
Beacons Of The Dark Age

An apocalypse that wiped out 82% of humanities population. Myths that seemed to come out of a kid's story book or folklore and the 'Curse of time' that lingers on every human's skin. In a world ravaged by mythical creatures, where one must kill in order to live and see another sunrise. Vic is born into this post apocalyptic world, where he watches his father succumb to the curse of time. By becoming a beacon, he swore to evolve himself to the limit and destroy the 'void of myths' that had caused suffering and misery to the remaining population.

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24 Chs

5 times stronger

Using the faded blue shirt he had on, he wiped the stains of blood on his mouth.

He was earger to test out his strength, Trancenders would gain five times their original strength, having become one, he couldn't wait.

Despite that he had one important thing he was yet to accomplish, burying his father was the top most priority.

After he was done wiping the blood, he headed back towards the old building.


When he arrived, the group had already finished all the preparations.

They all stood outside the giant doors, his father's body now wrapped up with white bandages, laid atop the two guards shoulders.

Having encouraged his father to share his time, the group wasn't cruel, even Vic understood that, in this world only strength and time mattered and without the ability to offer anything equally precious you were considered dead weight.

Not really being cruel, but living with someone who's only purpose was receiving and never having the ability to repay the depts, was exhausting and in a world like this, it was damn near impossible.

The group had been really generous, having taken care of him and his father for over a month, providing them with the affordable daily necessities, by this world standards they were extremely generous people eople.


Looks of pity fell on him, as he approached the group.

After about a minute of silence, the group led by the guards who carried the body on their shoulders and Vic who followed closely behind, started moving, the eerie silence was filled with countless footsteps stepping on the tarmac road.

Soon a small park came to view, the park was filled with head stones and at the front of the graveyard were about twenty six foot holes that looked to have been dug about a year ago.

Approaching one of the grave hole that was almost at the middle, the guards descended the body into the grave using ropes.

"He was a kind young lad" one of the members in the group of about 25 people started, he was the youngest among the group, he had black dreads brown eyes and a straight scar on his left cheek.

Inspite looking not a day over forty, he was well in his nineties.

Long after this nightmare hit, people figured as long as you weren't killed, if you had the time on your tattoo, then you could live as long as you desired, still in this hell hole no one ever wished for death.

He looked at Vic with a sad expression, before continuing " he was brave and honest, he would do anything in his power to help those who needed it, he will surely be missed"

After the short speech he took on a handful of sand and tossed it at the body.

Vic followed suit, with an emotionless face, he threw the sand, the entire group followed and soon everyone had done it.

The guards then picked up shovels that were laying beside the grave and did the rest filling it

"Don't stay out too long, even though you're a trancender now, doesn't mean you're invisible " one of the guards said patting Vic on the shoulder, before following the group that had already left.

Vic didn't say anything, and just stood beside his father's resting place.

After everyone had left, Vic sat down and broke into silent whimpers.

Hours went by, and soon the sun began to set, leaving the red line to illuminate the sky.

But even after the sun set, Vic didn't move from his original spot, he couldn't, he wanted to spend a few more hours with his father, he was gonna head south after all and he doubted he would ever get the chance to visit him ever again.

He wasn't planning on heading back to the building, he was grateful to them for everything, but he had to curve his own destiny, he had to fulfill his promise.

"Goodbye dad, I'm really gonna miss you" Vic muttered before standing up.

First he had to test his strength, he wanted to find out how strong he was at the moment, second he had to look for another sword he wasn't that exceptional with it, it wouldn't even have been an insult to say he was an amateur, but he always felt like he had the skills to use it, so he always carried one.

He wasn't planning on going back for the one he had left back in his room, it wasn't even that good of a sword, it was rusty and he somehow felt like it didn't match him, he needed a better one.

Hah, now let's see what I can do stretching his legs, Vic faced south to which he took on a running pose, before dashing forward like a high speed train.



Coming out of a collapsed building wall, was Vic, after he shot forward he moved at a very high speed, one that no normal human could ever hope to accomplish, running for about 30 seconds he tripped, he wasn't used to that kind of speed.

Wow, what the hell, this is so cool As he came out of the rubbles of a not so study wall, not even a scratch With a smirk on his face so this is how they feel he clenched his fist aimed it at the part of the wall that was still standing, and in an instant punched a hole through it sending chunks of debris frying.

His smile getting more devious by the second, he looked at his fist, satisfaction filled his eyes, after which he patted the dust off his clothes and looked at the night sky, which was now illuminated by a gibbous moon and the red line which was now brighter than before.

it's close The red line would always grow brighter the closer it was to opening turning to a void and releasing the myths.

This also meant that Vic was close to getting a tattoo, even though it wasn't during this shadow but the next, slacking off because he had a whole month before his tattoo, wasn't like him.

I need to find a sword and get accustomed to my new strength He pondered before continuing south.