
Lonely Bear - Russian SI [Second Thread] - Threadmarks

Not my stories author (sersor)

Star_Maker4 · 書籍·文学
143 Chs

And the winner is! (October-December, 1915).


In September 1915, the need for a peace treaty was finally accepted between the Allied Bloc (led by the United States, Argentina, Russia, Japan and Socialist Europe) and the London-Berlin Axis (led by the Imperial Federation, Chile and Republican Germany).

But the discussions, as they demonstrated in previous armistices, would not be a very simple matter, for several points that we will explore later.

Both sides reunited in Visegrad, Hungary.

We talked about the fact that there were two quite opposite sides, both in political-ideological matters, as well as in geographical, military and economic conditions.

Neither side had been completely destroyed, there had not been an absolute surrender, which would imply a definitive treaty to crush the opposing side.

For this reason, and because of the international rivalries of the time, both sides understood this as an armistice until the situation changed.

Perhaps both sides would meet again in a next war, or would fall under their own weight. It is difficult to say what all the diplomatic services were thinking at the time.

As a consequence of this situation and mentality, both sides would retain some of their victories and would have to make concessions on other points.

A situation very similar to the First Great War or World War I, the 1901 Treaty of Paris (which ended the Fashoda War). Both sides had a certain right to say they 'won', although it was not the victory they would have wanted.

It seemed that the situation would repeat itself once more.

* Imperial Federation.

It is true that the Imperial Federation lost in most of Europe, but they made impressive gains in the African continent and the former German-Dutch colonial empire.

Consequently, it is obvious that the Imperial Parliament and the British institutions pressed to maintain the new territories obtained in Africa.

A strong position in the south, center and west of the African continent provided the Imperial Federation with important natural and human resources.

But not only this, the British also lobbied for concessions in former German-Dutch Indonesia, where through contact with nationalist (and religious) extremists they were able to establish light control over most of the area.

Although we can say that it was an extremely weak one, at the moment.

No Allied Bloc country had a very strong position in Africa or Indonesia, even the Russian Empire (which had managed to occupy most of the German colonial empire in Africa and had Russian Indonesia) did not have much to negotiate against British power.

The only British concessions in Indonesia went to Russia's allies (Aceh, Lanfang Republic and Novaya Gvineya), who got some old German territories.

However, the British would be forced to compromise heavily in the Middle East and other parts of Asia.

* Persia had been victorious in eliminating British influence and assets in the region.

* Most of Indochina (Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia) were positioned in the Allied Bloc.

* Most of Arabia-Middle East leaned towards the Allied Bloc with the unification of the Emirate of Ha'il, Palestine-Jordan and others in opposition to the British or within the Russosphere.

There is also significant damage to the Pacific economy of the British Empire, Thailand was still standing and the Thai Canal would hit British Malaysia-Indonesia hard on commercial and strategic aspects.

In Europe the British would also have to give in, with an almost total division of the European continent by the Socialists and the Russian Empire.

The Imperial Federation retained only the Netherlands, Sweden, most of Norway, and what was left of republican Germany.

Even the British would be forced to give up most of Ireland due to the Irish Revolution, led by James Connolly.


The United States was hit hard at many diplomatic points due to severe fouls at various points.

The United States successfully recovered Hispaniola and some smaller islands, recognized as a territory associated with the country, but Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico and several strategic Caribbean positions remained in the British sphere.

They also maintained their Panamanian territory, and their sphere of influence in Nicaragua, El Salvador and Costa Rica.

They also suffered major defeats on the Canadian front, although this would probably not happen again (and American ambitions to unify Anglo-America would return later).

We can also say that other parts of the American fronts were disastrous or very hardly victorious for the Allied Bloc.

* Peru-Bolivia was united again, but this time by a pro-British Peru (led by a mixture of military, oligarchs and liberals).

* Chile survived, although it was now obviously a puppet in the British countryside.

* Gran Colombia (in a splendid time), had abandoned the Allies and was now a double-edged sword, which could be harmful to the Allies and the United States in the future.

* Guatemala lost the Petén to the Free Republic of Mexico and British interference, which ensured Belize for British control.

