
Lonely Bear - Russian SI [Second Thread] - Threadmarks

作者: Star_Maker4
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Not my stories author (sersor)

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Chapter 1Electric Boogaloo (April-June, 1902)

Socialism and revolution]

Time can pass very quickly or very slowly, events from decades ago will have repercussions on future decades or immediate consequences, etc.

But it must be added that not all events have a political, territorial, economic or diplomatic impact, some only have a purely ideological impact that affects the world.

The Latin revolutions, although they did not create states that were considered great powers (such as the United Kingdom or Russia), they did create a DIFFERENT system from the capitalism and imperialism of the time.

They were the first to succeed, most of the events of the Paris Commune (which many socialists found to be one of the first and main events of their currents), defeating their governments and establishing what was for the first time a great attempt of socialism.

At this time it was difficult to obtain fast and cheap information, so obviously all the details were not always known, but the news of the revolution and the establishment of the socialist states marked a wave of sentiment.

Influencing intellectuals, workers, students, social outcasts of all kinds, unions and organizations throughout the world. The capitalists had obviously opposing views against these states, but the global economic recession prevented any direct post-Fashoda intervention.

The first to take up the banner of post-revolutionary socialism were from what today we would define as the third world or underdeveloped world, countries of Central and South America, Asia and Africa.

But keep in mind that revolutionary movements and socialist ideas can exist everywhere, with many different situations, such as movements of these types in France and Russia.

Russia was an economically developed country but politically very different from the rest of the developed countries, it did not have a constitution and its democratic elements were at a much lower level than the rest.

For this and other reasons, although the Russian economy was in decent shape, several generations of Russians became much more politically active. Socialists, Social Democrats, Liberals, and other political groups existed within Russia.

It is in this atmosphere of 'hope', search for reform and change that the student Stepan Valerianovich Balmashov, attempted to assassinate Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev, famous jurist, writer, translator, church historian, teacher and adviser to Emperor Alexander III.

Povedonostsev was a very open conservative, he had been a teacher of the Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich (son of Alexander II) and to the own Tsar Alexander III when this was only a Grand Duke. With his opinions, Povedonostsev had criticized and attacked many of the social and political movements in Russia (including some quite moderate ones).

In this case Povedonostsev attacked many of the student movements in southern Russia, movements seeking from moderate reforms for a more democratic system (constitutional monarchy) to socialist student movements.

Balmashov was the son of the populist and exile Valerian Alexandrovich Balmashev, and as he studied in southern Russia (Kiev and Kharkov) he began to meet with social democratic and socialist circles.

According to him, he did not find, in essence, the difference between the indicated parts in the practical line of the implementation of the programs of these two groups. But in particular he joined the militant groups of the Revolutionary Socialists.

So Balmashov resorted to terrorism tactics and decided to try to kill Pobedonostsev, dressing up as a low-ranking government aide to sneak onto Pobedonostsev's property and fire on Pobedonostsev, sadly the plan didn't work out very well in the end.

"I consider that the method of terrorist fight is inhuman and cruel, but it is inevitable under the modern regime" were Balmashov's words about why he tried. In addition to criticizing the Russian autocratic system.

Balmashov was offered two possibilities, to ask for a pardon or to be executed. As Balmashov refused, he was sentenced to hang by a court for the attempt to assassinate Pobedonostsev and ties him to militant circles (Combat/Fighting Organization, Боевая Организация).

The events around Balmashov would seem not to be very important, but Balmashov was rather a product of the Russian trends of the time that we can analyze.

The son of a populist father (a political trend that existed in Russian history) taking the banner of the Revolutionary Socialists amidst revolutionary-influenced student movements and post-labor reform Russian unionization.

Many Russians were open to ideas and could be influenced by events abroad, the creation of capitalism, educational reforms, labor reforms and other events involved a great exchange of ideas. Of course many Russians were also nationalists, religious, conservatives and believers in autocracy, but there were also others who believed in the reform of autocracy, democracy, socialism, the possibility of revolution, etc.


