least 1,000 words long. *Note² - This is my first official novel, and English is not my native language, so I will use automatic translations and artificial intelligence, which may result in errors, including typing errors. Feel free to correct me in the comments if possible. I would greatly appreciate your feedback, whether positive or negative, about my work. Thank you very much for taking the time to read my novel. *Note ³ - This is a work of fiction and many topics have not been extensively researched. Therefore, avoid criticism regarding historical accuracy, as this parallel world was created by me and I have the freedom to modify historical events. To learn about history, I recommend textbooks. Remember this is a fiction and fantasy story, created for entertainment. *Note ⁴ - This work of fiction explores a speculative narrative with historical and fictional characters. The events portrayed are entirely fictional, created from my imagination, in an alternative world with changes in the timeline. Therefore, this book should not be interpreted as a representation of real events, celebrities or real people. Any comments about them are purely fictional. *Note ⁵ - This story is inspired by several time travel books, focusing on Hollywood settings, where characters strive to become tycoons. This is my own version. The protagonist will be involved in creating comics from diverse cultures, TV shows, films, books and much more, spanning diverse media. I do not own the copyright to any of the characters or works mentioned. *Note ⁶ - Content: Urban Fantasy, Mature Rated, Slow Paced, Slice of Life, Sent to the Past System, Romance, Harem, Adult Elements, Entertainment Industry, Celebrities, Films, Marvel and DC References, Dominant Protagonist, Protagonist Ambiguous, Selfish , Blackmail Situations, Ambiguous Consent, Casting Couch Reference, Complex Romantic Relationships, Polygamy, Yandere Waifu, Domination/Submission Elements, BDSM, Explicit Sexual Content, Intense Sex Scenes, Threesome Scenes (F /F/M), Anal sex scenes, Shower sex scenes, Exploration of sexual fantasies, Exhibitionism, incest, Exploration of various fetishes, Consensual harem, Consensual temporary sexual slavery."

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This is so amazing! I’ve been hooked and can’t stop reading. Please update and continue soon!🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


Amazing! Simply amazing. This novel has everything. It's well written and you can see that author really tries. A lot of thought is put into every single line. This is an author with a proper plan for the storyline. You can see the plot developing little by little. It's something hard to see on this website.


This story has evolve beautifully almost in every aspect. The best points by far has to be the authors audacity. He used the Naruto world but he made his own story, this fic is it's own story with no overreliance on the original plot. Almost every character have their own development and personality, each evolving differently as the story goes. The protagonist stays loyal to his personality and does not fear affecting the plot. The only 2 issues I found where the MC battle style. He can combine his dv fruit with chakra yet his attacks are REALLY basic. It lacks the creativity and flexibility of Naruto attacks, like the attacks that resemble sentian being like the dragon attacks or the creativity of the ninja world with the elements. The second issue I see is the author tendency to repeat himself twice in the same paragraph. [Fake example]: MC smiled with happiness after saving Joe doe, everyone saw how MC smiled with happiness after saving Joe doe. The initiate repetition of the event doesn't really add anything. Besides this I can say that the Author improvement throughout the story is incredible.


hope you do a better job than the other one( fixing past mistakes is known as growth)


Well in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking at this matter in a different way and without fighting and by trying to make it clear, and by considering each and everyone's opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say.


He knows the darkness of konoha but you are making him unaware that action have consequences. Just for character development??? He also have aokoji experience why is he not thinking of this results???


so far so good. i love the idea of the devil fruit of aokiji . this one have huge potential hope you don't drop it waiting for another chapters [img=recommend]


good novel but kid mc isnt my thing


It's good but a little bit overrated not gonna lie. So we start off with aokiji, the youngest member in the Yuki clan, who secretly holds the soul of a 20yo transmigrater, being given kuzan's df from one piece he became the 'ice man' . Very interesting concept. However I don't get why you had him reincarnate like almost 50 years before Canon, he already knows the future, has a very strong cheat being his logia type df, so by the time the akatsuki start doing akatsuki things he would be so overpowered it's literally not gonna matter what they do. I mean imagine it, by the age of 7 he already beat A JONIN, the so called 'elite ninja' (underneath only anbu in power/ranking) , has mastered the majority of marines 6 powers which would normally take atleast years to do so. It's so comedic when he's this powerful and still thinks/cares about madara and danzo, they really shouldn't be an issue if you can basically freeze an entire army without breaking a sweat. The side characters are fine by themselves, nothing too special just a little bit too generic and boring, take the kaguya clan for example (mei, her brother and father) they are so stupid it's actually insane how a clan this dumb hasn't already collapsed from within, it's also very hard to take them seriously when all they do is abuse their youngest member who managed to unlock his bone powers for no reason, just to appear 'cool' and 'different' I guess. The writing style is somewhat decent, although you could improve the characters interaction with each other a lot.


It’s really good but is it just a one piece template system or is it an anime template system also what does the mc look like if your not turning him into akoji


Honestly, excited your last story is enjoyable the possibility of this story being even better with the previous mistakes removed has me excited for the possibilities.


It's pretty good, the biggest issue is how many times things are forced in the story IMO.


Reveal spoiler


Why did we lose chapters it was at 200 someth now it’s 52


what the heck?? where did all the chapters go?? there were more than 230 chapters..


so far so good. will you make him the kage of the mist? it would be good if there is a kingdom building [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


the heck....why you delete the other chapter!!!!!



at the time of 133 chapters: I really liked the story. chic character. good interaction and character development. very much described world. now the cons: - too slow development of the whole story. consists almost entirely of fillers, not plot. - Mito's decision about punishing danzō... not realistic. She would have killed him and that's it. - too much unnecessary information about other characters. it seems that the story is not about mс, but about others.


So the guy is approaching thirty years of mental age but finds it normal to kill 9-year-old children to supposedly preserve his village? It's a good story, but the mc's personality and actions don't match his mental age and modern mentality.


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