* The British Empire now possessed the old German-Dutch Suriname and French Guiana.

Although of course there were also some other victories.

Like for example the unification of Brazil by the Empire of Brazil of Dom Pedro III (pro-Allied), Paraguay kept its gains and Argentina now had some strong military elements that could serve in the future.

The United States came out with important military reforms and valuable lessons, the question was whether the next government would be fit for the following conflicts.

Although diplomacy did not turn out very well, a new period of reconstruction would begin in the United States.

With this period, the pre-war America would be a thing of the past, the reunion in the next 20 years would be completely different ...

* Socialist Europe.

Socialist Europe in general was quite victorious in the New Great War, without many losses or the need to make serious concessions to its enemies (the Imperial Federation).

A fruitful diplomatic treaty had been reached with the Russian Empire, and the integration of Red Europe was going quite well.

It was time to continue the development of the productive forces of Socialist Europe, and look towards the emancipation of the outside (some parts of Europe and Africa).

In addition, the creation of socialist Luxembourg and socialist Switzerland, recognized by Russia, the United States, and others, had been successfully achieved.

Free Republic of Germany: The German Socialists led by Karl Liebknecht with the help of the Communist Party of Germany, Vladimir Lenin and Rosa Luxemburg (among others) successfully achieved the capture and liberation of most of Germany, some of the most populated and valuable areas of the old German Empire.

It is true that the total liberation of Germany was ruled out, but it was still an impressive achievement for the German socialist revolution.

People's Republic of France: The People's Republic of France successfully achieves the recovery of Alsace Lorraine and the elimination of the German Empire, replaced by a friendlier socialist Germany (although obviously Red Germany is not a French puppet ...).

Iberian Union: The Iberian Union annexes Gibraltar, effectively expelling the British from a domination of the Strait of Gibraltar.

This made it difficult for the British in the future, but it did not mean the complete elimination of the problems of the socialist states.

The Irish Socialist Republic obtained almost the entire island of Ireland, except for the Protestant majority (Northern Ireland) which remained in the possession of the Imperial Federation.


Except for accepting concessions to the British Empire in Indonesia, Africa and the Americas, the truth is that everything was going quite well for the diplomatic ambitions of the Russian Empire.

At the moment Germany was out of the game (Socialist Germany was peaceful and Republican Germany was not a very big threat at the moment), the Imperial Federation had been almost totally eliminated from Europe and Scandinavia (Sweden and Norway) was obviously vulnerable. .

It was only necessary to consolidate several gains of the Russian Empire.

1-The territories that Russia wanted to annex from the old imperial Germany (mainly East Prussia and some of the Polish lands of Germany, such as Upper Silesia).

2-The recognition of the new 'independent' Czechia, which in reality would soon join the Kingdom of Slovakia as Czechoslovakia.

3-The profits of the Russian colonial empire, specifically in the old German East Africa.

4-The various gains of the allies of the Russian Empire, such as Russian Indonesia, Japan, Ha'il, etc.

Doing this was relatively easy, from the position of strength that the Russian Empire had on the Eurasian continent against the London-Berlin Axis.

Although obviously, the treaty could not satisfy everyone involved and Russia also understood that a major conflict would occur in the future.



The Drednout was called Gangut (Гангýт, or Gangyt depending on the translation), this ship was present in the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Empire.

On October 19, the Gangut was present in Sevastopol, Crimea.

A meeting of naval officers (mainly from Sevastopol and St. Petersburg, led by Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak) and some army officers (led by Nikolai Nikolayevich Yudenich) took place on this ship.

The group, later known as the Circle of Gangut, had several problems with the situation of the Russian Empire.

Not so much about government measures during the New Great War or many other imperial policies, but about the "troubled" 1915 elections in the Russian Empire.

Above all, how problematic a change of government could be, from the nationalist VNS (Pan-Russian National Union) of Mikhail Skobelv to the socialist RSDLP (Russian Social Democratic Labor Party) of Iosif V. Stalin.

Result of the nationalism and conservatism of the Gangut circle, aligned with the militarism and armed forces of the Mikhail Skobelev government (which had allowed them to rise to prominence).

Kolchak and Yudenich effectively formed an alliance, with Kolchak as the leader of the group.