[Agent Koba.]

"April 18th, Kurdistan.

I pretended to be an infrastructure inspector of government projects in rural Kurdishness. Pretending to be another type of state official is advantageous in certain situations, this allowed me to search for information looking less suspicious, after all 'my job is' to collect information on water resources, geology, demography and the local ecosystem, among other information of course.

Rural locals and city reports let me know that there was a non-Russian European in the region, it was an Englishman who was constantly sending or receiving letters to London or Iran.

This was extremely suspicious of course, there was already a line of missionaries and other British in these regions before the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the arrival of the Russian Empire and its sphere, but there was not much reason why these Brits were spies or part of a circle of espionage.

When I examined the British's belongings, I did find a link between his missionary activity and the British intelligence and diplomacy services. Before, many of these missionaries were a kind of journalists, reporting on the Kurdish situation at home.

* More information in attached documents.

My suspicions are that due to the increasing diplomatic discussions between Persia and Russia, the previous British interests in Arabia during the Fashoda war, and the British containment policy against our state, the United Kingdom seeks to increase its intelligence networks and influence in the region of the Middle East."

First one fell, then five fell. Agent Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili hunted down British agents in the Middle East region, be it Kurdistan, Kuwait or Iran, dismantling a communication ring of 50 individuals throughout his work in the region.

The KGB job was not just assassination of course, there was also a great secretarial job of being in an office for hours, discovering information about the region and target, among other practices, but that is little entertaining to speak or write.

During this time the British intelligence services 'knew' Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili simply as 'Koba', without much other personal or professional information to work with.

*A battle.

Smoke surrounded the small combat arena, 18 against a single person at first, 3 Social Aristocrats fell, leaving only 15 British.

Koba was behind a rock in that place abandoned by the hand of God. The Georgian agent leaned out to fire again, another social aristocrat fell through the smoke but then a bullet passed too close to the agent's left side, falling into the ground.

Bullets and birds kept flying above Koba's head as he tried to get up, but then unexpected allies began to appear, a group of more than 4 Muslims on horseback firing at the British.

The small confrontation had been equalized, a British had appeared near Koba trying to take refuge, for a moment the social aristocrat pointed his weapon at the Russian agent, but he was faster and shot at the neck and chest of the other spy.

"Are you okay boss?" One Muslim out of a group of three asks as they help Koba up, not without continuing to fire on the British of course.

"I'll be better soon, keep shooting." Agent Koba insists.

One of the three Muslims helping Koba died, but in the smoke the Social Aristocrats were finally defeated.

(OOC: I am not the best action writer XD).


[France and Russia]

In the first days of May (1-3) Prime Minister Pierre Curie and the Emperor of France, Napoleon IV, visited the Russian Empire. While there were obviously celebratory events (including the creation of postcards celebrating the occasion and some monuments), we are talking about a difficult time in European history.

Particularly because of the world situation, and in particular the French situation, a country in great economic problems, infrastructure problems and problems due to Boulangerists policies, social problems, etc.

Russia was a completely different country from France at that time, it was a country that, although it received blows, remained stable (less terrorism, fewer economic problems, fewer cases of diseases, etc.).

Pierre Curie, too, could not have such an objective view of Russia, after years of being with the group of Parisian Poles, characterized by being anti-Russian and anti-tsarist Polish nationalists.

On May 4, the heads of state were in Azerbaijan to continue celebrating the visit, and to show the Russian progress regarding reconstruction projects in Baku, part of the Russian economic policies against the recession (public works).

"Each person pursues happiness in different ways. But I think that the Russians and the French share some dreams, both states are seeking economic and political reforms, neither of them can work without the other. That is why I propose the need for greater openness, between Russia and France. " It was part of one of the speeches given by Prime Minister Pierre Curie to Russians, although to the taste of the French Russians smile very little at foreigners (cultural aspects).

