
Cash-my-check (October-December, 1919)

Military University of the Armed Forces of the Russian Empire]

The military reforms of the Minister of War and General Aleksey Brusilov not only involved changes in military units and various modernizations in the armed forces. There was also an important theoretical component (Brusilov's lightning war) that needed reinforcement.

A component that involved support and reform in various educational institutions for the military, which would form the basis for new officers promoted by the war ministry and other future advances.

For this on November 5, Minister Brusilov, Tsar Nicholas II and the Third Duma gave approval for the opening of the Military University of the Armed Forces of the Russian Empire.

The Military University of the Armed Forces of the Russian Empire (also known as the Military University in Russia) located in the city of Moscow, is a leading educational, methodological and scientific national institution in military matters of a humanitarian, social, legal, philological, financial and economic nature, and training of officers.

From the beginning, the Military University had 54 departments and multiple academic disciplines, 20 specialties and 5 specializations for the training of officers, various postgraduate studies and 22 scientific specialties.

* Faculties include: Military-Humanitarian, Financial-Economic, Military-Legal, Prosecutor-Investigator, Foreign Languages and Foreign Military Information.

Graduates of the Military University of the Armed Forces of the Russian Empire since its founding served and work in all branches of the armed forces (army, navy, air force), military prosecution system, military investigation bodies, Spetsnaz, the State Duma, ministries and the Senate, among other organs of the imperial government.

The main task of the Russian Military University is the training of officers with higher education and corresponding to the standards of the state and its armed forces.

One highlight is that many cadets and students of the Military University have actively participated in armed conflicts of the Russian Empire (and other conflicts or military confrontations) while studying.

Part of the practice of officer training, being the only university in the world that does something similar.

An important area of the university's operation is not only the training of Russian officers, but the training of specialists for the armed forces of foreign states (members of the Russosphere or collaborators-allies of Russia).

Through this Russia also continues to base its influence on foreign armed forces in case its interests are threatened and creates capable allied forces in case of problems (later WW3 or similar).

Foreign forces trained at the Russian Military University include: Thailand, Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Bosnia, Macedonia, Albania, Romania, Syria, Ethiopia, etc.

The Military University is one of the greatest legacies left from this period in the history of the Russian Empire and of the Minister-General Brusilov, who served immediately afterwards due to the Imperial Crisis within the Russian Empire.

Many civil officers and military officers (among them more than 200 prominent military men) would leave this university, later rewarded for their service to the Russian Empire and its population.

More importantly, in this way he built part of the important future generations of military men who would serve in World War 3 and under generals such as Zhukov, Tukhachevsky and others.

Through similar reforms at other major educational institutions, Brusilov and his associates built future elements of the Russian armed forces, while cutting off Kolchak's allies and other opposition reactionaries.

The crisis was approaching and soon two forces would collide, under this idea Brusilov effectively wanted to stop more young officers and military from being influenced by the National Salvation Director.


[Film industry]

December 20, the beginning of the 'golden age of Finnish cinema' in the Russian Empire, when the production company Mosfilm (Мосфильм) founded the studio "Khel'sinki-Filmi" / "Helsinki-Filmi" (literally translated as Helsinki-Film, Хельсинки-Филми in Cyrillic).

In this way the studio, based in the city of Helsinki, could translate, produce and distribute films throughout the Grand Duchy of Finland, giving a boost to the Finnish film industry.

His first boss was the film director, screenwriter and producer Erkki Karu.

Although Helsinki-Filmi had a difficult start, they de-facto had a monopoly on the film industry in the Grand Duchy of Finland, due to how small the industry was (compared to the rest of Russia).

By 1920 the studio released its first feature film, and between 1921 and 1923 its adaptations of Russian-Finnish novels had a decent success that guaranteed the profitability of this project.

Despite originally being in the shadow of much more famous Russian studios, Helsinki-Filmi became home to notable members of future generations of Finnish filmmakers in late silent / black-and-white cinema and early color cinema.

Among them a young Risto Orko, who would demonstrate managerial talent and ambition as early as 1919 at the age of 20, when he was working under CEO Erkki Karu.

