

The Soukyoku is a large halberd that Gotei 13 uses at Soukyoku Hill to execute Shinigami who have severely broken the law.

Soukyoku is sealed by a number of thick ropes wrapped around its pole, which, piercing the ground, hold the halberd in place. During execution, the Kidō Corps unseals it, causing these ropes to unwind and shoot off away from the hill.

Right now, the Kido Corps start to unseal the gigantic halberd as the other shinigami is watching below that Soukyoku Hill.

"It's starting, be ready," Unohana whispered.

The other girls glance at each other and wait for the right time to strike, while the other Captain feels weird somehow.

They don't know why they felt like this as if something big was going to happen any minute, while the tension was in the air.

Shunsui felt weird and said," Nanau-chan, what's the matter? Are you scared?'

Nanao bows her head and murmurs," Captain…. If ever I try something really bad …. But i know I'm doing this for everyone...do you think I'm doing the right thing?..."

Shunsui chuckled and said," Even if you did something bad, don't worry I'm here for you, after all, I'm your uncle,"

Nanao looks at Shunsui's easy-going face and knows that he is not kidding even though he said it in a playful manner.

"If what you decide is right even if the majority feels it's wrong, I'm going to help you, don't worry, trust yourself, and trust me," Shunsui said while looking in front.

He felt that something really was going to happen, from his own suspicion from today's execution and for the other people who attended today.

Not only him but also the other, they felt that something really was going to happen, even Kenpachi excited looking at everyone, as if he knew that there was really something going to happen.

While Rukia slowly being pushed up to the support beams and the Soukyoku start to blaze in fire, Captain Yamamoto starts the rite.

The halberd that is engulfed by the fire starts to change into a firebird, blazing with fire like spiritual energy waiting for the last command.

"Kikou, this is the true form of the Spearhead of Soukyoku and the executioner of the grand penalty,"

"After it pierces through the criminal's body… the grand penalty ends."

Kikou "Firebird King". In this state, the Soukyoku's offensive and defensive power is said to be equivalent to that of a million Zanpakutō. As it pierces the victim, this power increases by tenfold and creates so much heat it vaporizes their soul.

The aura of Kikou can be felt by every single Soul in the Seireitei, from weak to strong, they felt the terror of the flaming bird.


The Kikou give the last cry and fly straight to Rukia who was held in the beam of the execution ground.

The others who waited below the execution ground then moved but before they could even move, a golden door appeared in front of them.

Inoue hurry said," This is my brother Kido, go inside fast, i know that he will deliver us up faster,"

All of them nodded and ran inside of the Dokodemo Door, and when they all went to the other side, they petrified seeing the gigantic bird below them.

"T-This!!" Ikakku felt dread seeing the Kikou underneath them, it seemed they appeared not in the top of the hill but in the top of the execution platform.

"Isn't this the Kikou!!" Yumichika felt dread seeing the flaming bird below them, he knows that they are done for if they are hit by that gigantic bird.

Not only him but also Hotaru and Kiyone become pale seeing the Kikou underneath them, they felt that they are all gone now.

Meanwhile, Miyaku only dazed for a couple of seconds and rushed to grab her Zampaktou ready to release it.

But there's someone even faster than her.

"Hinagiku, Lily, and Baigon"

"Santen Kesshun"

Inoue formed a gigantic triangular barrier in front of Rukia while they all landed on the top of the beam.

Each one of them grabs their weapon, activates their Fullbring, and ready themselves for the impact.

Shuno appears in front of Inoeu and hurriedly said," It's not enough you guys will be killed at this rate, try harder Inoue, try to heighten your feelings for your friend and our power will multiply!!"

Inoue tries to imagine while trying to heighten her feelings for her friends and her new allies, trying to protect them from this gigantic flaming bird.

The triangular shield ignorant suddenly expands and shines in gold color seeing this makes Shuno feel relieved.

He knows that the barrier is enough to defend against this monstrous spiritual energy in front of them.



The shield and Kikou collide with each other, the spiritual energy explodes in a different direction while the execution beam slightly shakes.

But still, they can see that Inoue successfully stopped Kikou's attack.

Rukai dazed looking at the golden shield in front of her, she did not expect that her friend would be the first one who appeared.

"Rukia-chan, we come to save you," Inoue cheerful said.

Rukai looks up and sees Ichigo, Inoue, Chad, Uryu, and other random shinigami standing on the top of the platform.

She felt that having friends like them who will help you in times of crisis felt fulfilled, you will feel that your choice is right at the end.

Yamamoto looked up and asked," Who are you?.... What are you doing here?... well never mind, you guys are idiotic to stand infrong of Kikou.."

All of them see the intense flame of Kikou is amplified, they feel that the next attack is more deadly than the previous one.

Inoue look in front and serious said," I can't stop the next attack, hurry to grab Kuchiki-san,"

"RUN!!" Rukia shouted.


But it's too late, the Kikou is already in front of them, there's no time to dodge at all.

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