
Fire seed and The Thigh Goddess

'No reason to wait.' Cheon said to himself as he positioned himself near the waterfall he trained at and sat down with his legs crossed as he looked down at the red elemental seed in his hand, it was burning hot but it didn't hurt him.

Moments later Cheon ate the seed and immediately felt its effects. His body combusted into flames and a constant sense of burning surged through Cheon but only moments later the feeling disappeared leaving only the feeling of peace, it was a quick process but what Cheon was feeling now told him that it had worked.

Passivity was the best way to describe how Cheon felt about the element fire. Previously fire had been not necessarily a weakness to him but something like an annoying pest but now he felt nothing from it, it was as if fire had submitted to him and would no longer dare to pester him.

'Status.' Cheon said inwardly wondering if the seed had changed his status at all.


Name: Cheon Ma

 - Other Name(s): Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, Alucard, Kendrick, 

Title(s): True Noblesse Of The Night, Successor Of The Heavenly Demon Divine Cult, Medical Genius, 

Race: True Vampyre

 - Form(s): Physical, Dark Composition, 

Bloodline(s): Yun Family, Heretic God, 

Body(s): Fire Spirit Heretic Body, 

Age: 21

Martial Realm: First Rate

Breathing Art: The Tempered True Blossom, 

Body Art: The Heaven-Ward Soul Earthen Body, 

Energy(s): Heretic Qi, 

Unique Item(s): Sky Poison Pearl, Mirror of Samsara, 

Abilities: Telekinesis, Hemokinesis, Absorption, Mind Control, Enhanced Regeneration, Shapeshifting, Costume Change, Profound Handle [Dormant], 


New Body: The Fire Spirit Heretic Body, allows for complete control, immunity, and increased affinity to the corresponding elements.


'Amazing.' Cheon said internally as a smile spread across his face, he had gained the same thing Yun Che did from the Fire Elemental Seed despite not following the Profound path, it spoke volumes on how strong the Heretic Gods' Inheritance was.

- One day later -

"Hmm," Cheon hummed aloud after breaking away from his cultivation.

'I'll head toward the city now.' Cheon said inwardly before he stood up, let his wings out, and soared into the sky, he had a few things he wanted to get from the city, nothing important though.

'Where are you going?' Xin said curiously, she had been watching Cheon closely since he ate the seed.

'Back to the city, there's a few things I want to grab, and of course, I'll get you two some things.' Cheon replied before flapping his wings once causing him to shoot in one direction with extreme speed.

'I see.' Xin said before falling silent, she had many things she wanted to ask but held her tongue feeling that it wasn't the time yet.

After some time of flying Cheon arrived at the end of the forest and the entry of the city where he dropped from the sky and proceeded on foot only to enter the city a few moments later.

"The Angel returned." Cheon heard a masculine voice say from his left after he entered the city gates.

This was only the beginning of the talk people would have about Cheon after he entered the city but he wasn't bothered by that, it was common for people to talk as they were and he had a goal in mind anyway, his mind was on that instead of their idle gossip.

For the next few hours, Cheon made his way around New Moon City while 'purchasing' many things, and while he had only intended to get a few things, the two women who were within the Sky Poison Pearl had other plans, so a few things turned into way too many things.

"Thank you for your patronage!" The front counter worker said with a bow as Cheon left the store.

"Angel..." A feminine voice said from the building to the left of Cheon.

Finding the voice please, Cheon curiously looked in the direction the voice originated from and saw a beautiful woman. The woman had long brownish-black hair that was tied in a high pony-tail, an exquisite face that held a scowl but didn't diminish her beauty, grey and golden clothing that was a mix of armor and regular clothes, F-Cup breasts, and devastatingly alluring thighs and ass, she was a hell of a woman.

Image of the woman

"Lan Xueruo, he's handsome is he not?" The woman next to Lan Xueruo said.

'Lan Xueruo... I see.' Cheon said as he smirked at 'Lan Xueruo' causing her brow to twitch before he continued on his way but there was something special about the woman known as Lan Xueruo and only a few knew it, she wasn't actually named Lan Xueruo but instead Cang Yue, she was the seventh child of the Emperor and only Princess of the Blue Wind Empire.

'Let's get a map before I leave.' Cheon thought to himself not knowing the exact location of Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range, that's right, Cheon was planning on obtaining the Pheonix God's legacy.