Karu and Orko are the greatest Finnish filmmakers in the Russian Empire, with hundreds of films produced from the 20s to the 60s.

An important legacy for Helsinki-Film and Finnish cinema, which unfortunately fell into decline since the times of Erkki Karu and Risto Orko, but this is a topic for later.

The remarkable thing is how the reign of Nicholas II started on the right foot in many respects, despite being in the shadow of the great Alexandrian period, the tsar had many projects and his early reign was accompanied by the economic miracle of Moscow and many notable advances.

Advances were taking place in healthcare, public transportation, and consumer goods, and there were notable ministers or government reforms that give an important legacy to the reign of Nicholas II.

But there was still much ahead, the greatest challenges and achievements of Tsar Nicholas II were not yet fully manifested.


[Russosphere: Against Superstition]

December 31st, trouble in the Russian Empire and the Russosphere as a typhus epidemic in the chaotic Republic of China spread to Xinjiang (Russian Empire) and the northern Chinese states.

Tsar Nicholas II and the Third Duma soon take quarantine measures (closing borders, special measures to dispose of bodies and the like), sending state services and organizations such as the Russian Red Crus to help deal with this epidemic.

More than 10,000 people fell ill in Xinjiang alone, and typhus was especially rampant in rural areas of northern states.

The Republic of China in the midst of a new civil war, was not much better.

Around 3 million people in the Republic of China would die during this new civil war as a result of the typhus epidemic.

Fortunately, at least in the north, the Russian Empire made remarkable progress in containing the spread of the disease, in part thanks to advances in public medicine.

Unfortunately between 10 to 60% of patients with epidemic typhus die, and mortality is especially high in the elderly or young.

An important effect of the typhus epidemic in the region of China and the Russian Empire was the public health campaign, and the 'campaigns against superstition' within the Chinese states, to promote measures against diseases and better sanitation.


"Human diseases are no 'offense of the gods'"


"Incense ash cannot cure diseases"​

Through these campaigns in the Chinese states, the modernization of medicine and the aforementioned quarantine measures were promoted, much more useful to fight against typhus and future epidemics that could hit the region.

Of course, China's 'traditional medicine' and its superstitions would continue to exist for many decades, only dwindling as public education and scientific institutions in the northern states advanced.

But this was an important advance for the Russian Empire and its Sino-Russosphere.

Russia also provided some support to the ROC in dealing with typhus, but under the civil war this was difficult and not very effective.

Furthermore, the support could change or further disrupt the situation in the southern Chinese state, with Russia still not having a clear position on who it would be useful to support in such a conflict.

In any case, in Japan, Russia already had some conversations with Chiang Kai-shek, who led a group of Chinese exiles, mainly from the right.

The Russians and Japanese (Imperial Japanese Navy) understood that Chiang Kai-shek wanted money more than anything, and they gave him nothing.

But Chiang Kai-shek managed to deceive many English and Americans that they did give him money, which was mostly used by Chiang Kai-shek himself, and not by the Right-wing Kuomintang in exile.

Which is why Chiang Kai-shek is sometimes called Cash-my-check.



October 3, anti-Semitism in the United States is on the rise in certain parts of the United States.

Especially because of the American extreme right that talks about the 'problematic' (very false and baseless problematic in reality) of the relationship between Jews and Marxism.

Due to the panic of socialism, in far-right circles (specially of the Americas, he Imperial Federation and its sphere) arises the idea that attacks on traditional conceptions of family, identity, music, art and intellectual life are the result of socialist-Marxist influence in national circles.


Example of anti-socialist propaganda in the far right circles from the Prussian Republic of Germany (East Germany under British rule).​

October 5, the Imperial Parliament attacks the railway unions of the Imperial Federation, continuing to carry out a brutal campaign against trade unionists, socialists and labor leaders who try to go against the state or big British capitalist companies.

As a result simply organizations associated with the Social Aristocracy end up with power within the railway organization.

The civil and labor liberties of the citizens of the Imperial Federation continue to decline as a result of such events (with success after the purge of leftists after the Irish revolution).

October 6, 200 to 300 Haitians are executed by US troops after carrying out attacks on Marines.