One of Prime Minister Curie's motives for mentioning the reformist ancestry of both peoples was that Boulanger had based part of his ideology on what he saw of the Russian autocracy (something the old Boulangerist guard knew).

But the realities of the French autocracy (Bonapartist or Boulangerist) and the Russian autocracy were radically different, and so were his reforms.

The visit of the French leaders was undoubtedly also very different from the visits of, for example, Napoleon I or Georges Boulanger, two different types of leaders than Napoleon IV and Prime Minister Pierre Curie.

"Personally, your commitment to the reform ideas about the actions of your predecessor is commendable. I am also someone very committed to reforms, I have known about the need for reforms in the Russian state since before accessing the throne and I have pursued those reforms for more than 30 years, so I must say that I am also concerned about the events in France. "Tsar Alexander III mentions in a more private meeting with Pierre Curie while Napoleon IV was hunting with the Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich.

"Could you explain in more detail?" Pierre Curie asks.

"... Economic reform is certainly necessary, even when we have to respond to its worst excesses, but political reform and its consequences are more difficult. I have waited patiently upholding the autocracy so that my citizens first experience a better quality of life and have access to vital social services, which allow them to be more literate, therefore more receptive and hard-working with democratic measures." Tsar Alexander III digs deep. "My government has also paid attention to certain events, for example Brazil. The reform that ended slavery was vital and necessary, but the Brazilian imperial government did not prepare to take charge of the citizens, bringing major failures to the reform for Black Brazilians, the people they freed. The refusal of Isabel I to the constitutional reform cost her and her side Rio Grande do Sul, showing a lack of tact and political intelligence for not knowing how or when to reform politically."

"I see. That's what I'm trying, I have a 4-year plan for reducing working hours and other reforms." Pierre Curie explains.

"That is very good, the problem is the struggle within the government regarding these reforms." Alexander III argues, passing reforms in Russia was not the same as passing reforms in France. "If you allow me to express my opinion, you need an ally within France when difficult times come, even an autocracy is a collective government."

"If I may say so, my experiences in Africa made me an enemy of many of the right-wing elements of my country. If I had to choose an ally ...."

Pierre Curie, as a person, made a good impression on Tsar Alexander III. Curie was committed to ideals and emotions towards the French people and the rest of the world, but too impractical to be a leader, which is why he left a bad impression as a politician and statesman.

After the visit in Baku the French leaders left.



April 1, hundreds of longshoremen in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canda, go on strike.

39 dead and 45 wounded in a Hippo Wars confrontation.

April 2, in southern Russia various student leagues are formed (especially around the city of Kiev) to support more liberal or leftist ideas, opposed to the current form of the tsarist regime.

Ordinary people of course (generally) support Tsar Alexander III as head of state, but there are also those who acknowledge that there are flaws and want changes in the monarchy-autocracy system in Russia, have some complaints about other officials, etc.

April 3, under the government of President Elihu Root, the US dairy industry basically buys (lobby) the Senate to put additional taxes on the production of oleomargarine, a substitute for butter.

April 4, Cecil Rhodes's will is made public, marking the beginning of the Rhodes Scholarships for the University of Oxford.

Of course originally only applicable to citizens of select countries such as the United States or Germany, but it would expand over time.

April 5, incidents of violence between police officers and strikers leave 25 dead and 517 injured along the border between the north of England and Scotland.

April 7, the United States House of Representatives creates some possible modifications to the Chinese Exclusion Bill, approved by the Senate a few days later.

This indefinitely extends the discriminatory measures of the US state against the Chinese population, further complicating the lives of Chinese-Americans and making Chinese immigration to the United States more difficult.

April 10, in the German Empire the largest general strike that had been seen so far, the province of Flanders, Luxembourg and Alsace-Lorraine began.

Supported mainly by anarchists (who believed it would start a revolution) and democratic socialists, but was not actually supported by many unions.

