

Xin bite one of his hand then suck blood to his mouth.

System said, "That's enough for now then concentrate your energy to your mouth and mix it to the blood in your mount little by little"

Koushirou and Zoro see that Xin bite his hand and suck blood on it, Afterwards, Xin body shine they both shock Zoro first time seeing this and Koushirou know that there are different races in the world but he was shocked at what he sees he thought that it was a devil fruit ability.

Then the shining light flow to Xin's mouth little by little until they can see that Xin's mouth shine bright.

System said, "That's enough, for now, host you can now transfer it to her orally"

Xin said to his mind, "System what orally?"

System said."Stupid host, you need to transfer it to her mouth, in other words you need to kiss her"

Xin shock he almost swallow the blood in his mouth, "Are you sure?"

System said, "You need hurry host Kuian is dying you don't need to think hard"

Xin then gathered his resolve and transfer the blood into the mouth of Kuina orally.

Zoro's face suddenly become red and he covered his face with his hands.

Koushirou lips twitch but he did not stop him because he knows that the thing in his mouth need to transfer to his daughter orally.

Xin transfer the blood to Kuina little by little he knows that he needs to do this because she was in a weak state.

System, "Continue this until she awake"

While doing this Kuina's eye was about to go dark but suddenly she feels that something warm touch her lips that transfer a liquid to her mouth unconsciously she swallow it little by little then afterward she fell that he gain some strength and she feel that his body start to warm up.

Koushirou notice that the blood from the wound of her daughter start to heal and her face starts to become red, he knows that this kid method is effective so he take Zoro out to let Xin concentrate in healing his daughter.

Kuina suddenly awake she sees Xin face close to her and his lips are touching her,

Suddenly her mind blank out she know that Xin only helping her to transfer something to his mouth, but still it was her first kiss.

(Writer: Tsk. Tsk . tsk oh youth)

After half an hour Xin stop transferring blood to her mouth he know that it was enough.

Then he noticed that Kuina i already awake her face is red like a tomato.

Xin smiled at her and said, "Your good now but you need to be careful for 3 days because your heart is still not totally heal but don't worry I will help you after i got enough rest"

Then Xin help her to stand, because she lost some blood she still bit daze.

Kuina embarrass said, "Xin do you know what did you do?"

Xin puzzle look at her, "I just help you heal, why?"

Kuina weakly said, "My father said that in his country that you can only kiss by your husband or fiance"

Xin amaze said, "Realy"

Kuina said seriously, "Now you kiss me without my permission …. Y-you need to take responsibility for me"

Xin smiled and said, "Okey ….. Then what kind of responsibility i need to take?"

Kuina murmur, "You need to... Ma-marry me ~ !"

Xin stun doesn't know what to do.

Kuina nod his head and grab Xin hand and said, "Come with me we need to talk to my father"

Then Kuina walking while dragging Xin, when they come in the main hall they see his father and Zoro.

Koushirou happy smile while his eyes are red and said, "Daughter you already alright i thought that you will leave me alone in this world."

Then he walked close to his daughter and hug her tightly he was nervous that her daughter left him.

Xin said, "She was still not fully recovered I need to heal her to recover for a couple of days"

Koushirou heard this he feel relieved i know that his daughter is out of danger.

Suddenly Kuina said seriously, "Father I want him to marry me"

Then she points to Xin.

Koushirou thought he has just misheard his daughter so he said, "What it is again? Can you repeat what you say, my daughter?"


Koushirou and Zoro was shocked,then Koushirou shout at Zoro, "ZORO GET MY SWORD IN MY ROOM FAST!!!!"

He then points his finger to Xin, "Kid i challenge you if i win don't ever come close to my daughter!"

Xin dumped in what happen he doesn't know how to react.


Ding ! You Complete World Quest: Change the Destiny 3

Ding ! You receive +70,000 exp

Ding ! You receive Flying Nimbus X1

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