The aim of the Gangut Circle was to prevent the socialists from taking power in the Russian Empire, fearing that this would be a threat to Russia's very existence.

There were plans about WHEN the clash between the Gangut Circle and the RSDLP (and other forces) should occur, because the results of the November elections were not yet known and there were still many military officers (possible allies) away, due to the New Great War. .

Patience paid off, the group was able to stay relatively hidden after the 1915 elections.

But it was clear that the threat had not yet passed for Russia, indeed, it was much closer than ever, hanging by a thread.

With the formation of this alliance between naval officers and the army, Kolchak and Yudenich (who would eventually be relegated to a more secondary position, like a minion) would begin to seek allies among the conservative economic, political and military elites of the Russian Empire.



At noon, in a local large estate in southern Russia, various personalities were celebrating. There was a long table with lots of food, meat and vegetables, among traditional dishes and desserts.

Pavlo Petrovych Skoropadskyi was the host of this meal, major general and old personal guard of Tsar Alexander III (during the last two years of the old emperor's life).

"Have you eaten well?" Skoropadskyi asks his guests, the young Admiral Kolchak and Nikolai Yudenich.

"It was a pleasant meal indeed." Kolchak affirms seated opposite the aristocrat of the south.

"Nice to hear that." Skoropadskyi states. "Now we can talk business."

"Very well." Kolchak states. "Like us, I understand that you are concerned about the recent election events. Tsar Alexander III gave some of his power graciously, and now there are hundreds of thousands of Russians betrayed that trust, voting for the Socialists."

"...You're right." Skoropadskyi responds. "The ideas of socialism are foreign to Russia, and they are unacceptable. Here, or anywhere in Russia."

"So we agreed on something." Yudenich calmly mentions.

"Yes. But I am ahead of you." The aristocrat of Cossack-Ukrainian descent exclaims, no doubt surprising Kolchak and Yudenich.

"What do you mean by this?" The group asks.

"I already have some assets on my palm, although of course, we still don't have what it takes to take drastic action." Skoropadskyi readily asserts. "It is obvious that the association is beneficial for both, but I also have some requests."

"This is one of the biggest slags I have ever met in my life. A rapist and a petty thug." Skoropadskyi mentions, mocking Nestor Makhno, that he had little to do in the face of humiliation.

"I heard a bit about him, he designs vehicles for the army." Yudenich mentions.

"Affirmative. But he also spent his time making trouble and trying to be more than he could be, now he's under our control." Skoropadskyi mentions.

"And what does this guy have?" Kolchak asks, not very impressed.

"Some local gangs, engineers, old SRs and Ukrainian anarchists. But this is just the beginning, my friends." Skoropadskyi indicates.

And it was true, Skoropadskyi successfully began conversations with large landowners, businessmen, aristocrats and ex-military personnel from southern Russia (Ukraine), many of whom would support Skoropadskyi and the Kolchak circle.

At least 6,500 large grain producers would support the effort of Skoropadskyi, Kolchak and his allies against socialism (and general leftism).

The aristocrat, Skoropadskyi, became very close to the Slavophiles / pan-Slavists, nationalists, right-wing Cossacks, Russian-speaking-Russophiles and monarchists, but he too would be supported by many Ukrainian conservatives.

What were Skoropadskyi's requests to the nationalist-conservative circle led by Kolchak?

Very simply, Skoropadskyi wanted the Russian Empire to become more federal, of course the monarchical, aristocratic and military organizations would remain, but some autonomy had to be given (to the south, where Skoropadskyi and his allies had great influence).

We can understand that obviously Skoropadskyi was a traitor, but a traitor who wanted certain reforms in the Russian Empire, not the destruction of Russia proper.

*Annex: Factions.

Nicholas II and allies Alexander V. Kolchak and Allies

Iosif V. Stalin Nikolai N. Yudenich

Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim Pavlo P. Skoropadskyi

Boris V. Savinkov Nestor I. Makhno

Alexander F. Kerensky

Damdin Sükhbaatar


[November Elections]

As the Sovereign Ukaz (Suverennyy Ukaz) declares, the 1915 elections of the Russian Empire take place on November 2, with the gathering and counting of votes throughout the empire.

