
Golden Age of Comics (part 6)]


The definition of antiheroe / antiheroine is sometimes diffuse or complicated, they do not fit into the archetype of a conventional hero (in personality, values, etc.), they can perform heroic activities or good deeds for the correct reasons, often through unheroic or 'wrong' methods.

It is one more trope that entered the world of comics, coming from the literary world and other media, to stay and play with the various relationships and stories of the superhero genre.

Today Antiheroes, while not role models or anything like that, are some of the most popular archetypes within the industry and comic book fans.

It is difficult to say who was the first anti-hero of the comic world, and it is not so important, considering how different companies and authors have taken turns and reinterpreted the archetype and characters within this category.


Produced by National Comics (NK).

Yelena, Winter Witch (Елена, Зимняя ведьма/Yelena, Zimnyaya ved'ma).

(Elvanna, from something called Cinda de Tiempo... I think).

Yelena is one of Baba Yaga's daughters and a recurring character in several of the stories of the Russian superhero Perun (with a ... complicated relationship) and the young Zarya.

She is like her mother a powerful user of magic, but independent of Baba Yaga's will. Well, undoubtedly Yelena is also an ambitious woman who moves numerous pieces within the magical world of National Comics.

Yelena's side is herself and she changes sides depending on the situation or interests. She does not seek destruction or (direct) domination of the world, but she is not exactly a woman free from questionable acts, either.

However when the situation calls for it, she is more than willing to help the forces of good, especially when villains threaten her interests.


Produced by Timely Comics.


(Loki from Marvel Comics).

While the rainbow bridge was destroyed in the fights between Superwoman and Donar, god of thunder, the trickster Loki has other ways to reach Earth.

While it is true that Loki is a minor god / jötunn (giant), his vocation lies in deception and games, which is why he loves to annoy Wuotan, Donar and various superheroes of Earth.

Both for personal reasons and for simple fun, that is the essence of Loki, a shapeshifter and intelligent magical being who plays an important role in the struggles between order and chaos and Ragnarök, the twilight of the gods.

*[Red Europe]


(Deadshot from Justice League Unlimited).

Country: Union of Iberian Socialist Republics

Floyd DuBois is an American of African descent, drafted into one of the African American squads of the United States Army during the New Great War, leaving his family (which includes his wife and two childs) for a time.

During this time Floyd becomes one of the best marksmen in America.

When he returns from the war, the veteran Floyd finds himself without work and with the various social problems of the time, to top it all his wife dies, and Floyd does not have the resources to take care of his family.

In this context, Floyd takes on the job of mercenary for Alejandro Santos, a millionaire from Puerto Rico and a staunch enemy of Superman. In exchange for a better future for his children, who are a central part of his character and his stories (dealing with discrimination against Afro-descendants in the Americas, the problems of veterans and the like).

(OOC: Here I fused the surname of Bloodsport, DuBois and the name of Deadshot, Floyd).

*I think I will just make this update of three characters.

The next one will inclue Catwoman, probably. But it will be mostly of Villains.