
Chapter 12 - Annoyances

Thals POV

Me and Bella were at her dads house having dinner as then we both sensed someone was in her room earlier as we blurred upstairs.

We entered to sense a vampire here, not Dickward or Carlisle, someone new.

Thals: Someone was definitely here.

Bella: I'm new to these senses but I feel like I don't recognize them.

Thals: Time to call some backup, tell dad your staying with us, if it was a nomad than they clearly after you cause they wouldn't leave your father alive then.

I pulled out my phone to call Alice to explain we had a Nomad in Bella's house, track his scent.

I hung up to call dad to watch the kids as we're heading to the Cullens house.

I put my phone away as me and Bella went downstairs to say bye to Charlie as we left the house to get into the truck to drive to the Cullens House.

Cullen's House

Bella: It was someone new, I didn't recognized anyone from what I sensed but he was there longer in my room and no where else.

Thals: This vampire clearly was after Bella cause Charlie wouldn't be alive really if not.

Rose: Does she even need protection?

Esme: Rosalie..

Rose: No, I mean she's stronger and faster than us, does she really need protection?

Alice: Yeah, that's a good point.

Bella: Yeah but it's not that simple, my body still adjusting to the change so I can't control my strength to that degree yet.

Thals: Even so, you are getting training with me cause I've pissed off Olympus twice already, the kids are using mana in a way to overpower Gods so you train with us as well.

Bella: Especially when those kids can do things that I didn't think was possible.

Alice: Like what?

Bella: Well for starters they leap over really tall buildings and jump off each one to get around, we went to Seattle earlier this week as they were playing tag.

I smiled cause Giants or Titans physical capabilities are always the best.

Rose and Alice laughed at the shocked face of Bella's.

Then Jasper and Emmett walked in.

Jasper: We tracked it's scent across the boarder, definitely coming for Bella and nothing else.

Rose: Who's behind this, The Volturi, Edward, or Carlisle?

Thals: It's Victoria, she's playing in the blind spots in Alice's visions but using a grunt to do her dirty work.

Emmett: So we're going to Seattle?

Father: No, there gonna come here.

Thals: Dad, are watching the Olympians?

Everyone turned to my dad who nodded at my question.

Thals: Are they rising?

Dad: Yes, the monsters who follow them are stirring from there slumber.

Bella: Who?

Thals: The Titans, you know Cronos, The Second King before Zeus, his seal is breaking, soon his followers will gather all his pieces back together.

Esme: How long?

Thals: Two years of not three of they can't find the pieces right away but Cronos's heart is in Olympus so they gotta attack there to get it.

Bella: Who would join him?

Thals: Gods who think Zeus is a horrible King, Minor Gods, those who were ruined by Zeus like me but I'm not involving myself in that, and monsters who hate the Olympians, the giants, with lastly, Typhon.

Emmett: Damn, big battle.

Jasper: You can say that again.

Thals: Yep but let's deal with our problems first before that.