From the Baltic to the Pacific, people vote for the election of new deputies in the State Duma and with this the list for the new Premier of the Russian Empire.

This was indeed the first hugely contested election in the Russian Empire, the conservative base of the Russian Empire was strong but the exponential growth of the socialist RSDLP posed a strong threat to the previous government.

Previous government, led by Mikhail Skobelev and the VNS-KD coalition.

The winner was finally announced ... Mikhail Dmitriyevich Skobelev's VNS and Pavel Nikolayevich Milyukov's K-D had won, by an enormously small margin, defeating Iosif Stalin's RSDLP.

The governing coalition required to recruit some independent and liberal deputies (Septembrists, progressives, etc). But indeed the VNS-KD government was screwed.


A mix of factionalism and inter-party alliances.

* External (Inter-party Alliance): Iosif Stalin, Lev Kamenev and Alexander Kerensky formed an inter-party RSDLP-Trudovik alliance.

With this alliance on the stock market, they effectively became 'The Opposition' and were able to seriously block attempts by the VNS-KD government.

They also had their own independents to turn the situation in their favor from time to time.

* Internal (Factionalism): The leadership of the VNS was slipping from the hands of Mikhail Skobelev, a product of the political conditions of the post-war Russian Empire. No doubt the VNS still respected him, but Skobelev couldn't hold the factions together forever.

The Deputy Premier, Pyotr Nikolaevich Balashov, began to separate from the VNS central line, posing a serious handicap for the VNS-KD coalition government.

But not only Balashov of course, there were also other elements that did not always agree and were biding their time.

It seemed that indeed the Third Duma, led by Mikhail Skobelev and Balashov, would be a problematic Duma with a high possibility of stagnation and political struggle.

Meanwhile, the wave of change within the Russian Empire was clear.


[Government circle]

The 1915 elections made Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin the leader of the second most powerful political party/inter-pary-coalition in the State Duma and the Russian Empire, certainly an impressive achievement.

Indeed, Stalin led the leftist opposition to the government of Mikhail Skobelev and the VNS-KD, which could be very useful and positive for the objectives of the trust circle of Emperor Nicholas II and the various associates involved.

Stalin himself leading the RSDLP-Trudovik coalition, his 'right hand man' Lev Kamenev (actually just an ally within the party) and Alexander Kerensky, who now led the Trudoviks.

With other allies outside the official coalition, like deputy Boris Savinkov.

The goals of Nicholas II's circle of trust were undoubtedly close, but it was better to wait for the moment and see how things continued to develop.

There were still enemies to counterattack and seek new allies for the collective government of the future Russia, organized by the ambitious but capable circle.

* Kerensky focused on keeping the Trudoviks a minimally effective party, now that he had been leading de-facto for a couple of years.

* Savinkov focused on maintaining discord between the various far-right positions within the Third Duma, which was useful for the opposition led by Kerensky and Stalin.

* Mannerheim kept the Finns in the Duma and Senate aligned with the interests of the circle.

* Damdin Sükhbaatar kept the Mongolian Social Democratic Labor Party at the forefront of Mongolian politics, in favor of Stalin and the circle.

Iosif V. Stalin himself on the other hand focused on certain particular objectives, not only as the leader of the opposition, but as a leader within the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party.

Stalin sought to co-opt Kamenev's group.

Similar to how he and Kamenev managed to reduce Zinoviev's power to a more secondary position, Stalin had the goal of removing Kamenev from positions of power and ensuring that his followers became loyal to the 'center' of the party (the Stalinist-wing).

How to do this?

Well, Stalin had help within the party to start Kamenev's eventual downfall: Sergei Mironovich Kirov (Stalin's follower), Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin and Alexei Ivanovich Rykov.

Rykov and Bukharin had separated from the orthodox wings of Zinoviev (associated with Vladimir Lenin), due to doctrinal differences and other inner problems inside that wing. They were perfect assets for Stalin in his quest to continue co-opting movements within the RSDLP (for now).

Another ace up his [Stalin's] sleeve was Lev Trostky, who had a certain friendship with Bukharin.