The strike was led by Emile Vandervelde, calling for electoral reform for ordinary Belgian-Flemish people (Belgians in Brussels and Flemings in the rest of Flanders were generally disadvantaged in the Prussian-imposed system, which made the elites more easily manipulated with more power than the common man) and better labor laws (requested above all by the Luxembourgers and natives of Alsace-Lorraine).

April 11, in Milan the first gramophone recordings of the government of the Federative Socialist Republic of Italy begin.

The recordings include popular and patriotic songs by the militiamen, readings and speeches by Italian leaders such as Costantino Lazzari.

April 16, the "Electric Theater" opens, the first cinema in the United States, based in Los Angeles and owned by Thomas Lincoln Tally.

April 17, Copenhagen longshoremen go on strike, refusing to load or unload any ship entering the port of Copenhagen, Denmark.

This for obvious reasons puts a lot of pressure on the Danish economy, but the government does not have many ways of accepting or applying to workers' demands in the midst of the global situation, lack of cooperation from capitalists and the conflicts between conservatives-liberals-others. within the government.

April 18, Guatemala suffers the worst earthquakes that the country and its inhabitants have seen in the last 200 years, with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VIII ("Severe"), causing 800 deaths (or more, but that is generally the accepted number ).

The earthquake also caused volcanic activity, a tsunami, and floods, which killed between 10,000 and 12,000 Guatemalans.

The city of Escuintla (which experienced the tremors for 2 minutes) had 4,000 deaths, a significant part of its barely 10,000 inhabitants. The town of Ocós was destroyed by lava from fissures that opened beneath the town, and then struck by a tidal wave from the Pacific Ocean.

Other villages with a large loss of life were San Marcos, San Pedro Sacatepéquez, Guatemala, San Juan Ostuncalco, Champerico, Cuyotenango, Maztenango and Tuscana.

On April 19, around the Mekong River, the Laos independence movement began with a revolt from the city of Savannakhet, led by the "Happy People".

This revolt is crushed, but lately it reveals cracks in the German rule of Indochina, the global economic and political deterioration causes serious problems in most colonial empires for several reasons.

Vietnamese, Lao people and other peoples of Germanic Indochina are quite fed up, and have started to fight against German imperialism-colonialism in certain regions. Be it Laos or Vietnam.

April 20, while the Belgium-Luxembourg-Alsace-Lorraine strike was certainly impressive, lately it has been crushed by pressure and threatens the German police forces and armed forces, causing the leaders to decide to stop the strike without achieving basically anything.

Marking a growth of distrust in Germany on the part of the workers towards the reformist and anarchist social democrats, gaining more support towards the revolutionary lines and hardliners.

None of the desired reforms came, and lately it caused a growing European rejection of the ideas of Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin.

On April 21, the Lieutenant of the German Imperial Navy, Magnus von Levetzow, presents his report about how the German invasion of the United States should be in case of war.

April 28, the USS Chicago is put into one of the Croatian border ports (for some inspections, replenishing resources, etc) but meanwhile four officers illegally cross into Italian territory (Federative Socialist Republic of Italy) and are arrested for entering the territory of the Commune of Venice.

This initiates quite a few international tensions, especially between the US and Socialist Italy, mainly because the United States did not recognize the Italian socialists, and they considered that the arrest of their officers was an obvious attack.

The USS Maine threatened to move towards the Italian coast, while the Italians defended their position regarding the defense of their sovereignty.

April 29, the Basque Socialist Republic (Socialist Union of Hispania) begins a program to build more steel and metallurgy factories.

May 1, President Elihu Root sent an ultimatum to the Federative Socialist Republic of Italy for the release of the naval officers arrested on Italian soil, otherwise the start of conflicts was ensured in the following weeks.

A tornado rips through the city of Dhaka in the British Raj, killing 416 people.

The Imperial Japanese Army issues executive orders for the torture of Filipino prisoners.