This attack was due to the fact that these Haitians opposed the continued occupation of Hispaniola by the United States, which has turned the island into a colony in everything except name.

The leader of this movement, Charlemagne Masséna Péralte, manages to escape US persecution until November 1 (when he is finally captured and executed).

October 10, the Nationalist Party of China or Kuomintang falls apart definitively as a result of the troubles facing (once again) the Republic of China, in part due to how the violence has once again escalated.

The Kuomintang could no longer hold itself together after so many crises and internal pressure.

The different wings of the party have been divided along different ideological or personal lines, with different cliques following different local-regional leaders with their own ambitions.

* Wang Jingwei reorganizes the Kuomintang in the city of Nanking (capital of the republic), occupied by his faction.

Turning into a center-right party, with liberal and conservative tendencies.

* On the other hand Liao Zhongkai re-organizes the left faction in the city of Wuhan, creating the Left Kuomintang (of Marxist / socialist tendency).

It is just this city where previously Liao Zhongkai and Wang Jingwei had led a government against Chiang Kai-shek ... how far old friendships have been broken.

* Chinese exiles associated with the aforementioned Chiang Kai-shek create their own Kuomintang in exile. Attempts to return to China fail, but at least they have something ...

October 13, the concept of sovereignty over airspace becomes popular among nations, which increasingly sign treaties recognizing this concept.

This especially after border incidents between several countries (such as the incidents between the Free Republic of Mexico, the United Mexican States and the United States of America).

October 16, Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen and brothers Gregor and Otto Strasser officially found the United National Party of Germany (Vereinigte Nationalpartei Deutschlands), better known as the Red-Black Front.

The Red-Black Front aims to reclaim the German lands from Russia and socialism, and take on the legacy left by the old German Empire and its 'big' parties (pan-Germanicism, conservatism, etc).

This group soon stood out for its militancy and attack on leftism, achieving a rapid rise due to the addition of political parties from old Germany, anti-Russian citizens and anti-socialist citizens.

The group's program was in essence a strong state fighting economic problems through a quasi-Marxist economy and a strong state protecting German culture, by fighting against the 'Freemasons, Jews and Socialists'.

What would later become known as 'Strasserism' (with Otto as the main ideologist), which is rather like a far-right German ideology of a populist character (stealing leftist points to attract the population) and associated with the British Social Aristocracy (but with the idea of a revival of the German aristocracy and Prussian militarism)-

In matters of foreign policy they had divisions, Otto for example defended a much more independent policy, after recovering and reuniting the German lands, Germany should promote peace and friendship with other great powers such as Russia and leave too-aggressive policie.

While Gregor and Manfred, thought of all country as future enemies of Germany (which was to regain her position as leader of the Germanic world and later, leader of the World).

* Similar to the All-British Party in the Imperial Federation, the Red-Black Front had a pagan wing (with the idea of reviving Nordic-Germanic paganism), they were not very successful.

October 17, Zhao Ziyang is born.

October 22, the United States Congress of the Ford administration passes laws that grant broad permits to private companies on the search and rights over natural resources on American soil.

With this, large companies become de-facto with extensive rights to vital resources such as water in states like Nevada.

The law almost does not pass through the socialists (S-CPUSA), but once again an alliance of Democrats (concerned about the socialists), 'centrists' and National Republicans manage to pass these projects.

With this, the democratic Red Scare is reinforced, since it is clear that the socialist-communists are becoming stronger and are eating the democratic territory.

In the future the fate of the Democratic Party is uncertain and they are depending more and more on the National Republican Party.

October 25, important advances in the heavy industry of the southern part of the Italian peninsula (part of the Federative Socialist Republic of Italy) lead to the creation of the first motor vehicle factories in the post-revolution region.

Motor vehicles especially for military use rather than for civil use, but it is still an important advance (southern Italians already succeeded in creating tractors for a couple of years but they are not vehicles for day-to-day transport, although personal vehicles are not very important in the region considering the advances of public transport).

October 28, the prohibition of alcoholic beverages in the United States is effectively enforced on this date, after its approval relatively recently.

This marks the beginning of the era of 'dry law' (not a drop of alcohol).

It is a popular time in several cultural respects, especially because of the proliferation of mafias and the social conflict in the inter-war era of the United States.

