
Lonely Bear - Russian SI [Second Thread] - Threadmarks

Not my stories author (sersor)

Star_Maker4 · 書籍·文学
143 Chs

Idel-Ural (1933)

Idel-Ural or 'Volga-Ural' flag.

'Idel-Ural' is the name of an alternative history book published in the year 1933, which follows the adventures of the Red Tatar 'Xasan Karamzin' through the Republic of Idel-Ural (Idel is Volga in Tatar) in the year of 1917.

After failed revolutions in the United States (1765) and France (1789), medieval and autocratic absolutist thought is in decline but continues to dominate Europe strongly through the proliferation of reactionary-conservative governments and forces.

Then occurs the December Revolution (1825) in the Russian Empire, which leads to the creation of the Republic of Russia.

Of course this First Republic of Russia is in a bad position, and is soon facing almost all European countries and numerous other problems like the Russian Civil War-Uprisings, enemies to the republic on every level of old government-military and the First Terror, among others.

The First Republic of Russia managed to come out alive, but not exactly 'victorious' since it ended shortly after with a monarchical restoration.

For almost a century there is enormous instability in Eastern Europe, after the failed attempts at monarchical restoration in Russia, which precisely led to the Second Republic and Third Republic of Russia.

With the fall of the Second Russian Empire and other failed monarchical-conservative attempts against republicanism, instability reached an important point, and the group simply known as 'Prometheus' was formed.

A mysterious organization (similar to a terrorist organization, cult or political party) causing trouble from the Baltic to the Balkans, and from Central Europe to the Caspian.

The 20th century arrives and Europe was finally shaken by the problems of a great war, once again it seems that the absolutist-medieval order is heading towards its fall.

In this, the weakening of the Republic of Russia causes the emergence of small states and Jacobin groups (extremists of the left), who seek a revolution in the country.

Among these Jacobins is Xasan Karamzin, who is sent by the Moscow Central Bureau to the Idel-Ural Republic to support the Jacobin Guards in the local revolution.

However in this, Karamzin must not only face the guards of the old republic (loyalists) and Tartar-Muslim nationalists, but he must also face the mysterious Prometheus.

Idel-Ural explores oppression-control and freedom-free will in a world where liberalism suffered enormous failures, and scientific socialism was never developed.