After walking through the busy streets Cheon eventually stumbled across a stall run by an old woman and the stall just so happened to be selling maps, maps Cheon needed.

"How can I help you, young man?" The old woman asked me.

"Do you have a map that could guide me to Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range?" Cheon asked not caring for those who may be listening in on his conversation, it was free food and souls after all.

"I do." The old lady said before reaching under the table in front of him and after a few moments pulled out a paper that had directions to my destination, Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range.

"Here you are." The old lady said before handing Cheon the scroll so that he could inspect it.

"How much?" Cheon asked after looking over the map.

"100 Yellow Profound Coin." The old woman replied with a smile.

"Very well," Cheon replied before handing her the required amount of coins, while he could have used mind control to get it for free he didn't want to do it in the middle of the street, even if people didn't know something was off if was better safe than sorry so he opted to pay regularly instead.

"Thank you." The old woman said with a sweet smile after receiving the money.

Walking away from the stall Cheon began to make his way towards the exit of the city and soon arrived but before he could leave a familiar melodic voice sounded in his ears.

"Hey." A feminine voice said.

"Hmm?" Cheon hummed questioningly as he turned around.

'Cang Yue.' Cheon said inwardly as he looked at the woman he knew was Cang Yue but looked completely different than her canon counterpart, even the way she carried herself was different.

Just a glance was enough for Cheon to tell this Cang Yue wasn't as sweet and weak as she was in canon. This Cang Yue stood tall with a proud and confident expression on her face, her arms were crossed and she appeared as if she was annoyed with the current situation, in truth this Cang Yue reminded Cheon of a warrior instead of a princess but he wouldn't say he didn't like the difference.

"Do you need something?" Cheon asked the woman who was clearly interested in him but wasn't so lost in his appearance that she lost control of herself.

"I had something I wanted to say to you." Cang Yue said seriously as her scowl deepened, she was definitely a woman who scared many people away but Cheon liked her even more for that.

"What could you possibly have to say to a person you've never met?" Cheon said with an arched eyebrow as he looked at the woman who was much taller than most women, believe it or not, Cang Yue stood around 6'2" (or) 187cm, taller than many men.

"I heard about the groups of cultivators who tried to capture you, they were all True Profound Realm. Yet here you are, completely fine and none of them were seen again." Cang Yue said as she examined Cheon closely for even the slightest change in expression but got nothing which furthered her feelings about something being off with the 'Angel'.

"And?" Cheon questioned.

"A weak man couldn't get out of that situation safely which led to me believe that you have strength, strength that I need." Cang Yue said with some annoyance clear in her voice, but not toward Cheon but instead toward herself, it appeared that she was angry that she had to ask this of a random person instead of being able to handle it herself.

"I want to offer you an opportunity." Cang Yue said.

"An opportunity? What could you possibly offer me?" Cheon replied to Cang Yue with a smile.

"I can offer you direct entry to Blue Wind Profound Palace, countless treasures, and as much assistance in cultivation as you need." Cang Yue said seriously.

"Oh? And what's the price? Nothing is free." Cheon replied immediately, as he said, nothing is ever free.

"I simply want you to prove your strength to me, I'm looking for someone who can enter the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament, and as of now, you're the only one I've found who may have potential for some success." Cang Yue said as her body strained some, she didn't like doing this.

In truth, Cheon was quite amused by this situation, there were so many ways the situation she had heard of him from could have been misconstrued and made out to be what it wasn't, yet here she was seeking him out on a whim and when she clearly didn't want to, it was easy to tell she was grasping at straws.

"You're an interesting woman," Cheon said to the warrior-like woman with a smirk, inwardly he wanted to tease her but decided against it, after all, they had just met.

"Are you sure you wish to place your hopes on a man you know little to nothing about?" Cheon asked curiously.

"I have no choice." Cang Yue replied immediately as she stared into Cheon's eyes with a mix of emotions brewing inside of her.

"You're taking quite the risk, I like that," Cheon said with a genuine smile which dazed the woman slightly but despite that he was right, Cang Yue was taking a huge risk, but it was for the best, after all, Cang Yue cultivated The Monarch Heart Secret Art which peered into the fate and luck of others.

'She used The Monarch Heart Secret Art just as she did to Yun Che.' Cheon said inwardly, the only reason she would have approached him like this was because she saw he had extraordinary fate and luck.

'I did plan on entering the tournament anyway.' Cheon said inwardly as he debated whether he should accept her offer or not.


To be continued…