May 2, the city of Maharg becomes the city of "Foss" (in Oklahoma, USA) after the original site of the city was flooded and the inhabitants moved to somewhat higher ground.

May 3, the Bayan incident broke out when the Japanese infantry and the Sultan of the Moro / Bangsamoro people (Islamized ethno-linguistic groups) on the island of Mindanao came into conflict. Leading the Japanese infantry to confront the sultan and 200 of his men, despite the fact that both sides had previously discussed peaceful conflict resolution.

The Japanese end up killing the Sultan and his men in combat, bringing more atrocities to the region. For example the tactic of burning villages.

61 deaths in French Egypt due to a fire in the village of Mit Ghamr.

May 5, despite signs that the Pelée volcano is about to erupt, the majority of Martinique residents choose not to evacuate.

May 6, 635 Bengali natives take up arms against British colonialism in the region, more specifically in some coastal towns in Bengal.

The British Army responds with violence, leading to the deaths of the rebels and an additional 102 civilian natives. Most of this event turns into another cultural landmark of the Bengali independence movement.

Revolt in the Venezuelan city Carúpano, the army loyal to Cipriano Castro crushes this revolt, at the cost of 115 troops and 210 wounded.

May 7, the explosion of the La Soufrière volcano on the island of Saint Vincent causes the death of 2,000 people.

The House of Commons accepts new censorship measures against Irish nationalists.

In the United States, with the expiration date of President Elihu Root's ultimatum approaching, there is serious talk about the United States-Italy conflict.

May 8, between 20,000 and more than 30,000 people die on the island of Martinique (British property, although still mostly inhabited by ex-French) by the eruption of the Pelée volcano, including many of the newly placed British authorities.

The city of Saint-Pierre is destroyed.

On May 9, German and British ships approach the Guatemalan port of San Jose to force the country to pay loans to foreigners, a curious case of Anglo-German cooperation in 1902.

May 10, 24 magicians who gathered in the back room of Martinka's Magic Shop create the Society of American Magicians, which later includes members in other parts of the world.

The USS Maine is approaching Italian territorial waters (near Venice).

May 11, the Italian government of Constantino Lazzari finally pardons the four officers of the USS Maine, who had spent time in one of the prisons of the Venice Commune, part of the Federative Socialist Republic of Italy.

The four officers currently returned quite radicalized towards pro-socialist opinions due to their experience in Italy, currently in prison they were explained the Italian point of view and socialism.

This has curious consequences, such as the term "Brainwash", since many Americans could not believe that in such a short time someone could be convinced to join such a cause. Which would lead decades later to the MK Ultra project.

This means that Socialist Italy and the United States are not going to war, but there are still some tensions after this event.

(OOC: Based on certain data about the Korean War).

May 12, the Brazilian inventor Augusto Severo de Albuquerque Maranhão (38 years old) and his partner, the French engineer Georges Saché (25 years old) fly the semi-rigid Pax de Severo aircraft over Paris.

Both men momentarily lose control of the aircraft over the Montparnasse cemetery, but finally manage to land and survive.

(OOC: OTL the Pax caught fire and exploded 400 meters above the cemetery, with so much death, every now and then something positive is good).

A process of great unionization begins in the Pennsylvania coal mines, leading to a greater effect of the strikes proclaimed by the United Mine Workers of America.

Curiously around this time there are also several explosions of naphtha in the state of Pennsylvania, killing 28 people in the community of Sheraden for example.

May 13, the British government creates a budget of 300,000 pounds to give Martinique some renovation-reconstruction (and populate it with a little more British citizens).


* [French Revolution 2.0]

On May 14, 1902, other important events began in the Second French Empire, finally after the "economic, political and social-moral degeneration", various religious organizations in the south part of France, parts of the French navy, part of the army and the governor of Algeria, Charles Maurras, take the city of Nice (also called Nizza in italian and Niça in Occitan) by surprise.