October 31, the lynchings against African-Americans effectively end in Kentucky, the S-CPUSA will take over the state in the next election.

By 1920, the last stronghold of the Democratic Party in the Solid South is Louisiana.

November 1, general strike of sections of the mining sector in the United States, promoted by the United Mine Workers of America after a vote.

The Ford administration, after the execution of the Haitian rebel leader Charlemagne Péralte, takes photos of the body and distributes them throughout Hispaniola to discourage future rebellions.

Notable advances in public transport in the Free Republic of Germany (socialist Germany).

November 2, similar to Bavaria and other states in old imperial Germany, the Emirate of Ha'il makes significant concessions to its new territories.

More specifically to Egypt, which receives the right to have its own officers and military corps (under the service of Ha'il but with its own commanders, budget, etc).

The young Egyptian officers would later form a major force within the Emirate of Ha'il.

The policies of the socialist countries (Iberia, France, Italy and Germany) against religion are having some success, albeit a slow process, counting the old and strong relationship between the citizens of these countries and the Christian religion.

Antonio Gramsci would become increasingly popular in theoretical circles for his analysis of Christianity, criticism of this establishment (one of the oldest in the world) and his influence on socialist movements in the Western world (and other parts like Russia).

November 6, American President Henry Ford begins to introduce his son Edsel Ford more and more strongly into politics and public life.

In essence, the beginnings of a possible heir or a political dynasty within the National Republican Party. Although father-son have their differences, Edsel is following his father's path for the moment.

Edsel Ford makes a particular name for himself because of charitable projects and sponsorship of the arts.

General entertainment via broadcasting is becoming increasingly common and mainstream in the Russian Empire, in part thanks to state stations and the General Elektrik Radio Rossii / General Electric Radio Corporation of Russia (owned by David Sarnoff).

November 7, the United States continues to deteriorate its relationship with European socialist countries, increasingly aligning itself with the anti-communist cause and international right-wingism.

Several raids to union positions are carried out by federal forces due to the suspicion that these could be related to "sedisious" communist movements.

The S-CPUSA continues to signal that this is an attack on the rights of workers and citizens, marking its continued collision with the National Republicans and Democrats.

November 9, the Socialist Left Party of Denmark is created, in the future the Communist Party of Denmark.

November 11, violence between the Silver Legion and American unionists intensifies.

November 15, the beginning of the construction of prison camps and forced labor in Iceland (British territory).

November 16, 'Left-Communism' or Libertarian Socialists continues to become popular in northern Italy, with Amadeo Bordiga forming a growing coalition with 'reformists' and other elements (trade unionists, anarchists and the like).

Railways are expanding in Japanese Vietnam and Taiwan.

November 19, growth of socialist literary circles in Paris, expatriates-exiles of socialist tendencies from various countries end up in Paris and join these circles in the future.

November 22, in the north of the United States, paramilitary groups of white supremacists continue to proliferate, affiliating with the lines of the KKK and the Silver Legion (associates of the far-right wing of the National Republican Party).

Various union and African American leaders are killed by these supremacists.

November 25, military reform in the Free Republic of Mexico led by Pancho Villa and Felipe Carrillo Puerto.

Emilio Alberto Madero González and Felipe Ángeles become the first marshals of the Free Republic of Mexico.

December 1, advances in public broadcasting in Montreal, Canada (Imperial Federation).

December 2, Canadian theater mogul Ambrose Small disappears after a meeting with his attorney F.W.M. Flock in Small's office at Toronto's Grand Opera House.

There were no indications of kidnapping, robbery, or that Small planned to go anywhere.

Small is never found and is pronounced dead in 1924.

December 3, the British mega-projects continue to advance with relative success, boosting the economy of the large sectors of the Imperial Federation (Canada, Home Islands, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa).

December 10, the German physicist Johannes Stark moves to England, Imperial Federation, where he begins to work for British government projects.

The Prussian Republic of Germany has effectively lost its position as one of the leading countries in science, to the Free Republic of Germany (with a much larger population), the Imperial Federation, the United States, and the Russian Empire.

