
Beacons Of The Dark Age

An apocalypse that wiped out 82% of humanities population. Myths that seemed to come out of a kid's story book or folklore and the 'Curse of time' that lingers on every human's skin. In a world ravaged by mythical creatures, where one must kill in order to live and see another sunrise. Vic is born into this post apocalyptic world, where he watches his father succumb to the curse of time. By becoming a beacon, he swore to evolve himself to the limit and destroy the 'void of myths' that had caused suffering and misery to the remaining population.

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Waking up from the cold floor he had slept on, Vic yawned lazily as he stretched his tired body.

He couldn't really get a beauty sleep on the concrete floor. Yesterday after testing out his strength and speed, he tried to find out his limits.

After running around the city at night like a mad man for over an hour, before he got tired and searched for a place to rest, to which he did for about a minute then decided to test his strength, doing over two hundred push ups, pull ups, squats and other exercise he could master.

Becoming a trancender, not only did his strength increase but also his endurance.

Before trancending he could do five sets of every exercise he new, he could also run over ten minutes at full speed. Staying at home with nothing to do or no one to talk to, what better way to spend time.

Vic had also assured himself that he didn't need to become a trancender to fight and kill myths, so he did his best to work with what he got.

Being an already fit kid and now multiplying everything he got five times, he felt powerful, now the only thing he lacked were fighting skills and a sword to go with the strength.


His father had refused to teach him how to fight saying that he was still too young, he tried countering him with the 'curs of time ', to which he would just plainly answer " you won't have to worry about it till you're 15".


Stepping out of the building he had taken refuge at, he was hit by the cold morning breeze, before moving out of its shadow to be meet by the warm rays of the rising sun.

I already miss the morning tea , ha! nothing I can do about it now, I just have to wait till I go through the void to eat something he pondered for a moment before continuing south.

The reason he didn't have to worry about food, was pretty simple, after the apocalypse hit earth and the curse of time was engraved on their skin, it didn't only bring negative feedback, like a coin there was another side.


Those petty things that could kill humans become a thing of the past, from diseases, old age and the pettiest of them being hunger.

Food was now a thing people ate only for the taste and enjoyment, diseases from the harmless of colds to the deadliest of cancer were now nothing more than an echo of the past.


Let's see, what are we gonna test out today, my hearing? After pondering for a few seconds, he decided to test out his flexibility, durability and his sense of hearing.

Looking at a three storey building that had somehow remained standing throughout the apocalypse, which was about a hundred meters away, he adjusted his posture, then dashed towards it. Wind brushed against his face as he closed the gap like a speeding train.

At this moment he felt like a bird_not like he new what a bird was, but he felt free.

At about two metres from the building, he suddenly stopped, using the force he had accumulated, he lept upwards about five meters high, grinding on the string course of the second floor, he pulled his body upwards with all the strength he could master propelling himself even higher. He clung to the parapet of the rooftop, jerked his body upward and finally laid back flat on the rooftop.

"Whew! That was harder than I thought" grasping for air, like a fish out of a tank , he finally opened his eyes to be meet by the already risen sun and the red line that was now brighter than before.

I wonder what's beyond, what did they find that made them never want to come back, hup! He stood up and walked towards the other end "seems like I'll have to find out for myself"

The foundation of the building he was on seemed to be very sturdy, the rooftop, even after 146years of no maintenance, other than having grass and weeds growing on top of it, it didn't show any signs of caving in.


Whistling of the wind and the rustling of leaves, were the only audible sounds other than that only the eerie silence filled the air.

After the apocalypse, the animals that Vic had heard stories of, all went extinct from land animals to the ones at sea, none of them were spared not even the smallest of bees and flies.

Vic tried to concentrate to the point of holding his breath, despite that, other than the wind the whole city or rather the part he was able to set his now improved sight on, was dead silent.


His concentration was suddenly drawn away by an exploding sound that reverberated through the air.

Looking at the direction, over a kilometres away, Vic could see a mushroom of black smoke forming above one of the tall building in that area.