But this is a matter for much later ... As is the future of Bukharin, Trotsky, Kirov and Rykov.



October 1, the Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC or Edison Trust) narrowly escaped bankruptcy after years of financially suffering from the New Great War.

This assumes that Edison effectively obtains a monopoly of the film industry on the east coast of the United States.

The MPPC, made up of the big companies on the east coast, attacked foreign productions on American screens and helped the local industry a lot (initially). Standardizing 'traditional and professional' film production and increasing local quality, but eventually they stalled.

The internal competition turned into complacency and discouragement of its members from entering the feature film production.

The MPPC was saved by the return of foreign and domestic funding with the slowdown of the New Great War and successfully avoiding various legal problems.

Independent filmmakers from the United States either went to the West Coast (Hollywood, California), where Edison could not apply the MPPC successfully, or they left the country.

October 2, earthquake of magnitude 6.8 shakes Pleasant Valley, Nevada, United States.

October 5, great celebrations take place in New England, United States. Peace is near and of course, so is the great post-war reconstruction.

October 10, the British Empire begins to divert military resources that it no longer uses to the occupation of Africa and the situation in India.

This effectively begins the Second Bengal Famine made by man, in the reign of Albert Victor I. The famine was intended to effectively end the de-facto independence of Bengal.

Although it did not mean an end to British guerrilla or anti-colonialist activity, it did strongly weaken the position of the Bengali revolutionaries.

Revolutionary movements were to remain simple low-key guerrillas for the time being.

October 11, Adolf Hitler is remarkably successful in his first public speech, which takes place in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Aryan-supremacist movement of the Social Aristocrat continues to be successful in the country, and now a new generation was rising, apparently ...

October 18 and 19, there are important advances in the discussions of the Treaty of Visegrad, to end the New Great War once and for all.

October 20, women who were employed in factories during the New Great War begin to return to their 'traditional' positions as housewifes.

Although the role of women had certain advances during the war, the truth is that certain advances were undone with the end of the war.

Many men got jobs, eventually, with the withdrawal of many women from working life.

October 21, the anti-Confederate tendencies of the United States in this period end with the almost total collapse of the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC).

Future meeting attempts fail, and the organization eventually dies in obscurity, supporting the end of the Lost Cause of the Confederacy.

October 24, the unification talks between Palestine-Jordan and the Emirate of Ha'il continue.

October 31, Charlie Chaplin begins several parodic films, which are quite successful within the People's Republic of France.

Accompanied by this, the copyright laws in the socialist countries of Europe stabilize, they are quite lax.

This allows various icons of the popular culture of Red Europe to crossover (we are talking mainly about superhero comics in the first decades of the 20th century, this later expands even more).

November 2, 1915 general elections in the Russian Empire.

Most of the island of Java falls into the hands of nationalist-extremists of the old Dutch-German East Indies, these groups ally with the Imperial Federation that seeks (and has some success) in expanding its influence throughout the region, thanks to Australia and New Zealand.

Despite these successes, East Java remains in the hands of Indonesian socialists and the entire island of Sumatra is now in the hands of Aceh.

November 6, the Russian Imperial Navy launches the ship Chervona Ukraina, which once its construction is complete, joins the Black Sea fleet.

November 7, effectively the majority of English assets leave the soil of Southern Ireland, but maintain their presence in the majority Protestant Ireland (Northern Ireland).

With this Ireland is 'liberated' by the Irish Revolution of the socialist James Connolly, however the north of the island has not yet been liberated and the situation of Red Ireland is ... complicated.

De-facto, Ireland is quite isolated by the Royal Navy and other British forces, which in direct combat, are far superior to the Irish forces.

November 11, the Social Aristocracy finally takes hold in Norway, in part because of Norwegian revenge after having had to cede part of its territory to the Russian Empire.

November 13, the censorship laws in the Imperial Federation are fortified, allowing various critical materials of the state to be incinerated.

Or just 'obscene' material, like The Rainbowby author David Herbert Lawrence.

Russian scientist Vladimir Kosmich Zworykin makes important advances in the design of the first television, although it is not yet finished.

November 15, Winston Churchill makes important returns to parliamentary politics accompanying the first steps of his protégé, Oswald Ernald Mosley.

