
Ikaros Fall

With all of her might, Astraea drag her up to the sky.

Nymph hurry shout," Delta!!"

"Don't charge recklessly!!"

"Your opponent has the same capability as Alpha."

Nymph flies to chase them, while Chaos run at Ikaros and try to repair her.

Up in the sky Astraea and Milan were flying in top speed.

She angrily said," How dare you!!!"

"How dare you!!!"

"How dare you!!!"

"How dare you!!!"

Astraea is grabbing Melan's hand while dragging her in the sky, she is trying to get her master back.

Astraea shed tears while trying to take her master back.

She shared her arms to let Xin escape from her clutch.

Xin fall down from the sky, he almost hit into the ground thank goodness Nymph catch Xin in time.

Milan deploys Aegis to defend herself.

Astraea angry shout," Aegis!?"

"Even you deploy that won't help you!!"

Astraea sword materialized in her hand, she angry said," My Chrysaor .. can cut through your


She wields a super-oscillating photon blade called Chrysaor, which can even penetrate Ikaros' Aegis defense system.

Astraea attack her," I'll slice the likes of you ..INTO TWO!!"

Melon only stare at the incoming attack expressionless.

When Chrysaor hot Aegis, the Crysaor shared and break into small pieces.

Astraea and Nymph was shocked. They know how sharp Astraea Crysaor is but they didn't expect that it will break when it hit in Milan's Aegis.

Minos is laughing at them," I said this before .."

"The problem is the shell.."

"Melan uses a second-generation body"

"The strength is incomparable to the first generation.."

"In other words, Melan can safety bring out power that even the Uranus Queen could not"

Melan suddenly move and punch Astraea, Astraea hurry block her punch with her shield [Aegis L] but its all for naught.

Her shield shared in just one punch from Melan then the fist straight hit Astraea.

With one attack Astraea shield broke while she left heavy wounded.

Nymph can only stare at her, she doesn't have the ability to engage in heavy battles, she knows her capability.

Melan take out a dark bow called Apollon.

Apollon is a devastating bow. Its arrow is very destructive and can destroy a whole country. It was used to destroy the Tower of Babel. Ikaros used these to spam Synapse, when she was ordered to destroy the land. The land is so strong it was not unaffected by the Big Bang apparently let alone the elimination of the universe.

Nymph nervous stare at the arrow that pointing at them, she tries to use hacking to defend but she knows that this is not enough.

Minos ordered her," Melan... do it"

Melan release the arrow to destroy them, who taught that Ikaros suddenly appeared in front of her and use her body to protect them.

Ikaros said," Nymph ...please … take care of ..master.."

Ikaro uses her Aegis to enclose her and Milan so that the explosion from Apollon will be minimized.

Ikaros deploys her Aegis Shield to contain the ensuing explosion as with a massive burst of light, the arrow detonates inside of the shield, almost vaporizing the hapless Ikaros upon detonation.


Nymph and Astraea was shocked in what she did, they did not expect that Ikaros use her body to defend them.

When the smoke of the blinding explosion clears, the nearly naked body of the unresponsive Ikaros crashes down onto the grassy field,

Astraea run to check Ikaros injured, she try to wake her up," Ikaros-Senpai.."



Nymph sadly said," Variable Wing System Completely Destroyed …"

"System Damage 97%.."

Astraea hurry check Ikaros system.

Nymph continue," Self-Restoration Program ..Completely Inoperable...Alpha.."

"Type Alpha..Ikaros.."Nymph cry and said," Restoration..impossible.."

Astraea tears start to fall saying," That's a lie.."




Then she weep," Waaaa!!!!

Nymph sob, then they notice lot of presence flying closer at them.

Then they turn around, they see different kinds of Angeloid with same Variable Wing.

Nymph nervous said,"it's ..impossible.."

Astraea said," No this can't be.. It can't be.."

One of the Angeloid pin-down Astraea, she tries to fight back but the other Angeloid is stronger than her.


"Damn you .."

Nymph try to help her but the other Angeloid grab her and start to use Hacking at Nymph.

Nymph and Astraea helpless in front of the enemies they facing this time.


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