It is proclaimed that the current French Senate is illegal and that a new provisional government is started while order and the past Boulangerist model is restored. With Napoleon IV as emperor but Maurras as the new Generalissimo (which would currently nullify the power of the Bonapartist autocracy in favor of another strongman).

Of course this is declared unconstitutional by the government of Pierre Curie in Paris and enters a period of civil instability. On the one hand, religious organizations and the army can "convince" rural populations to unite in various ways, but also the middle and working class are in favor of the Paris government or other groups.

Various regions fall into the chaos of civil war, liberals, centrists and centrists begin to unite with Charles Maurras, while radicals, republicans, social democrats and opportunists of various kinds stand together with Pierre Curie and the legitimate Senate.

Among these, some French peripheral regions are de-facto controlled by the Armée Civile Française Rouge (Red French Civil Army), paramilitaries aligned with Jules Guesde's Communist Party of France (Parti Communiste de France, PCF).

In the strange mix there are also some anarchist, nationalist and boulangerist groups causing chaos.

In essence we can define a growing control of Maurras in the south, with a center-north more inclined towards the legitimate government of Pierre Curie. But there are huge pockets and peripheral areas that fall within the control of other types of political groups.

The French Colonial Empire is mainly in the hands of the army, some remain de-facto neutral but for example in Algeria and Morocco they proclaim themselves more loyal to Maurras, governor of Algeria.

May 16, order 409 is carried out by the government of Prime Minister Pierre Curie, the emperor is de-facto placed under arrest and his final powers pass to the Senate, which leads the fight with the support of the loyalist generals.

Neither side has the best military or military leaders, but the legitimate government begins to move the first mechanized units and the bulk of the French forces towards Maurras.

Pierre Curie on the part of him tries an alliance with the Social Revolutionaries of Jules Guesde against the Right-Boulangerists of the south. Of course, this attempted alliance enters into negotiation.

Jean Jaurès's French Socialist Party (Parti socialiste français, PSF) begins to form its own paramilitary units to fight against Guesde and Maurras.

June 6, the rebel army and navy (in favor of Charles Maurras) continues to be successful in the Mediterranean areas of France, capturing the island of Corsica and other ports.

June 27, in the drastic situations of a new civil war, around 120 regiments are created where women participate (in fact these new 120 are almost all women) from rural and urban populations.

Most of these support the government of Pierre Curie or socialist-left causes, in opposition to the "usurper" Charles Maurras.

Women actively demonstrated courage and merit by fighting the right-wing forces, which prohibited female participation in their armed forces for obvious reasons (both logistical and ideological).

*Foreign perspectives.

The United States and Russia remained neutral, of course they recognized only Pierre Curie and Napoleon IV as the legitimate government of France, but the French country was too far away and the interference NOW was not adequate. The Americans had nothing to gain and the Russians had a lot to lose.

The British couldn't be more pleased that the French will kill each other, especially after Fashoda. Unfortunately the border conflicts did not result in much profit, the French colonial empire in Africa remained strong (at least for now).

Germany still did not have a formed policy.


May 16, the legitimist-alfonsista claimant, Alfonso XIII reaches the age of 16, reason why he will be considered of age. The next day he is "officially crowned" as King of Spain by those who support his claim over the Carlist claimant Carlos VII (Carlos María de Borbón y Austria-Este) in Puerto Rico.

Of course this occurs only within the Spanish expatriate community, who have many issues to get angry at each other, Carlists and Alphonsists, Republicans against monarchists, etc.

The socialists and military in Hispania, the Canary Islands and Equatorial Guinea do not recognize any of this.

May 17, Greek archaeologist Valerios Stais sells the Antikythera mechanism to Tsar Alexander III. Stais identified the mechanism as an ancient astronomical clock, but later archaeologists would identify it as an early analog computer.

Of course this was only part of Alexander III's effort to buy curiosities, historical objects, etc.

May 18, one of the biggest incidents in the Hippo Wars, 92 killed in the Mississippi Delta.