December 11, the pro-independence materials of the Communist Party of India spread to the north of the British Raj, despite attempts by the colonial administration to prevent such an event.

The third Anglo-Afghan war is going well for the Imperial Federation, but they continue to face the increasingly inevitable Indian independence movement.

The best situation for the British is to use the South Indians against the North Indians (divide and conquer).

December 16, the Imperial Japanese Navy consumes more and more of the Japanese government budget (counting that the Empire of Japan is now a dictatorship led by this part of the armed forces).

December 17, various military personnel from the Kingdom of Czechoslovakia are the first foreigners to be sent to the Military University of the Armed Forces of the Russian Empire.

Soon other military personnel from various states of the Russosphere will follow.

December 20, Mosfilm (Мосфильм) founded the Khel'sinki-Filmi / Helsinki-Filmi studio (translated as Helsinki-Film, Хельсинки-Филми in Cyrillic) which ushers in the golden age of Finnish cinema.

Today the studio continues to exist, but moved from film production to primarily television production and distribution within the Grand Duchy of Finland.

(OOC: Replacement for OTL Suomi-Filmi / Finland-Film).

December 21, the United States deported 249 foreigners on US soil who are designated as a "danger to American security" because of their communist sympathies.

Among them, Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman (of Russian origin), who must return to Europe.

The ideological struggle of conservatism / liberalism-capitalism (championed by the National Republicans and Democrats) and socialism (championed by the Socialist-Communist Party of the United States of America) continues to intensify.

December 23, reforms in the legislation of the Imperial Federation further limit the role of women in public works and secular positions.

December 24, heating and air conditioning systems are becoming more common and accessible throughout the developed world.

December 25, exponential growth of left-wing militant groups (Rednecks and others) in the United States, in response to the growth of the actions of right-wing militant groups and the actions of the Ford administration government (allied with large corporations) against unions and other leftists.

December 31, typhus epidemic in northern Chinese states.



*[Blood from my blood]

Edsel Ford was turning 26 years old, a very important event ... or so Henry Ford said, who near the end of his presidential term was taking his son more and more into politics.

Ford was very 'orthodox' and wanted to keep his son out of it for the time being, but with things changing, President Ford finally decided to introduce his son more into the 'new family business'.

"I assure you dad, you have to be more pro-active. The socialists are eating the soil of the Democrats, we must capitalize on this event to crush both and keep the majority of the party in government." Edsel promptly indicates.

"He understands you, but aligning the party moderates and other voters is not going to get us anything." Ford indicates. "It is clear that the Solid South is lost and we are not going to get anything there for a long time."

"We're not going to get anything done if we don't do something in the first place." Edsel promptly proclaims.

Edsel was young, perhaps still naive.

In his opinion perhaps a shift further to the right would force the Democrats or Socialists into more centrist positions, where eventually the National Republican Party could crush them.

His father, Henry Ford, who ran the party's 'center', did not believe in such an idea. Since it would mean giving up even more power to the far-right faction of the party.

But there were still other matters to attend to, among them many art projects promoted by Edsel in various of the cities planned by his father.

Edsel capitalized on the post-Great Depression 'Fordism' trend, leaving an important mark that served as strong publicity for the Ford 'dynasty' and the National Republican Party in the northern United States.


*[The pack divided]

The capital of one of the most notable socialist countries in the world was celebrating, as usual, a new generation was joining the ranks of the Communist Party of France.

This was important, at least one generation had already lived under socialism and the cultural revolution led by President Jules Guesde, an important first step in building socialism.

"You, as young builders of communism, must keep moving forward. To new heights and glory, through your labor and the education of more young communists, for the people of the People's Republic of France!" President Guesde announces, old but still strong. "But never forget your roots, comrades."

Once again the president spoke out against revisionism, which always occupied a large part of his political agenda. 10 minutes later the young members finally took an oath.

Among these was a young Maurice Thorez, 19 at the time (with particular education and experience in the mining sector).

Later Thorez would join the Commission de planning économique (Economic Planning Commission) in the construction of railways and other public transport, later joining other notable political bodies of the People's Republic of France.

* Thorez was the grandson of Clément Baudry, a Noyelles-Godault socialist miner who was one of the many followers of Jules Guesde.