Mosley is especially popular with southern unions, fighting Jews and 'dangerous Marxists'.

Edgar Rice Burroughs's story The Man-Eater is published for the first time.

November 17, Smedley Butler began a successful career in politics and civil organization for the Socialist Party of America under the leadership of Eugene V. Debs and other politicians of the time.

November 25, Albert Einstein presents his formal paper on general relativity at Saratov State University, in the Russian Empire.

November 27, somewhere in the Northeast of the United States the Second Ku Klux Klan is established. The history of the second American KKK is somewhat complicated and uncertain, since it is surrounded by many mysteries and inconsistencies.

Actually the similarities between the original KKK and the second are few, but there is still some similar essence. The second KKK was the result of associations of white supremacists and right-wing militants of the time (late New Great War and post-war).

This group was inspired by the Silver Legion, with whom it associated itself against the American left due to the fear of a possible revolution, added to the racism and chauvinism of the time.

The group soon expanded as a 'fraternal brotherhood' in the northern-eastern United States.

November 28, death of Mubarak Al-Sabah, Emir of Kuwait. He is succeeded by his son, Jaber II Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah, known for a short reign but who started important economic reforms.

December 3, Raj forces succeed in some borderlands of Revolutionary Bengal.

December 4, The Son of Tarzan, fourth book in the Tarzan series by Edgar Rice Burroughs, is published.

December 7, President Champ Clark indicates the first indications of post-war reconstruction plans in the United States, although it is difficult to say if he will be able to carry them out.

Since the next election is approaching, and it is difficult to say if he will get a second term (or even if he will win the Democratic primaries).

December 12, the president of the Republic of China, Sun Yat-sen, is assassinated within the internal chaos of the Republic of China. The assassin is an old loyalist to General Yuan Shikai.

As a result of Sun Yat-sen's early death, the KMT is divided between the right wing and the left wing.

The right wing is led by Hu Hanmin and supported by Chiang Kai-shek, and the left wing by Wang Jingwei and Liao Zhongkai.

The power struggle within China continues, and this strongly weakens the position of a unification of China in the near future.

December 19, Russian painter Kazimir Severinovich Malevich opens the Last Futurist Exhibition of Paintings 0.10, also known as 0.10 Exhibition.

This art exhibition introduces the art movement known as Suprematism.

The Greek situation continues to decline, northern Greece is de-facto in civil war and the dictatorship in the south (Peloponnese) is successfully solidifying.

The dictatorship manages to expand a little north, but does not have the strength or resources to unify the entire country once again.

The New Great War is going to end soon, and Greece remains in a deplorable and troubled state.

December 22, the Crown Prince of the United Kingdom, Edward, returns from the New Great War to the Home Islands, where he is received as a hero and popular figure by his active service.

December 24, the problems between the Imperial Japanese Army and the Imperial Japanese Navy resurface due to the problematic civil situation in the Empire of Japan.

Winston Churchill and his associates from the Social Aristocracy return to the favor of Prime Minister Louis Alexander Mountbatten, King Albert Victor I, and other political leaders.

Churchill and associates found the All-British Party, a new party destined to be the face of the ultimate Social Aristocracy, promoting British far-right, anti-communist sentiments and other imperial policies (anti-Russian, anti-Indian sentiments, etc. ).

Prince Edward, heir to Albert Victor, soon joins the party to initiate political activity.

Later the All-British Party would associate with the State Council for the elimination of British democracy.

December 25, several civil conflicts begin to occur in the Republic of China after the death of President Sun Yat-sen, product of the factional struggles of the Kuomintang.

December 26, Emir Saud bin Abdulaziz Al Rashid of the Emirate of Ha'il sends to the Russian Empire the first treaty for the possible unification of Palestine-Jordan with Ha'il.

However, the treaty is rejected for international reasons. Tsar Nicholas II insists that first, the New Great War must be ended.

Reason that convinces the young Emir, who is strongly in the field of the Russian Empire (although Ha'il is not, technically, in the Russosphere).

December 31, one of the last meetings of Visegrad occurs, before the Treaty of Visegrad (which ends the New Great War).