
Baroque Works

"Want to attack me? Don't think about it, you will only hurt yourself." Xin said and took the card on the desk and started to shuffle it.

Xin took the card and threw it to one of the people who was sitting with them.

"The Killer '' Daz Bones codename was Mr. 1 a former bounty hunter and was the highest-ranked male Officer Agent. Devil Fruit Supa Supa no Mi"

He then took another card and threw it randomly.

"Bentham of the Wild, alias Mr. 2 Bon Kurei, an officer agent of Baroque Works and an Okama, Devil Fruit Mane Mane no Mi."

"Loan Shark" Galdino, alias Mr. 3, an officer agent of Baroque Works, Devil Fruit Doru Doru no Mi."

"Catcher-Killing" Babe, better known by his alias Mr. 4."


"And that's it."

"Y-You!" Bebe want to attack him when suddenly-


"Let's continue."

They did not even see how Xin attacked Bebe, even Crocodile only saw a slight movement from his finger, and before they could even react, Bebe was already embedded on the wall beside a Painting.

"Gem of the Border, better known by his alias Mr. 5, Devil Fruit Bomu Bomu no Mi."

"Poison Spider" Zala, better known by her alias Miss Doublefinger, was the second-highest-ranking female officer agent in the secret organization Baroque Works. As an officer agent, she was partnered with Mr. 1. She also used the alias of Paula while she acted as the owner of Spiders Cafe in Alabasta. Devil Fruit Toge Toge no Mi"

"Town-Collapser" Drophy, better known by her alias Miss Merry Christmas, an officer agent partnered with Mr. 4 who is idiotic enough to fight back. Devil Fruit Mogu Mogu no Mi."

"Courier" Mikita, more commonly known by her alias Miss Valentine, officer agent who was partnered with Mr. 5. Devil Fruit Kiro Kiro no Mi and it's a pretty good Ability."

"Thank you." Miss Valentine shyly said.

"Marianne, also known as the "Flag-Bearer of Freedom" and more commonly by her alias Miss Goldenweek, was an official agent of Baroque Works and the partner of Mr. 3.She is currently working as a painter at the new Spider's Cafe."

Xin looked at Marianne and said," You're a pretty good painter, you can find a good-paying job if you want money, why to choose to join this middle aged man and old woman?"

"I'm too lazy to find one so I chose the nearest job I can find," Marianne said while looking at Xin attentively.

Xin can clearly see that she is a lazy and laid-back persona; she also seems calm while her teammates are tense.

"So how did you know our information?"

"I have my own intelligence about your overall work so no need to think about it."

"World Government?"


".... Are you a Marine?"

"Do I look like one?"

"No," Miss. Valentine and Marianne said.

"Shut up! I'm not asking you two."

"...Yes…" 2x

"So who are you really boy?"

"It seems you don't remember me anymore, we already met once."

"Where? I can't remember anyone as dangerous as you, I don't even feel this kind of danger even when I face another prominent pirate out of the sea."

"Are you sure? Think carefully."

Crocodile starts to think about where he met this boy until he remembers the incident when he first got the title Shichibukai in the Marine Headquarters.

Seeing his face suddenly change, Xin smiled at him," it seems you remember it now."

All of them look confused at Crocodile who is sweating a lot, he is shaking while sitting while his face becomes pale.

"I-I feel that our organization doesn't h-have any problem right? Or did my men did a stupid thing to your organization." Crocodile is nervous.

"No, we don't have any problem with you, and besides, you're a Shichibukai, whatever you do is not our business."

Crocodile finally felt relief, he thought that some idiotic members Baroque Works did something idiotic to this person.

"I came here for a different reason."

"Ummmm G-Guild Master Fei, can i what why are you here?"

"A Request."

"A Request?" All of them.

"Wait a minute Croco-chan!! You said, ``Guild Master Fei?" Mr.2 confused.

All of them also want to hear it so they look at their boss to confirm their doubt.

Crocodiles look at Xin as if he is asking if he can tell them his true identity but Xin already talks first before he can even react.

"Hello everyone, I'm Xin Fei, Guild Master. Nice to meet you all."

"Nice to meet you." Mr.2, Miss. Valentine and Marianne politely said.

"So you're the infamous Xin Fei, the leader of the prominence Guild?" Mr. 1 said while looking attentive at him.

"The person who has 1.5 Billion Bounty in the Underground World," Mr.5 murmurs.

Zela whispered." Miss Goldenweek, can you paint so we can have a copy of his face."

Marianne who heard the whispered hurry take his equipment and start painting Xin, she also wants to paint him but she forgot it became of her laziness, thank goodness Zela asks her.

"So a request, can i heard what kind of request need for the leader of the Guild to come personally?"

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