The events in Paris of course continued, there was an important appointment as the 'New Society' built by the French socialist revolution advanced.

President Jules Guesde appointed Albert Thomas as the new Director of the Economic Planning Commission of the People's Republic of France, essentially dedicated to the operation of the planned economy of the PRF (production and distribution of produced goods).

As director Albert Thomas brought boundless enthusiasm and explosive energy.

But soon the new director ran into trouble with other members of the government, in particular:

* Pierre Semard, president of the state unions of the People's Republic of France.


* Paul Faure, an important secretary-minister for years in the Guesde administration.

The competition within the French state was fierce and with many other notable players such as Jean-Laurent-Frederick Longuet (grandson of Karl Marx) and the results of the repression (such as the imprisoned André Léon Blum, theoretical-ideological student of Auguste Marie Joseph Jean Léon Jaurès).

"Well, our agricultural and industrial reconstruction went well. The objectives of our last economic plan were fulfilled." Director Albert Thomas indicates.

"How much does it mean that the objectives were 'met'?" Secretary Paul Faure asks, before being silenced by President Guesde.

"They were fulfilled within the expected margin, but we have problems with the budget and of course other situations within the republic." Thomas answers this question.

"Any proposal to solve these problems?" President Guesde questions.

"We lost our colonial empire and still suffer the enormous human losses of past wars. We recovered and obtained some resources like those of Alsace-Lorraine or Wallonia." Director Thomas indicates.

"Mostly I heard problems, not solutions." Guesde exclaims promptly.

"Excuse me, I'm going to that. The good thing is that we can promote policies to favor population growth and our economic treaties with other members of the socialist bloc or Russia have borne fruit." Thomas explains. "We can continue with this for the time being, I would recommend not expanding our targets too much in the next economic plan." The director exclaims.

"I see, I will prepare a resolution soon. I will await the objectives of the next economic plan soon." Guesde promptly indicates.

"Sir, I must object. I believe that many of the functions vested in Mr. Albert Thomas's Commission should be passed on to the unions." Pierre Semard, president of the state unions of the People's Republic of France, exclaims at Thomas's proposal.

"We will hold a vote once we get the proposals from the commission, not before and not after. After the vote, I don't want complaints." Guesde promptly proclaims.

"Yes sir." All pass and many drop out promptly.

"I smell revisionism, Semard has syndicalist leanings." President Guesde exclaims to Thomas as they walk together a few moments after that meeting, where Guesde coughs quite a bit.

The health of the paramount leader of France would also wear out over time, and succession was a complicated matter.

In cultural aspects, this new French society aimed to eliminate the contradictions of the previous one and the dangerous elements for the construction of socialism.

The French Cultural Revolution attacked elements of the old society (Second French Empire, Boulangerism, Christianity, etc.) and sought to reinforce the reforms that introduced a new culture and proletarian education in its population.

The roles of gender, class and culture were at various points affected by this cultural revolution.

As a result, new views of the past and the future emerged, and the same era later became an inspiration for modern French art-cultural movements.

Such as the 'French Retro-Futurism'.

Example of modern French Retro-Futurism.​



*[Saints and Revolution]

The emergence of socialism in Europe after the Latin revolutions brought equal and opposite action throughout the world, within the socialist movement itself and outside of it.

Schisms had already occurred in various parts of the socialist bloc before (such as the fall of the First International).

But Antonio Gramsci and the New Order (Italian socialist society of Gramsci, Togliatti and Mussolini) took an important step in the formalization of these schisms of the world socialist movement.

What is known today as the West-East Schism of socialism or Schism between 'Libertarian' Socialism and 'Authoritarian' socialism.

Gramsci wrote in 1919 the book "Purity, Martyrdom and Revolution" (Purezza, martirio e rivoluzione) to explain phenomena in socialism-anarchism that existed at that time.

In Gramsci's view, it was impossible to speak of Marxism in Europe without incorporating the role of Christianity, which was of notable importance in Europe and the Americas.

As a result, in this symbolic, subjective and theoretical universe of this European-American Marxism, it was necessary to speak of the influence of Christianity.