May 23, a coal mine explosion kills 109 miners in British Columbia.

The Socialist Union of Hispania under Francisco Largo Caballero created the Civil Order of Marx, for technical achievements. It became one of the highest honors in socialist Spain.

May 24, the German ship Stanleyville landed in French West Africa.

Pierre Marie René Ernest Waldeck-Rousseau, a Republican, joins Pierre Curie's side as a member of the French Senate after the removal or withdrawal of various elements.

May 27, the United States and Chile sign an extradition treaty.

May 28, Chile and Argentina sign the May Treaty, which puts the territorial dispute between other countries to neutral arbitration.

May 31, President Elihu Root of the United States increases the number of troops of the United States Army by 14%. Going from 77,287 troops to 88,077.

With all the associated material costs, the United States is of course not in the best situation.

June 1, 1902, the Canadian government amends the Chinese Immigration Act of 1885, doubling the price of the "Head tax" for all Chinese immigrants (except diplomats, students and tourists) to $ 100 per person.

This applies to all Canadian territories except British Columbia. The following year the Head Tax increases again, with $ 500 per person.

June 2, the 1902 Coal Strike begins in Pennsylvania, led by the United Mine Workers of America, this is another important damage to the northeast of the United States.

The industrial states since the Free Silver reform (not yet withdrawn, although William McKinley and Vice President Root had already planned countermeasures, they were delayed for obvious reasons), continued with unemployment and economic problems, the global recession, epidemic diseases and other events not help.

Workers were demanding shorter hours, higher wages, and recognition from Pennsylvania's various unions, effectively cutting off much of the northeastern United States' fuel supply.

June 4, Michael Henry Herbert becomes the new British ambassador to the United States.

8 Welsh miners die in an accident in a coal mine.

June 6, a constitution is accepted in the state of Virginia, which continues the process by which various states take away the voting rights of African-Americans through tests such as literacy tests.

During this time the daughters of Confederate veterans also continue to successfully promote the myth of the Lost Cause, a narrative that places the Confederacy, its cause, and slavery, etc. in a favorable light.

June 7, miners of bituminous coal (or also called soft coal) go on strike throughout Virginia and West Virginia.

Also on the same day the meatpackers strike in Chicago had been resolved.

June 8, the Kilauea volcano erupts in the Kingdom of Hawai'i.

Pennsylvania employers refuse to negotiate with coal unions despite all the problems in the region, President Elihu Root approves of this decision and seeks to resolve the strike, probably through federal forces.

June 9, 200 Filipino civilians (including women and children) are killed by Japanese officers.

Professor Woodrow Wilson was chosen as President of Princeton University, succeeding Francis L. Patton.

June 11, groups of Irish volunteers are formed to fight in the French civil war, some go to the side of the Social Revolutionaries and others support Pierre Curie.

An earthquake hits the Sea of Okhotsk, between Russia and Japan, with a magnitude of 8.0. There are no deaths or injuries.

Railway unions in Japan continue to grow.

June 12, King Albert Victor I, Prime Minister Louis Alexander Mountbatten and the British Parliament accept the Commonwealth Franchise Act 1902 in Australia, granting universal suffrage for federal elections in Australia for British subjects over 21 years of age who have lived in Australia for six months.

This made Australia the second country to grant women's suffrage at a national level and the first to allow women to stand for Parliament.

Although only if they are white women or men, because Australian natives, Asians, Africans and Pacific natives (except Maori) are not granted the right to vote.

June 13, after his mother is unable to take care of him, George Herman Ruth, Jr. is dropped off at St. Mary's Industrial School for Boys at the age of 7.

The government of Texas, United States, proposes the construction of a canal from Houston (population 45,000) into a deepwater port, despite the town's distance of 50 miles (80 km) from the Gulf of Mexico.

Unfortunately at the moment the Texas government is losing more than 1 million dollars, so obviously the project will be left for the future.

