
Force Users in MHA

The life of a boy and a girl born into the world of My Hero Academia with a strong connection to the Force. Will they live in the light or fall into the dark or perhaps they will be balanced as all things should be. I wrote this cause I felt like writing a story about a power couple. This is my second go at writing a Fan-fic so give it a read if it sounds interesting. I don't own anything in this Fan-fic but my own characters, that means I also don't own anything My Hero Academia related.

a_BMO · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Preface to the Sports Festival

The next day we were back in school and everyone was discussing the fact they were on the news even though it was just for a few seconds. Kaminari and Kirishima seemed to think they were celebrities now but Jiro quickly brought them back down to earth when she said,

"Get over yourselves. The hero course that pumps out pros was attacked. That's what they care about."

"Who knows what woulda happened to us if the teachers hadn't shown up. Although it seemed like Asahi and Yuki seemed to have a pretty good handle on the situation, I still can't believe they were able to stop that guy that had his brain exposed" Sero chimed in.

Once homeroom began Aizawa-sensei walked into class looking noticeably better than in his anime counterpart. Standing at the podium he announced ominously,

"Your fight isn't over yet." Just when everyone was beginning to worry, he continued,

"The U.A. Sports Festival is about to start."

"YES!" Kirishima screamed

"""Ugh! Why would you scare us like that?""" After alleviating their various worries and getting us excited we continued with our day. Once our Modern Literature class taught by Cementoss let out everyone gathered around to discuss how excited they were for the Sports Festival. While everyone was looking forward to it Uraraka surpassed them all looking like a Shonen protagonist in her own right.

When school was over we opened the door to leave only to find a crowd around the door. When everyone was confused Bakugo accurately assumed they were here to scout out the competition. When we heard him call everybody extras me and Airi couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"Haha he actually said it" Airi laughed. This was why I liked Bakugo who else walked around calling people he didn't know extras. Sure he was arrogant but he could back it up with talent and skill. Though his anger issues were definitely overblown.

After Bakugo's diss, Shinso made his way through the crowd as if on cue and made his declaration of war. Things got even more noisy when a member of class B started yelling. Before Bakugo could leave Kirishima called him out but Bakugo simply replied,

"It doesn't matter… It does matter as long as you rise to the top." And left the room.

"He's right you know when it comes to the Sports Festival all that matters is coming in first, that'll be me of course but good luck fighting over 3rd," Airi said pouring fuel on the fire.

"Wait if we're fighting for 3rd who's in 2nd?" Kaminari asked visibly confused.

"Aki of course."

"Oi don't act like you already beat me, winning our competition at the arcade must have gone to your head," I said as we both exited the classroom.

"I want to argue but their quirks are definitely one of the strongest in our class," Jiro said reluctantly as she watched them leave.

Everyone spent the next two weeks training for the Sports Festival that included me and Airi. Our training consisted of sparing, training our telepathy/telekinesis, meditating, and studying our Force manuals to become more knowledgeable about the Force. We also continued to customize our lightsabers. Adding functions that let us combine and detach them at will, as well as adding a slider that could control the lethality of the plasma blade.

One afternoon on a Saturday after a round of sparing I was resting at the base of the tree in my backyard with Airi sitting in my lap. I could feel the warmth coming from her skin due to how thin her workout clothes were. Her outfit consisted of a salmon pink long-sleeved crop top that clung to her body matched with a pair of black yoga pants. While I was wearing a simple black outfit consisting of a baggy sweatshirt and track shorts with leggings underneath. I asked her a question while she was resting the back of her head on my chest.

"What should we do tonight any ideas?"

"Hmm, how about going out to dinner and after uhh… ooh I know let's go dancing!"

"Dancing huh I would be down but are there even any clubs we can get into?"

"I'm sure we can find one or two that'd let us in I mean look at us."


"And if that doesn't work there isn't anything a good old Jedi mind trick wouldn't fix"

"Hmm pretty sure that's illegal"

"The only crime is getting caught." She said casually quoting a movie she hadn't seen in years

"You really love your quotes is that something a future hero should say." I deadpanned

"Oh, come on!" She said puffing out her cheeks.

"Hey didn't say I wouldn't, we're trying to become heroes, not Boy Scouts" I responded using my finger to deflate her cheeks.

"Hehe, I knew you would come around"

"Well, I figured I'd try to play the voice of reason, but I kinda agree with you, not like we're hurting anyone"


"Plus, with the Sports Festival coming up we probably won't have as much anonymity anymore, with it being televised and all"

"Alright let's go get ready." She said standing up and pulling me back into the house.

Walking into a hole-in-the-wall ramen place we caused a few heads to turn as we sat down. Probably thinking we were a little out of place. I was wearing an oversized black suit jacket and a white t-shirt tucked into grey pants with a black belt. Wearing a silver necklace that Airi had gifted me.

Airi was wearing a black no-sleeved crop top and skirt with a red bomber jacket over top. Complete her usual choker and ear piercings.

"I'm so happy we found this place"

I know it definitely has the best ramen I've tried so far" I replied as ordered a tonkatsu ramen turning to Airi I asked,

"What are you getting?"

"Spicy miso of course." After we ordered Airi making sure to get her noodles extra firm our food quickly arrived. Finishing it even faster than it had taken to arrive I watched as Airi began to place small pieces of each of her ingredients on her spoon making a miniature bowl of ramen. Apparently, she'd seen it in anime she liked and has doing ever since. Knowing how long it would take to finish I decided to order another bowl. Once we had our fill, we left the restaurant and walked out into the night with my arm around her shoulder.

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