The Catholic Church is the oldest functioning institution in the European world (practically one of the few things that unites Europe).

"No other institution in the West has managed to stay alive for so long with the ability to spread and circulate ideas and concepts."

-Antonio Gramsci.

This through a body of intellectuals known as priests, bishops and theologians, organized within a bureaucracy (that of the Catholic Church).

In Gramsci's opinion, because of this, it was impossible to speak of 'mass movements' or populists in Europe and the Americas, without understanding the relationships between 'devotees' and 'saints'.

And for Christianity there is an important 'fetish', a fetish for supporting the weak and defeat. Jesus spoke only of the spiritual world, and never of the material world, therefore a Christian analysis was quite antithetical to the socialist analysis.

For this reason, for Gramsci, the 'Western Socialists' (which includes the 'libertarians' or anarchists, and the 'Left Communists' mean leftists supposedly against authoritarianism and to the left of the general lines supported by the Communist Parties of the time, as was the Italian Communist Party) were very concerned with aesthetics, philosophical questions and 'ideological purity'.

Meanwhile, 'Eastern Socialism' (where Marxism-Leninism and the official communist lines of that time belong, the 'authoritarian' socialists) was concerned with criticism of the political economy and the problem of the conquest of political power.

Western Socialists consider themselves superior then, because they believe that they have not tarnished Marxist theory and have never been 'authoritarian, totalitarian or violent'.

Gramsci explained that one of the main historical concerns of the Catholic Church has been to control the reading and dissemination of Christianity, blocking the emergence and dissemination of this in popular culture or the emergence of autonomous interpretations, saving the purity of historical doctrine.

When the printing press was invented, increasing literacy and reading the Bible, many more interpretations of the Christian canon (such as Protestantism) emerged.

In short, Western Socialists favored a 'pure' or purist view of socialist doctrine, rejecting elements that deviated from said theory (therefore whenever historical facts challenge the doctrine or show the complexity of the practical operability of elements theory, deny that these elements are part of the history of Marxist theory and doctrine).

A paradoxical movement that often ends up attacking the world political left. In the process being more individualist-anarchists than communalists, since they highly value the concepts of liberal 'democracy' and personal freedoms.

And because of this, the Western Socialist or Left Socialist movements separated (taking a historical-material and theoretical distance) from the concrete experiences of the socialist transition in certain territories.

In Russia, Gramsci explained the curious Marxism / socialism with Russian characteristics, practiced by Stalin and the RSDLP.

Due to the nature of Russian Orthodoxy, the socialist leaders understood that a mass movement that did not understand religion was doomed to fail.

The difference for Gramsci between the Russian Marxists and the Marxists who rejected the experience of the socialist transition, is that the Russians now seemed to aim to achieve something and to be practical.

But the Russian Marxists were simply the exception confirming the rule.

"Purity, Martyrdom and Revolution" quickly became a popular literature of the European Communist Parties, effectively marking the great schism of the Western Socialists and Eastern Socialists.

On November 16, some time after the publication, Anarchists, libertarian socialists, 'Social Democrats', Democratic socialiststrade unionists and 'reformists' confirmed the division by creating an alliance with Amadeo Borgida to oppose the communists of southern Italy.

Southern Italy was heavily influenced by the New Order of Mussolini, Togliatti, and Gramsci.

Generalities defined by Gramsci:

*Western/Eastern division is not based in geographical conception.

Western Socialism Eastern Socialism

It favors individualistic tendencies, result of liberal tendencies or of the 'Little Bourgeoisie'. It favors collectivist tendencies.

It favors multi-party democracies. It favors democratic centralism and a one-party state.

Generally more 'libertarian' (either personal liberties or anarchist ideas) or reformist (favoring electoralism). Generally more 'authoritarian' and pro-revolution.

This trend draws heavily on anarchist theory (like Bakunin) or socialists like Karl Kautsky, in addition to Christianity. This tendency generally takes from the theoretical framework proposed by Marx, but adapts to other questions of the materialist analysis of reality (such as Marxism-Leninism in Germany, the New Order of Italy, etc).

After Gramsci created the concept, more features or divisions were created.

Bodies such as the CIA / FBI in the United States would later take advantage of such a division.