June 15, Tsar Alexander I of Bulgaria officially ascends to the throne of Bulgaria, having turned 17 on June 15. On the same day Alexander I of Bulgaria signs a treaty with Tsar Alexander III of Russia (his relative), which creates a defensive alliance between Russia and Bulgaria, renewing all foreign relations and keeping Bulgaria under Russian rule.

June 16, Bertrand Russell describes a mathematical problem, later known as Russel's paradox.

June 17, President Elihu Root proclaims the irrigation program for lands in 10 US states (including Arizona, Oklahoma and New Mexico), which is expected to cause more work, farm security and lower food prices.

Unfortunately, any massive project of these characteristics takes a long time.

June 19, the German Empire sends more men and money to its military base in Yucatan, angering the United States and spending more German money on Kaiser Wilhelm II's big projects.

June 22, 25 dead and 35 wounded in the Hippo Wars.

June 25, after the fall of the People's Party of the United States, ex-populists in Nebraska and South Dakota begin to convert to socialism against the Democratic Party.

June 26, King Albert Victor establishes the Order of Merit for notable citizens of the British Empire, especially people who share his vision (Social Aristocrats), military, scientists, etc.

June 28, the Socialist Union of Hispania and the Federative Socialist Republic of Italy hold a joint celebration of friendship and mutual aid amid tensions with the international community and a war in the Western Mediterranean, which obviously is bad for both socialist states.

June 30, the 1902 Colonial Conference begins, attended by premiers of all the colonies of the British Empire (which is still quite large).

The meeting is chaired by the Colonial Secretary, Joseph Chamberlain, who discusses with the other delegates how the British Empire should advance.

It is proposed from a (huge) advance towards an Imperial Federation, the Imperial Preference (a system of free trade agreements between Dominions and colonies within the British Empire), measures of white supremacism in the non-white colonies (Africa and India, among many others), etc.

This is because obviously many of the government-capitalist elites have been joining ideologically or in effort, to the Social Aristocrats.


Soul Land: Exposing Tang San

Transmigrating into Douluo, Su Yun discovered that his Martial Soul was unexpectedly the Blue Silver Emperor, Ah Yin. "Alright, Tang San, I must expose your true face!" Su Yun declared. "Sister Yin, actually..." Su Yun began, but Ah Yin interrupted him. "Little Yun, Tang San is not my son; he has been possessed by someone! You must help me kill this scoundrel who stole my son's body!" Ah Yin explained urgently. "???" Su Yun responded, perplexed. Ah Yin continued, "He possesses many Soul Skills and cunning weapons I had never seen. Be careful." "???" Su Yun repeated, still confused. Ah Yin reassured him, "But do not worry, even though I am just a Martial Soul, I have awakened a system. I will definitely help you become stronger!" "???" Su Yun remained baffled. What? What was going on? Wasn’t I the transmigrator? Why wasn’t the system bound to me? Several years later, Su Yun stood at the pinnacle of the empire, embracing Ah Yin, looking down at Tang San below. "Mom!" Tang San called out. "Su Yun, help me kill him!" Ah Yin demanded. "Alright, my wife," Su Yun agreed. ================================================================ Unlock the World of Stories with Early Access on Patreon! Hello, beloved readers and supporters! I am thrilled to offer you an exclusive opportunity to dive deeper into our captivating stories before anyone else. By joining the Patreon community, you'll unlock a treasure trove of benefits, including: Early Access to 20 Chapters: Be the first to explore new chapters, experiencing the twists and turns of our tales well ahead of regular readers. Your journey through our stories doesn't have to wait! Connect with the Community: Join a vibrant, like-minded group of readers who share your passion. Engage in exciting discussions, share theories, and make new friends who love the stories as much as you do. Support the Creator: Your patronage directly contributes to the ongoing creation and improvement of the content you love. Be a vital part of the creative journey! Patreon.com/anish_44 https://ko-fi.com/anish_44

The_Grand_Warden · 本&文学
250 Chs


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