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Rise of the Disgraced Heir

They lost everything, their money, their fame, their influence, but this will not be the end. Ian Lim was born the heir to one of the nation’s richest and most powerful families, but that title was now long gone. After betrayal, illness, and sheer bad luck plagued his family, Ian lost everything. When one misfortune after another hit the Lim family the golden prince became the fallen prince, from servants attending to his every need he was now a servant himself. As the true colors of the people around him came to the surface, Ian swore revenge. One day, like a phoenix, he would have the Lim family rise back up again. And everyone that ever looked down at him, would get their just deserts. ____________________________________________________________________________ “Why are you doing this?” The imposing man in front of him asked. Ian could feel the power and authority radiating from him, he was clearly someone important. “You didn’t have to save her, and you are clearly drinking for a reason, so why help?” “Does it matter?” Ian hissed, he wasn’t in the mood to bow down to some rich man. He had enough on his plate today to care. He was surprised when the man suddenly laughed. Ian was expecting this man to have him thrown out, not to be amused by what he had just said. “I like you.” The intimidating figure finally spoke. Ian couldn’t help but look up at him in curiosity, most powerful men didn’t like being talked back to. “Marco, get his details. I see a future for this one.” For some reason Ian knew at that moment that his life would change, that he would no longer need to settle for rich kid’s scraps. Something about this man’s words seemed like a promise to help. ____________________________________________________________________________ In a world where the poor just get poorer, and the rich get richer, can Ian go against the tide and rise again? Can he fight the disgrace and shame his family faced when they were thrown out and shunned? Can the disgraced heir rise again and take back what was taken from him?

wounded_warrior · Realistic
204 Chs

The Prodigy of the Hidden World

There is an unseen side to this world. A world beneath the one we know, aptly named the Hidden World. A world filled with magic and the mystical. Beneath layers of rock and stone, of dirt and dust, the Hidden World is where magic and the magicians thrive. The mundane world, untouched by magic and the arcane, was of no interest to them, up until a disaster that took place fifteen years ago, revealing the hidden truth to humanity. Now, the mundane world is slowly adjusting to the existence of magic and the otherworldly as wildmagic runs rampant, threatening to kill and destroy. Magic schools have opened up, and children are encouraged to learn magic. Two students enrol at Fawn's Magic Academy – two people who don’t seem ordinary at all. Iris Yotsura, heir to the most powerful of the Three Clans, has little magic if any. Her father, the Master of the clan, has sent her to a prestigious magic academy in the mundane world, hoping a new method to unlock her powers could be discovered in this once-useless place. And as her guardian, Aether Yotsura is chosen. Regarded as nothing more than a worthless servant to the Yotsura clan by the uninitiated, he accompanies her in this journey to the mundane world. Though his presence is not enough to stop the attempts at Iris’ life, his sense of duty will not allow him to fail, no matter what. Bound to the Yotsura clan by an oath of blood, and his powers under lock and key, Aether must do his best with this limited form to protect Iris as well as the school itself. And wait. Wait for the opportunity to break free of the chains that bind him. * * * Be advised that the Protagonist is rather powerful. If you really dislike OP protagonists, this might not be for you. * * * This is my submission for the 2021 Webnovel Spirity Awards.

Dweia · Fantasy
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248 Chs

the day of the apocalypse

Do you want to win money, women and Fame? ✅❎ download this app. ( QUEST GAMES ) And everything will be within reach of a "clip" by performing simple tasks you will get everything you have dreamed of..... Now It was the spam ad Dante receives after surfing the web on the computer screen. Desperate to want more than that $5. Every Sunday, Dante decides to try this mobile game and participate in the different Quests. [ WELCOME TO QUEST GAMES ] Complete the following daily quests [ run x 5 km, reward $500 ] ✅❎ [ spanking sister, reward $100 ] ✅❎ [ bathroom spy reward $200 ] ✅❎ [ jerk off reward $300 ] ✅❎ At first, like any game, Quests are easy to do and even to be seen as perverted and absurd., but what will happen when the stakes go up to the next level? Perhaps Dante will refuse to carry them out or how far he will be able to go, when the reward is greater amounts or the best technological advances. the coveted Biochips because in this world, the best technology is a sign of status but above all a sign of power or perhaps money is the perfect excuse to satisfy your desires -- -- ☠️ it's just for and to have fun for that +18 This novel will have explicit content "NO NETORARE" pure "NETORI" and a little perverted love ☠️ ⚠️ If you are offended by this type of content, please do not read. ⚠️ ☠️This story is set in an imaginary world where the places and characters are fictitious, any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental.☠️

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10 Chs

King Prodigio Inmortal

Alex King era un estudiante universitario regular que tuvo problemas con el dinero para pagar la matrícula, porque tenía que trabajar para pagar los gastos médicos de su madre. En un giro del destino, conoció a Lucy Williams, la orgullosa hija de la familia Williams. La familia Williams estaba planeando el matrimonio entre ella y el heredero de la familia Robinson, Edward Robinson. Lucy en un intento de acabar con los planes de su familia, contrato a Alex para ser su esposo falso, y así no preocuparse más por la familia Robinson. Todo esto los meterá en un montón de problemas de los cuales no será fácil librarse. Con su madre en el hospital, y la familia Robinson y Williams obstaculizándolo, Alex la tendrá difícil por un tiempo. Sin embargo, todo eso cambió después de que se encontró a un extraño vagabundo en el parque y descubrió que le había otorgado el "El poder del conocimiento profundo". Su vida cambió a partir de este momento. Su mente y su cuerpo cambio drásticamente. Cada cosa que había vivido en sus 20 años, ahora se amalgamaba de tal forma que aumento su nivel en todas las áreas de su vida. Aprender nunca había sido tan fácil y, como dice el dicho, el conocimiento es poder. En este caso, ahora tenía acceso a una tonelada de poder desenfrenado. ¿Qué se siente convertirse en un "prodigio" de la noche a la mañana? Sigue a Alex King en este viaje para descubrir las posibilidades ilimitadas ...

EverAAlvaradoF · Fantasy
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35 Chs