
One Piece: The Demon

Sebastian, just your typical guy from our world, suddenly found himself thrust into the vibrant and exhilarating world of One Piece. But, of course, there had to be a twist. Sebastian's transmigration landed him in the body of a greenhorn pirate within the formidable crew of Kaido, the infamous Beast Pirates. But that's not all; this pirate had a peculiar Devil Fruit power – the Bat Fruit. With it, he could morph into an ordinary, run-of-the-mill bat. But here's where the tale takes an unexpected turn. Sebastian was granted a system, a shining beacon of hope in a world filled with formidable Devil Fruit users. As he delved deeper into the system's secrets, a whole new realm of power unfolded before him.

Lotus_Lover · Anime et bandes dessinées
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36 Chs

Black Winged Demon!

When Ulti heard Page's words, it triggered a sudden realization. The mention of Sebastian's abilities brought to mind the extraordinary potential he possessed. Just a few days ago, Sebastian had never revealed his true self during training, masking his remarkable talents. This revelation shook Ulti, almost making her forget that Sebastian was, in fact, an extraordinary individual.

With a thoughtful look, she murmured, "I recall his ability is related to bats, a rather common Zoan ability. Even when transformed, its physical strength doesn't see much enhancement." Her words flowed out without much conscious thought, like a quiet stream in the forest.

Bat-themed abilities might not boast immense physical strength, but what set them apart were their incredible speed and unique sonic abilities.

Their conversation, not exactly whispered, traveled beyond their little circle and reached the ears of Queen, the imposing leader of the group.

Queen's gaze locked onto Sebastian, but it wasn't the power of a Devil Fruit he was interested in; he looked beyond the fruit's surface. After all, possessing a Devil Fruit ability didn't guarantee a fearsome fighter.

Queen inquired, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity, "Can you demonstrate the true extent of your Devil Fruit's power?"

Sebastian nodded in response, his eyes gleaming with a mix of anticipation and determination. He was eager to unleash the might of the Black Winged Demon.

As Queen's request hung in the air, the senior member of their group couldn't help but turn his head towards Queen, his eyes shimmering with a yearning desire. He tried to make a plea, "Boss Queen, could we perhaps find someone else?"

Queen's response was curt and resolute, "No."

The tall cadre, resigned to his fate, couldn't help but feel a tinge of regret. Sebastian already possessed a staggering 9,000 powers in his normal state. The thought of what that power could become after using his Devil Fruit ability was enough to send shivers down his spine.

Bracing himself for the impending display, the tall cadre tightened his defenses, held his breath, and said, "Alright, go ahead! Show us your full strength!"

Then, it happened—a deafening boom resonated through the air. The once clear, blue sky transformed into a canvas of dark, swirling clouds, and thunder rumbled in a symphony of raw power.

A shroud of intense darkness descended, casting the ground below in an eerie blackness. Pirates, caught off guard, raised their heads in alarm, wondering at the strange phenomenon. "What's happening? Black rain is falling from the sky!"

The overwhelming aura emanating from Sebastian's transformation made breathing a daunting task, as if an immense weight pressed down on their shoulders. Tremors and a profound sense of fear gripped those who witnessed the scene. It felt as though malevolent creatures were concealed within the tumultuous dark clouds, ready to break free and bring destruction to the world.

"He's done it! Look at his form!" cried a pirate, pointing towards Sebastian, who stood on the stage.

Sebastian had undergone an astonishing metamorphosis. Enormous, pitch-black wings sprouted from his back, resembling the wings of a demon. His attire had also undergone a radical transformation; he now wore a white one-piece robe and a helmet with two menacing horns. His hands had become claw-like, and his eyes exuded an icy indifference, as if the lives of others meant nothing to him. Even in the face of death, his demeanor remained unaltered.

The tear stains beneath his eyes added a mysterious element to his appearance, making him seem like an embodiment of death and despair, evoking terror in all who beheld him. To some, seeing Sebastian was akin to encountering death itself.

In this transformation, two distinct abilities became apparent to Sebastian: Cero and Void, further deepening the enigma surrounding him.

Cero, a potent technique wielded by Menos Grande and their advanced counterparts, channels one's Reiatsu, releasing it instantaneously in a devastating flash. However, in this world, devoid of Reiatsu, Sebastian harnessed his raw physical strength to unleash Cero, augmenting its might by shrouding it in Armament Haki for an even more formidable attack.

False Bullet bears a resemblance to Cero but boasts twentyfold swifter speed, albeit with reduced power. Its velocity is astonishing, and when unleashed in rapid succession, it can form an eight-foot Qionggouyu assault reminiscent of Kizaru's prowess. The key distinction lies in the energy type: Kizaru's Bachi Qiong Gouyu emits myriad golden energy projectiles, whereas Sebastian's False Bullets are composed of dark, shadowy energy.

"Absolutely remarkable," Sebastian mused silently, awestruck by the immense power at his fingertips.

In this state, his overall strength surged tenfold. The transformation brought about by his system-modified Black Wing Demon was nothing short of extraordinary, even in its nascent stage.

Queen battled to suppress the turmoil in his heart. The pervasive sense of desperation weighed on him, and had it not been for his pride, he might have gasped for air.

This was no ordinary Zoan ability; of that, he was now certain. Queen vividly recalled the thin, tall pirate who had misled him just two days earlier, insisting that Sebastian possessed nothing more than an ordinary Zoan bat fruit. This, however, was no ordinary bat.

The wingspan alone was an undeniable testament to the supernatural. These were the wings of a demon, a Phantom Beast of unparalleled stature. Even Kaido's imposing blue dragon form paled in comparison.

His unfriendly gaze settled upon the thin, tall pirate by his side, who now found himself trembling under Queen's intense scrutiny.

Despair gnawed at the pirate's heart; he genuinely believed he had told the truth. Back then, Sebastian had indeed possessed a bat fruit. He had witnessed Sebastian's transformation, which had been utterly unremarkable compared to this colossal spectacle.

Meanwhile, down below, Ulti playfully pinched Page, who winced in discomfort.

Ulti whispered, "Honestly, I thought I was seeing things."

Page responded with a hint of sarcasm, "Sis, if you think you're hallucinating, do you need to pinch yourself, or should I offer my arm for that privilege?"

"Sis, didn't you claim he had an ordinary Zoan bat fruit? This doesn't look like a bat; those wings are more akin to a legendary demon's."

"Such a commotion over a transformation... it's truly spine-chilling!"


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