
Beacons Of The Dark Age

An apocalypse that wiped out 82% of humanities population. Myths that seemed to come out of a kid's story book or folklore and the 'Curse of time' that lingers on every human's skin. In a world ravaged by mythical creatures, where one must kill in order to live and see another sunrise. Vic is born into this post apocalyptic world, where he watches his father succumb to the curse of time. By becoming a beacon, he swore to evolve himself to the limit and destroy the 'void of myths' that had caused suffering and misery to the remaining population.

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24 Chs

Freshening up

"You can use it"

Vic was surprised at first, listening to Leo talk about his past, he couldn't hear Anna who now stood before them approach


"He will show you the bathroom" Anna said, signaling Leo to show him.

"Sure" Vic said, before standing and following Leo who was already walking towards the staircase.

This explains why she always had clean clothes Vic lampooned as he ascended the staircase. During the seven months they had spent together, Anna would always leave every night coming the next morning with a clean set of military uniform. Vic guessed that she had a hidden place she would go back to, not wanting to intrude and adding the fact that he was still somehow mad, he had decided to wait for when she would bring him to the place.

Leo was walking fast, as if Vic would bite his back.

Vic didn't mind though, he slowly walked behind him.


On the second floor which unlike the first, it wasn't a hall, was a passage way that had black tiles, on each side were two rooms, all of them having brown wooden doors, at the end of the walkway where they seemed to be headed was a room that had a green door.

"Here" pointing towards the green door Leo said, still avoiding any eye contact with Vic.

Vic walked past him and pushed the green door before entering.

He was meet by warm steam and an oduor of roses.

The room wasn't that lavished, resembling an ordinary bathroom, it had a two meter bath tab which was on the left side of the room and on the right was a shower.

Vic closed the door and stood there, trying to figure out the best to use for his murky and fatigued body.

He had once tried to find a river nearby to wash up but every place they took refuge at didn't have any. After trying for some time he would eventually give up, not that he desperately needed it. Except for some wild nights nothing could have really affected him even after years.

Let's try this one muttering to himself, he walked towards the bath tub, turning on the tap that was directly above it.

Steam of the almost boiling water hit him, after turning the tap to the max he walked back towards the shower, took of his clothes that were already attached to him like a second skin, and hanged them on a strip of rope that was above him.

Standing under the shower he turned it on, cold water immediately hit him making him shiver.

Any drop of water that landed on him would immediately change its colour to brown.

Increasing it's pressure, he stood there for over five minutes before the water started retaining its colour after coming into contact with his skin, after which he turned it off.

He walked back towards the bath tub, turned the water that had nearly filled the tub, took the oval shaped object that smelled like rose flowers, following which, he got in.

The water was hot, too hot for an ordinary human, but Vic wasn't ordinary. After getting in he took a scrub that was placed on the right side of the tub and started scrubbing himself.

Six months of fatigue was a really long time, which inturn caused Vic to stay in the bath for an hour and was about to continue with his luxury before being interrupted by by a long knock on the door.

He got out of the bath and stood behind the door.

"Almost done"

"Mom told me to give you this" a low cracking voice declared.

Vic opened the door halfway.

Leo stood there, looking at the black tiles, in his hands he held a blue towel and some clothes.

Vic didn't hesitate to take them and immediately closing the door.

Back at his former group he only had two pairs of clothes. When he left he didn't bother to take the other pair, now the only one he had was too small and mostly tattered, having being offered clothes he couldn't refuse.

After receiving the clothes he didn't bother going back in the tub, the water was already cold and Leo had already disturbed his luxury.

Using the towel, he dried himself and wore the clothes Leo had brought.

A grey shirt and dark blue pants.